Colorful Pants for Men....

Yesterday I received my J. Crew catalog & loved every bit of it. However, when I got to this page (below) I asked my husband, "would you wear colorful pants?" 

His response was, "Ewwww, you can quote me on that." 

So there you go, my guy will NOT wear colorful pants even if they WERE in trend. Come to think of it, I don't think I'd like to see him in these either. Let's face it, there aren't that many men that can pull these off. Women look much nicer in colorful opinion.  Sorry J.Crew, I love your stuff, but I just can't picture my guy in mint-colored khakis. In my mind, the only guy who can pull this look off is 1980's Jon Cryer.

I'd love to know what you think. Colorful pants on guys, yes or no?? 

P.S. capri pants are even worse.

-image by jen ramos of J. Crew catalog



  1. Hmm, I guess it depends what colour it is! You don't want them looking a bit 'gay', but I think it could certainly work and look good! x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}


  2. your hubby's response!

  3. I totally agree!!! Yuck! I would definintely not want my husband in something that I would wear :-\

  4. Definitely a no for my guy too! Thanks for not showing the capri version, the full length minty ones were enough thanks.

  5. IDK, it`s a hard question. I think it depends on the men. At my university are a lot of hipsters and trendy guys who would look quite well in coloured pants.But I think on more classy and timeless styled men it would be a little shock. Furthermore, when I think of my bf wearing a pant that is in another colour than black, blue or jeans my brain explodes.. It`s just not how he is and he is definetly more the classy and not the trendy kind of guy.(I like both kinds) Sorry for my bad english.

  6. Come to Scandinavia, it is actually quite normal here!

  7. Your husband is totally right. I would never let my guy wear that. I already have a problem with guys wearing pink shirts...

  8. I don't know guys. I don't think I would mind it on the right guy. In fact, I can think of several of my guy friends that would look great in a colored pant. Like anything, they would have to be a good color and great fit.

  9. i asked the same question to my hubby a few weeks ago and his answer was " definitely no" :) although i'd love to see him in red khakis that i saw at Zara. It also depends on the guy, i don't think every man can pull up the look!

  10. Love colored pants on guys! Southern guys were colored pants all the time. My husband has yellow and light blue and they're sooo handsome!

  11. LOL! I just recently asked my husband if he would ever wear some coral shorts that I saw. He pretty much gave me the same response. I don't even need to ask him about the capris, nor do I want to see him in those!

  12. I say do whatever makes you happy!

  13. I absolutely love this! I thought my husband was the only one that refused! LOL I bought him tan (TAN!!!) jeans and he wore them once and said he was uncomfortable. I also bought him some red shoes against his will, and he wears them occasionally.

    Oh well, can't win them all! :)

  14. It depends on the guy.

    My DH would never wear them. I remember trying to convince him to by this salmon-colored polo t-shirt at J.Crew, because it looked great on him. LOL

  15. My husband has a few pairs and I have to say they look gooooooooood!
    It all depends on what you wear on top. I like the look because it is unexpected and a nice change.

  16. Brazilian men have no problem with colorful pants and pink shirts. I think they look lovely :)

  17. haha i totally agree with you. i would not want my man wearing pastel/colourful pants! xx

  18. ELEONORA: I think you may be right, its not for everyone, but on hipsters and trendy guys they may look good. However I'm still NOT sold on Capris.

  19. CANDI: Ha! that's funny - I'm surprised you got him to wear the shoes, i don't think my guy would go for that either....he's a bit picky. But LOVE can make you do strange things right? LOL

  20. Hahaha--So funny! And I have no doubt my husband would agree.

  21. I would never buy my guy colorful pants. The closest I'd go is buying him some khakis.

  22. i think the guy who could pull off this look would be extremely sexy! & hahahahah at the Capri pants...i dislike them as well. (although I have cankles!)

  23. I wear them and I'd like to think that I look good in them. They are very common now especially in the UK. They are most seen on guys under 30.

    Would not wear capris though!

  24. I wear them in khakhi and maroon!

  25. I'm saying YES!! My husband and I got back from Paris a few weeks ago and every good looking man over there had hot pink pants on. They were good looking too!! I tried to buy him a pair but he wansn't willing to be a guniea pig (sp??) HAHA!

  26. My guy would say the same thing, although I would LOVE to put a pair on him! But on the other hand…his best friend wears colored ones, so it depends on the person!

  27. I grew up in Palm Beach where colored pants reign for men! They work best with a good tan & a neutral shirt - white or beige. You have to wear those pants OFTEN and with confidence; the more worn in the look, the better. Think casual beach chic, but for men :)

  28. Yep! Move to the South and you will change your mind! My guy has invested in MANY pairs.

  29. I really like the look, as long as the pants fit well (100x better than the skinny-jeans-on-men look, IMHO). My husband wouldn't be caught dead in colorful pants, but I've been trying to nudge him toward some maroon or orange flat-front shorts...they look so crisp and summery!

  30. I really like colored pants on guys if they're
    a) the right cut
    b) the right color.
    although I think I might be a bit biased since I'm so used to the uber preppy fashions where colored pants on a guy are common.

  31. Bought my husband a pair of faded red ones from Old Navy months and months ago. Still in the closet with the tag on. :(

  32. ummm.... NO! jeans or khakis are ok... maybe black. Definitely not mint green. I saw some teenagers in the park yesterday and one had yellow jeans and one had red. The red ones were okay, but the yellow looked..... too MC Hammer.....

  33. In the South its quite normal. Pink was actually worn by boys because it was consider vibrant. Over the years the lines of fashion blurred. As with most things.

    So to NOT wear pink it honestly...trendy.

    Me? I have every color trouser under the sun.

    Life is far to short to spend time considering if someone else likes something you have on.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  34. MR GOODWILL HUNTING- You CAN pull this look off're one of those few guys I'm talking about that has serious style.

  35. European men seem to pull them off quite nicely. I'm also not a fan, and for sure my bf will also say the same thing as your husband quoted.


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