Bits of my week

At home with Living Etc. new issue- my fave mag.

above, beautiful worship at my church- Liberty Church

above, the most amazing food emporium in NYC on 59th & 1st - look at these ceilings!

Walking the NYIGF was pretty cool, always fun! This year I brought both my assistant & my mom.

dad & I walking in Manhattan on his birthday...

A large commission I did recently - looks very similar to the painting I made for our living room. This one above shipped to a client in Norway!
Interested in a commissioned painting? email me.

Black doors - a dream come true.

My dad took this shot above - he told me to stand in the phone booth until he snapped a picture. It was too funny when I finally saw the photo. My dad is unusually creative...

my dream townhouse, situated conveniently not too far from my own place.

shot from the cab - sunday morning.

 one of my husband's favorite things to eat, pot stickers. He made these for me, so delicious. I think he'll be posting recipe on his blog soon!


Carl shultz park with my girl!

Dessert my husband made- yum!

-images by jen ramos & dad



  1. Your hubby makes you dumplings??? I am majorly jealous! I love your collage of NYC and that nail polish especially. Perfect for fall!

  2. Very fun! That food emporium looks amazing!! xo

  3. what a fun recap! cracked up at that photo taken by your dad! very creative indeed! and LOVE those turquoise chairs with the leopard print! fab!

  4. Looks like a fantastic weekend! I love the picture your dad took---too funny! Can't wait for the pot stickers recipe.

  5. what an incredible food emporium!! i've never seen this!

  6. ahhh! i loved this post. some great shots, and so nice to see your family! shari

  7. Love the photos. I'm flying to NY on Thursday - cant wait :)

  8. I adore every bits of your week! glad to stroll around new youk city thru your blog. I die for the townhouse that you love! beautiful facade and at the heart of the city! wish you to have one someday!<3

  9. I HAVE to visit that food emporium!!! IT looks like heaven!

    I went to the Chelsea Market this past weekend where I died and went to heaven for a short while.

  10. So many yummy photos...and others I won't eat as much. hehehe.

  11. I always look forward to your pictures! I am so jealous your man makes you dumplings and dessert! He's a keeper! I'm also obsessed with the painting you did!


  12. ooooooh everything looks so great and COOL!!!
    I wanna come back to NYC soon! SOON!!! :)

    Your dog is such a cutie, and tell your dad that is a crazycool picture!! :)

  13. Lovely Pics! that black lamp with leopard print ahhh give me! haha

    Steph x

  14. Living Etc. is the best, isn't it?!

  15. Living etc. is my favorite magazine, too! I didn't know anyone else who reads it. Love your photos.

  16. I feel famous! My arm made your blog! And now I'm hungry after all those great photos. ;)

    Have a WONDERFUL week Jen!

  17. I feel famous! My arm made your blog! Haha. And now I'm hungry after all those amazing photos.

    Have a WONDERFUL week Jen!

  18. Love that your dad had that idea for a pic. Too cute!
    Dang. Your hubby makes pretty food. I swear I would be 500lbs if I were you. Ha!

  19. Wow - that's one very fun-packed week! Looks like a blast! All that food...goodness, I'm so jealous. :)
    CoverGirl + Converse

  20. JENN: Haha - sorry about that pic, was trying to squeeze a quick shot and apparently missed most of the band. Hope you're having a good day thanks!

  21. MELANIE: Yea, he def knows how to make dumplings. They are super good too! He should be posting recipe on his blog soon...they're pretty cool to make for guests as well!

  22. Your dad is so funny! Jen you are beautiful!!!!!

  23. How lucky to have a husband that makes you such delicious food! I want some of it. The photo booth picture made me laugh, so funny!

  24. Looks like SO much fun!! I am pretty much obsessed with that cheetah chair...way unique!

    Brighton Keller

  25. Oh my! Too many good photos (especially the one your dad took, so funny)! I can't wait to try to make your hubby's dumplings! the food emporium looks like an awesome place to shop. I wish there was a place like that here in St. Pete!

    Love & Whimsy

  26. That 'Steel' nail polish is amazing and I love your artwork. In that same photo there's a black lamp with gold on the inner shade. I don't know if that's yours or the client's but that subtle detail is gorgeous!

  27. MICHAELA: Hey - glad you asked. that lamp is in my living room, its by Jonathan Adler - I love it!

    You can find it here:

  28. love those leopard chairs! great photos!

  29. I love pot stickers too - looks like another great week in the Big Apple! ;-))

  30. lucky you!!!what a weekend and your photos are amazing!!

  31. Jen, you lead a lovely life. Love seeing photos of your week, especially the food photos from your hubby! Went on his food blog the other day and can't believe the awesomeness!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  32. I love your blog with lots of inspiration, and I would also like to have been in your church.
    Warm regards from Maliva in France

  33. Great Week indeed!

  34. What a great weekend, specially with family and man. Love living etc, look on page 26, my wooden knobs are being featured, we are having new colours made in black, gold, silver and bronze will send you photos son in case you would like to feature them.

  35. Great photos. Make me want to live in N.Y. And your boxer is super adorable, I miss mine so much...Boxers are the best. Loving those leopard chairs. Xo

  36. My aunt lives three blocks south of that Food Emporium. I love going in there! :)


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