Hand Job...A catalog of Type

I'm such a fan of TYPOGRAPHY! This weekend I'll be buying Mike Perry's " A Catalog of Type Hand Job." I swear, that title stopped me dead in my tracks when I first saw it! Ha! It's an older book, so I can't believe I don't it. For those of you who aren't familiar, it contains work by 55 of some of the most talented freehand typographers! Enjoy your weekend!


Photos above by Hijiri.

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  1. HA! I'd buy it just for the name!!! Happy Weekend!

  2. interesting title!! I guess it gets people to look :)

  3. Have a wonderful weekend as well,and thank you for another great recommendation :)

  4. best title ever! i'm a sucker for typography as well-- must get this! have a lovely weekend :)

  5. I am still spewing coffee on the title... Have a fabulous weekend darling.

  6. Clever title. No better way to get people to look at your book then making them do a double take when they see it on the shelf.

  7. haha love the name! looks like such a fun book! i need to get myself more design inspiration books like this.

    by the way I have started up a new design blog http://quirkybirddesign.blogspot.com/
    I hope you get the chance to have a look!

    x from

  8. what a fabulous find -- I think that title would stop anyone in their tracks! ha!

  9. That book looks niiiiiiiice!

    I love looking at pretty fonts too.

  10. Ohhh I'll have to check it out! Thanks for passing it along.

  11. don't get me started on typography... love, love, love it. it's a completely different art form isn't it? I lack the requisite patience to be a font designer...but can't stop drooling over the work of others! :)

  12. The title is a head-turner!

    Fonts are becoming the new paintings don't you think?

  13. I too have a weakness for font... Lovely work! And yes, the title is great.

  14. I've spent hours pouring over my copy. You're going to love it!

  15. looks like one of those inspiring books!

  16. Beautiful, need to get my hands on one!

  17. It's a brilliant title. My friend asked her boyfriend to get it for her birthday... think definite proof that he loves her that he went and got her a 'hand job'!

  18. amazing - I know someone who would love this book, and not just for it's title haha


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