Paperless Post: Kelly Wearstler

I'm a BIG fan of Paperless Post. If you haven't heard about this site,  Paperless Post helps you create online & paper stationery that reflects your individual aesthetic. They have many different styles to choose from & you can choose to send both online & through snail mail (the old fashion way).  

The site has a a very user-friendly interface, where you can easily customize designs for any occasion like weddings to just casual event invites!  I LOVE Paper less post because you can easily send fancy invites via email from designers like Ms. Wearstler to Kate Spade.  I've purchased a few of Kelly's paper stationery - below are my favorites from her collection!!  Check out her line, plus more here.

.....& here's my favorite customized Kelly Wearstler stationery below - super chic no?

-post by jen ramos



  1. Wow, beautiful!! I love all!!

  2. Ohh I like! These would be great as gifts also :) I am new to this company but will definitely check them out.

  3. Love this! I have the marbleized one! :)

  4. What a cool site - I've never heard of them before so can't wait to check them out, thanks for sharing girl! Xo, D

  5. 204 park- really? they give a whole new meaning to writing letters and sending invites, i really like them!


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