1. Sex and the City Tour! My friend made me to join her for that a few years ago, loved the restaurant where they had the pre-wedding dinner, so glamourous!

  2. Oh my goodness, is this a Sex and the City Tour?! That sounds so fun! I just love these photos, absolutely gorgeous. Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Jen, and thank you so much for visiting my blog + commenting! x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  3. oh how i love these pictures! New york, New york! I really wish, i could be there and make the Sex and the city tour!

    Much love

  4. oh how i love these pictures! New york, New york! I really wish, i could be there and make the Sex and the city tour!

    Much love

  5. mm that's a poster from Hillsong church! such initiatives always seem religious to me though I really know that God is real and JEsus is real and the Bible is the truth :D so maybe i need to change my thinking bout it. God is delightfufl .!

  6. Looks like a fab weekend - can't believe you did the tour, I'm so jealous! xxx

  7. New York City (**sigh**)

  8. Ahh! You did the SATC tour - my hubby and I did it about 4 years ago - loved it! And I spotted Mike Myers walking by us! LOVE those cupcakes...we are watching the whole series again - ;-))

  9. Wow, what a chic and fashionable life it looks like you have! Im here in rural VA and these photos look like so much fun! Im dying to get to NYC again.
    Have a great week!

  10. Looks like a fabulous weekend.....by the way, never commented on your previous post--but loved the eggs--beautiful. And Amen that yesterday and everyday for that matter is more than eggs. :)

  11. Looks like a lovely weekend. Cupcakes, Hillsong and shopping...yes please!

  12. Oh, the SATC tour! I loved that! My hubs and I eloped to NYC last fall and the sweetheart took me on that tour because he knows how badly I wanted to go on it. Yup, he's a keeper. I would totally do that tour again! So fun!



  13. KATE: Yes! my guy surprised me...ive told him i wanted to go on this tour for quite some time...it was really fun and the host was hilarious!

  14. NANCY: the thing is... there is so much to do here - anyone's life would seem fab! ha! :)

  15. You did the Sex & the City tour and ate at Magnolia`s bakery! I So want to do that one day. Looks like the perfect day.

    btw, Jen, have you ever blogged using your ipad? Every time I try to use it to work on my blog it deletes the post -even if I'm just changing the post title. I've tried to find a solution but no luck, thought I'd ask you since you do have a cool white iphone and all apple stuff!


  16. Sex in the city tour + cupcakes = a good day!

  17. Darling Jen, you are living the life!
    I bet everyday is like a weekend in NYC!

    You are rockin that fur vest quite nicely!!

  18. When did Hillsongs open a campus in NYC?! :) I've only been to their London one, but now that they're closer, I def need a trip out to NYC! It looks like you a fabulous weekend!

    - Jane @ urbanejane.com

  19. DREW: Haha thanks Drew. I love that vest, its soo warm!

  20. What a fabulous looking weekend! That tour looked so fun and your church looks like it also does some fun things. He is risen!


  21. Looks like someone went on the SATC tour! I went a few years ago and had a blast. So fun!


  22. Oh, how I love and miss NYC.

  23. What a great weekend! SATC and Hillsong NYC! I absolutely adore Carl Lentz, he's amazing! I hope you and yours had a fabulous Easter Sunday--I've heard they can run lines over there, so hopefully you didn't have to wait too long to get in!

    ♥ from one Jen to another.

  24. Looks like an amazing trip Jen!
    How fun! Looking beautiful as always!
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
    x, Anna

  25. LOVE the SATC store. I went with my mother a few years ago and it was the best way for a couple of NH gals to see NYC.


  26. what a beautiful site this is with the Hillsong bus! amen

  27. Hey Jen!

    Welcome to NYC! I went on that very tour myself when I first moved here six years ago. I'm so excited I came across your blog today! I was googling for some interior design inspiration and ended up spending the last two hours reading your posts! You have a beautiful home and I love what you've done to it.

    P.S. I do this thing where I keep a list of every restaurant I've been to in NYC. It also includes my favorite spots, places I want to check out, and places I'd go back to (it has an asterisk next to it). I'll often forward this to friends who are in town visiting and would like some suggestions. Thought I'd pass it along to you in case you might find it helpful although I'm sure you probably have your own list by now. ;)

    Have a wonderful and happy Sunday, miss!


  28. LUNA: Thank you - you're awesome. Iv been to a few of those places already, but looking forward to more! get in touch again soon! :)

  29. That's great! I did that tour in 2004 with my sister! I should blog about it and linky your blog ;)

    The Globetrotting Gamine


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