Toronto Designer Jacquelyn Clark ..(Via Made by Girl)

For all those of you based out of Toronto, Canada... I want to introduce a talented, young Interior Designer named Jacquelyn Clark who also runs a blog called Lark & Linen. Jacquelyn is passionate about her work, which is a great recipe for success if you ask me. 

I'll let her describe a bit about herself and her design style (in her own words):
"I aim to provide spaces that simply make people happy. Spaces that people are excited to come home to. I love the mixture of elements - a little old, a little new... things that are a little unexpected, but still liveable and useable. Ones that invite people to come in, sit down, take their shoes off and stay a while. I love design in all shapes and forms; I always have and I always will.  I live and breathe it day in and day out."  

 Soooo in love with this blue & white powder room! I also like the yellow accents...

images via lark and linen

Are you an Interior Designer?? Do YOU have an interesting portfolio?? 

Shoot me an email here, if I like what I see, I may just post your work on the blog for all my readers to see!



  1. that eiffel tower photo is gorgeous!!

  2. Love the idea of a bold wallpaper for the bathroom!

  3. LOVE the Eiffel Tower canvas. Gorgeous!

  4. I love Jacquelyn's style! Way to represent Canada, girlie.

    That wallpaper is fantastic!

  5. Thanks for sharing her work! I will have to check out her blog. I live in Niagara Falls, about an hour and a half away from Toronto and I love finding Canadians who love design.

  6. Love the powder room!!!!!!! great to see Canada represented :-)

  7. I love Jacquelyn- she is ridiculously talented!! xo

  8. WOW! Thanks Jenn for introducing us all to Jacquelyn!! Amazing work! I love that she carries the accents of yellow throughout! AND who couldn't fall headover heels in love with eiffel tower print!?

    xoxo- Tiffany

  9. wow! what fantastic spaces. i especially love the blue wallpaper in the first space!!

  10. Jen! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This made me insanely happy (capitalize, underline, bold). You're so sweet <3

  11. I am soooo falling back in love with wallpaper.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  12. I love all the touches of pale yellow & that effiel tower is perfect!! What style this lady has! =)

  13. What a great style- she had me at 'Eiffel Tower'!!

  14. Wow, SO dreamy. I *really* want to live there!!

  15. Also adore the powder room - the wallpaper is amazing! And the large Eiffel Tower - just makes the space!!

  16. Love seeing the IKEA Eiffel Tower canvas!

  17. Oh wow, you are so right about that powder room. It's stunning! That yellow simply "makes" it

  18. Love their use of patterns, brilliant!

  19. great job - love the white loopy coffee table and modern style rocking chair! looks super comfy...

  20. She has a very interesting work. I like specially the first pictures.

  21. Thanks for introducing me! I love learning about local interior designers! And I love her work!


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