1. Congrats Jen!!! Looking forward to it...

  2. great interview and thanks for introducing me to siren mag. i had no idea there was a magazine out there that mixed "christian faith" & design! great concept!

    i also didn't know you were a fellow believer. it's definitely encouraging to know that you can have a strong christ centered foundation, incorporate it into your design/work life and still succeed without prejudice. ^^

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have so many great things going. I cant wait to see what the new year has in store!


  4. Great feature!


  5. I enjoyed your interview though of course the first comment after it made me laugh. When will people understand art is wonderful and nudity is not an offense to God??

  6. Jen,
    I SO admire you for being a woman of faith and a talented and driven business woman. Siren is really cool! I can't wait to check out the rest of the site. Also, with Thanksgiving upon us, I am thankful for the inspiration, thoughts, and experiences you share every week with all of your readers out there. :)
    Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels,

  7. Oh Congratulations on being interviewed for the magazine! I'm going to read your article right now! I love your dress in that photo! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  8. Great Interview Jen! Loving your advice as always!!



  9. Congratulations!! That's exciting, thanks for sharing.

    Hope the kitchen is going well. We got our cabinets sprayed a light cream that were similar colour to yours and they looks great!!

    I just posted some before and after of vintage chairs.

  10. Miss Fifi: that is the same person that leaves nasty comments on my blog ( we delete them).
    I find it interesting how quick she is to judge, yet she condemns me over a painting. Let God be the judge...

  11. Jen. Congrats on the interview and Thank you so much for the mention...and thanks for introducing me to SIREN mag. Now a fan for sure!

    God bless you sweets. xoxo

  12. GRETCHEN: Aww Thank you so much, have a great Thanksgiving too! :)

  13. Hello lovely Jen!! Congrats on the siren interview ;) It makes we wonder, have you heard of spoonful? We've just come out with issue 3, and it's all about happiness... may be up your alley ;)



  14. Interesting. Progressive Christian you say? Hmmm... I guess I'll check this out...

  15. What a great interview Jen! I love that you Lord too, makes admiring you that much better.

  16. THEA: No i havent heard of it, but i'll check it out thank you! :))

  17. Jen!
    Congratulations! What a nice interview! You have inspired me when talked about running your own business, about the initial insecurity and specially when you say that HE is guiding you! Congratulations again, I became your fan! By the way, I'm always here, but I rarely comment ...

  18. THAIS: Thank you for your sweet comment, is sooo nice to hear and know others have the same belief :) Happy thanksgiving!

  19. Congrats, Jen! Great interview. It's so cool that you are a sista'. God bless. xo

  20. Congrats and thanks for the mag tip. Who knew...


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