1. I have a friend who swears by this site. I must check it out.

  2. they have a us site as well thats been open for several months now..great stuff...the jackets are usually sick!

  3. I know it's such a great site! The best part is that they opened a store in NY - finally. I'm hoping for one in LA next! ;)

  4. I have a lot of clothes from topshop: some of them from London, and some of them from second hand shops: they are the most popular brands in second hand shops here, in Hungary.

  5. they opened a shop in soho on april 4th. there is still a line around the block to get in.

  6. I grew up with Top Shop being a wardrobe staple...it's similar to H&M but extremely current with "NOW" fashions...they'll try to immitate a look from the catwalks for a fraction of the price...If you ever go to London...the best Top Shop is on Oxford Street!

  7. Its still a mad house over there (NY - Top Shop)
    I am waiting for it to calm down.

  8. I'm a total blog stalker (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog) and just wanted you to know that Miley Cyrus just twittered about this shop this morning. Now, I'm a 31-year-old mother of 3 and yes I do follow her on twitter. Why? Who knows...I'm a dork :)

  9. Oh, that's a super cute site....I'll have to check it out when I have more time..

  10. Love the first one!

  11. I used to LOVE Topshop when i was living in the UK. Sadly, me being the tight-arse I am, the prices are a bit exy for me now I'm back in Oz, what with the dismal state of the dollar.
    But I do love those bags. Maybe it's time to break the Topshop drought.

  12. TO EVERYONE who mentioned that TOP SHOP had a store in NYC....wow! I did not know this.
    Pretty insane to think they have a line that long though....well, that's what you get for affordable prices.

  13. Topshop is the best! Probably my favorite store ever. I got some killer shoes at the new NYC outpost last week...

  14. JULIE:
    Haha your comment made me laugh...that's funny.
    I can't say I follow Mylie...not a fan. ; )

  15. Love Top Shop... I enjoy going to London just to sniff in Top Shop for hours! I don´t know anyone in Europe who hasn´t heard about it or who hasn´t got a piece of TP hanging in their closet... I´ll be back for some more Top Shopping in June! :)

  16. Went to the new Topshop in nyc. The prices were outrageous for the quality! Americans are paying almost 2x what everyone else pays. I didn't check out the bags though...

  17. I've got the most fab coat from there. It's black wool, tight at the waist and totally flairs out like a skirt to the hips. Have I worn it? Uh, no...but I will!

  18. I've never shopped online from Topshop because we have the shop in Kuwait. I'm surprised it took so long for the U.S to find out about it. We've had it for several years now (and we're in the Middle East! LOL)


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