Suggest a fabric/site and a GIVEAWAY!

I was lucky enough to find this super cute French Provincial style sofa for $125 on Craigslist a couple days ago. Its an old piece, but in great shape! Although it was re-upholstered about 6 years ago, I cannot deal with the dated fabric + it has some cat hair on it, which I'm VERY allergic to!

My mission is to find a fabric that isn't going to run me a million bucks & still look GREAT!

I'd like to take my time so I can find the best deal on a fabric & still have it suite my space. Yesterday, I surfed the web & came up with these top 10 fabrics below. I would be happy with either of these I'm sure, but am still undecided. The colors in my family room are mostly reds, pinks & blues. All these fabrics are from either J Caroline Creative OR Contemporary Cloth.
Its not set in stone yet so that is where you all come in.

I'd LOVE to get some suggestions in selecting fabric for this sofa, please, please, please leave your comments on deals you know about, fabrics you think would look better, (also consider coloring the wooden frame), or maybe an interior designer who can hook me up with a wholesale price. (Ok shhh, email me on that. ha!)

GIVEAWAY FOR YOUR SUGGESTION: if I select the fabric you suggested I'll give you a free print (of your choice) OR 6 cards (of your choice) from my shop!! So, go ahead please leave your comments. What fabric would you recommend?? What sites?? Looking forward to reading them! Thanks.

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Thanks to all these Lovely bloggers

For featuring some of my work on their sites! I'm very grateful! Please visit their blogs for some great blogging! Also, if we haven't linked up and you'd like to, please email me.

*Above from Brides Little White Book Blog.

*Above Annette from Swanky Tables.

*Above from Polka Dot Bride.

*Above Liana from Mixed Plate Blog.

*Above Sara from Que Sara Sara!

*Above Christine from Happy Green Blog.

*Above Dina from Grombaben Blog.

*Above Kylie from All Things Lovely

*Above Kimberlee from Brown Button Blog.

*Special thanks to Apartment Therapy for adding my white dresser to the NEW rookmarks portion of their site!

*Above from Candy Colored Buddha.

*Above Natalie from Mormon in Manhattan.
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One of my favorites..Nama Rococo

If you're into unique and interesting wallpaper like I am, take a look at Nama Rococo's site. They have some of the most BEAUTIFUL and intricate wallpaper you'll ever see! I find that one of the nicest places to place wallpaper would be in a dining area or behind a bed. What I find so special about these papers are that they can be framed as single sheets! LOVE that! Did you know Nama Rococo means "Raw" in japanese?? Interesting! Hope everyone has a fun & fulfilling weekend!

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Inspiring you once again with...

House to Home UK is a website that features many images of some of our favorite magazines. My favorite being Living Etc., which I wish I had a subscription to! Anyhow, I was emailed info about House to Home and I wanted to share some of these images with all of you. Hopefully, these images will inspire you if your on the verge of decorating a room or just looking for ideas. Great site, with many images that you can actually view at a reasonable size! Love that feature! Go here for more.

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For a good laugh....

Whether you've heard of artist Alison Jackson or not, her portraits are undoubtedly unique. You see, Jackson has never shot the celebrities who appear to be in her photos. She uses look-alikes to pose in all kinds of embarrassing or paparazzi worthy poses! Mocking public figures from Madonna to President Bush as you can see below. My favorite is the one with Madonna & her newly adopted baby boy. Which did you enjoy? You can see more of her work via her site.

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So Bitchy

I don't know if I'd do the whole bitchy dresser in my home at this point in my life, but it sure caught my attention! The mugs on the other hand, would be great when guests came over if we all wanted a good laugh. Loving all these COLORS.

*Dresser image from here
*image of mugs from here.
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Glimpse into Kanye's home...

I find it interesting and quite revealing visiting a person's home for the first time. Often times you will see what they display, are the items they value most in life. But no matter what, one thing is certain, you will get a great feel for another person from the pictures that hang on their walls to the books they read. I found these photos a few months ago in Interior Design Magazine of rapper, Kanye West's home in California. I thought the artwork in his home really stood out and was totally unexpected.

Do you think the interior of a home can reveal a lot about a person?

*Speaking of homes, I did a post awhile back displaying some interior spaces in my home, you can catch a glimpse here.

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My Links...

If anyone wants to exchange links with me, shoot me an email at: I'm looking to ADD more interesting blogs, especially international blogs! Please let me know when you've added my link, so I can add you as well. Looking forward to hearing from you! 

NOTE: I'd like to add blogs that post 'at least' 4 times a week.

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