This was too fun to pass by...

Ok, this isn't my Chase receipt, but I did live in New York city on first avenue & have visited this bank.  I remember on a few occasions when someone would leave their Atm receipt I'd look at the balance. Is that weird? I was just curious....I wanted to know how well off or broke I was in comparison to the person ahead of me in line. 

However, this receipt came from one of my favorite blogs Carolyn . Anna and I have to say, from all my curious days peeking at receipts I never came across this amount! I think the highest was $95,000.  I don't think this guy is worrying much about the economy, or is he?  Ha! Happy Holidays.



  1. Wow, amazing....I love how colorful and cheery your blog is, Jen! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Ok I am jealous,seriously jealous.

  3. Where did you find my Chase receipt??


  4. I have done this, only i feel really sneaky, and am sure i look sneaky sneaking it into my purse and taking a peek further down the road, only to be dissapointed not to find anything as interesting.

  5. Teehee, he/she probably had a lot more in the bank before the economic craziness! I've never looked at other peoples receipts before, but I have played "Who makes the most amount of money in this room?" It's fun to guess peoples jobs and salaries, especially at work functions :D Mr. Unreliable and I also have competitions as to who can find the most expensive item in a store...I always win because it's usually the piece I love the most :D

  6. Damn!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOO jealous right now, looking at that receipt!! Hmph!

  7. Girl, I'm literally just staring at this receipt and shaking my head! This is so unfair! lol!

  8. man, it would be nice to have that amount in the bank!!! take off several of the zeros and that's pretty much my reality!

  9. I think my skin just turned a lovely shade of green with envy! How nice that would be to have that much in the bank!

    Oh, and yes, I've peeked at people's bank receipts too. Just curious! :P

  10. I've looked at a receipt before for the same reason!

    This is too funny. Although I have to wonder why this person has that much sitting around in a single checking account since it's not FDIC insured above like $250k.

  11. wow. wouldn't that be nice!!!!

  12. I guess they won't be in need of a bail out... p.s. they should seriously move there funds bc if Chase goes under it won't all be covered by the FDIC lol

  13. Um... May I have his number??? LOL

    Seriously, it must feel good to take out money from that account..


  14. if only this receipt belonged to me! i do the same thing, im soo nosy!

  15. Wow. (that is all I can say for now.)

  16. Hi Jen!

    I wanted to thank you a lot for your wonderful comment on my blog!
    Coming from you, i feel really honoured...
    Your blog is amazing and i love your work!

    I added you on facebook and of course i'd love to exchange links.
    I'll add you right away!

    Have a lovely day,


  17. Certainly, neither the crisis passes by the head of that person.

    Bay, bay...

  18. hehe That's right, he or she should span it out over a few banks... FDIC... eeek

  19. Oh my...I have the sudden urge to freeze all spending and seriously start building up my savings!

  20. What an odd amount to withdraw.

    I am confused.

    And amazed.

    I hope he/she is sharing.

  21. Dated 2/12, hmmm, making an expensive Valentine's Day purchase? :) That is still an insane amount. I must find this person!

  22. wishing that was mine right about now, hopefully the person has as much jpy as they do cash.

  23. Oh wow, why can't that be my bank account?? I have to admit I've done the same in the past. And when people leave their receipts at the grocery store self-check out, I might take a peek. Oh gosh, I am far too nosy!

  24. how sweet it would be..

    i never look at the receipts i am too busy thinking why are people so lazy leaving their trash behind..

  25. Oh, wow...wish that were my receipt! :)

  26. WOW... I want that balance! i am curious... the banks only secure 100,000... so why would you have sooooooooo much in one bank....hmmmm... that must mean there is a lot more some where else... hmmmmmmmm

  27. I have a feeling he did spread his money out in several accounts and this is a portion of that spread...haha!

    That's too funny....hmmm he just may be single...ha!

  28. Hi Annechovie,
    Thanks for the compliment on my blog and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU TOO! : )

  29. I mean...this just annoys me. And, yes, I'm bitter that it's not mine;)

  30. One of your more unusual, interesting posts. This guy must have had a large settlement or real estate transaction transpire and just had to see it on a recpt...of course he left it behind for the shock's quite

  31. Did you run after him?

    Just kidding :)

  32. Good lord! I'd so want to frame that and pretend it was mine. LOL!

  33. I always look at discarded ATM receipts too!!! And I secretly feel better when I find one whose balance is lower than mine. Shh! ;)

    Visit my blog at because you've been TAGGED!! Yippee!

  34. I think I need to print this and frame it... Or perhaps make cards for Christmas next year...

  35. best regards, Thank


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