More From My NYC Trip....

Friday is finally you guys have any plans? Traveling anywhere?? I'll be heading to a dinner date tonight with my guy - can't wait! 

Oh & as promised, here are a few more pics from my trip to New York City. My family was so excited to see me & I was so grateful to be able to spend time with them. While I was there, I visited several different places - and below are some of my favorites! Enjoy! 

Ralph Lauren: 

This all white building has got to be one of my favorites in the city. It's located in Soho on an old brick lined street.


I love this department store. In fact it's near my old neighborhood. I did a little shopping...but my favorite was this Tory Burch sitting area. It was like a little boutique in the midst of all these other shops & the fabric on the sofas?? Gorgeous, don't you think??!?

Magnolia Bakery:

A good bakery is a must in any town. My favorite is Magnolia and NYC has several in Manhattan. This particular one we went to was literally inside when you're splurging on a new handbag, you can then indulge in some amazing cupcakes on the first floor! Love this place...why oh why don't they have one here in Las Vegas?!?!?

The 9/11 Memorial:

It was really interesting. It took us almost 35 minutes just to get into the main area. Why? Well, because we stood in line and this line twisted & twirled and it felt like we were in a maze - then toward the end there were security with metal detectors, just like TSA. I swear, it was identical to an airport & you even had to remove your belt.

 All in all, it was quite surreal. Knowing that the 2 towers stood there at on point and so many people died felt like a mass grave. But it was beautiful & serene...families left their loved ones notes and personal items next to their names. I got very emotional as I stood there reading some of the notes...

Lincoln Center:

In all my years living in NYC, I never got to see a symphony. So we finally went & I think we were the youngest people in the entire place. Either way, it was beautiful but a bit longer than I was hoping for. 

To be exact it was 86 minutes long - after the 1st hour, I started dozing off...I know, that's terrible!

Museum of Sex:

I didn't have time to go inside but you can see a lot of it from the outside. The skeleton exhibits in the window were pretty darn funny..

The Natural History Museum:

I think this museum was a lot more exciting when I was a kid. This time around it was still fun but a bit too busy with kids for my taste. Either way, the planetarium was nice & the huge fossil exhibits were interesting! 

I still prefer Art museums like MOMA....

Nespresso Boutique Bar:

I had never been here before but I loved it so much I visited the place twice. They have a few locations & both of the ones I went to were very clean and relaxing. The coffee was amazing and they had SOY, big plus!!! I'm someone who enjoys sweets and Nespresso had some great options & the portions were the perfect size.

I'm obsessed with Starbucks, but this place definitely beat Starbucks in my opinion!

-images by jen ramos



  1. It looks like you had an amazing time!! I miss the city so much, I am still in awe of the fact that I spent 5 years of my life feels like a dream. There is no other city on this planet that is as wonderful as NYC!

  2. Oh New York I love you and miss you! It looks like you had a great trip. Have a great night with your guy. I'm heading out with mine tonight for a fun dinner and a night on the town. xo

  3. I enjoyed all of those highlights! Thanks Jen! To be honest, I have some mixed feelings about the 9/11 memorial. And a lot of people had their own inputs, per se, not everyone agreed. What I would have done is make it a huge park. With a playground. And then those two famous melted grids, you know the ones with the holes, the shell of the building stay up. I would have planted lots of trees in the park. Sounds like Central Park huh? But wait. A place where people could sit and talk and remember. And then I would have had a little personal statue or something, almost small and animal like to each victim. Plus, their name on the statue to identify them. So that people could become attached to a particular person or remember something about them. For example, a symbol to me of my daughter Charlotte is the spider. I would have had this somewhere in the park perhaps slightly under a bush. Just like little surprises. But names engraved and a place like an airport are not really personal to me. Maybe a person could be symbolized by their favorite book, animal, boat or something they loved. To me it would symbolize life. And then have benches everywhere. And when the night sky came upon the city have the silhouette of what's left of the buildings, you know those two famous parts light up. To symbolize that were still here, we're still standing. We live on and life is all around us. Those are my two cents and I think that is the longest comment I have ever made. Maybe even a favorite flower or food one of the victims liked. I think then we would have identified and learned and remembered so much more about each individual victim.

  4. I'm travelling to New York in two weeks, I'm so excited!!
    And never been there,so this post is very much appreciated!

    from Buenos Aires, Ana!

  5. I love revisiting places from childhood....Some are better than you remembered, others....not so much. :) I love the Ralph Lauren building too! So beautiful!

  6. I miss living in the city. *le sigh. Your pictures are amazing and a fun trip down memory lane. This weekend is babykins' 1st birthday so tomorrow we are fete-ing her. :) xoxo

  7. I would love to decorate a room in my home like the tory burch stores. oh to have a leopard couch :) Looks like you had fun!

    blubabescreate...I liked your idea of having small little things "surprises" to remember those who we lost. what a neat idea.

  8. The Tory Burch store is amazing!! I want to move right in :-)

  9. I would really love to visit NYC one day, and these pictures just made sure that my longing intensified.:)
    xx, happy weekend!

  10. Looks like you had amazing time! And those cupcakes look amazing. and that coffee is so cool!

  11. Thank you!!!
    I can't wait for our next visit til NYCITY!!!!!
    Will def print out your list when we go there. New York has so much to offer, so the one time I've been there was a blast. We plan to go again in about 2 years. Want to spend at least 3 weeks in the US next time :)

  12. Hello!
    Hope some day I can visit NY!

  13. Thanks for sharing your holidays pictures, they are amazing.

    I love Nespresso's stores; I have the coffee machine at home, so need to go buy capsules quite often, and I always try some of their breakfasts

  14. This is my first up close glimpse of the ground zero memorial. Very touching. I salute to those who perish.

    Jeavon @ Interior Design Pro

  15. Lovely pictures! Have fun!
    x Annelien

  16. Your making me a bit homesick, but in a good way!

  17. I know how you feel about the orchestra, I went to one at Lincoln Center once & I started getting all jumpy, because I really can't sit down for too long! Your trip looks lovely! I'm so jealous, I really can't wait til' I go back to the City <3

  18. wow you did a lot! i live in nyc and it's an amazing place. hope you had fun.

  19. I'd love to go to New York one day - how marvellous spending time with your family, can't beat it!

  20. Looks like a fun time! I didn't know there was such thing as the Museum of Sex, looks interesting!

  21. great pics!!!
    i wish i could goy someday...

  22. I like Magnolia too but my new fave cupcake place is Crumbs! I bring them to all my meetings and people love them!

  23. Looks like you had a wonderful time. I've been waning to go to NYC and I heard the Tory Burch store there is amazing.



  24. oh how I dream of going to NYC!

  25. Looks like you had a fab trip! My Dad and Step-mum live in New York, I find it fascinating, a new adventure every day. My husband and I got engaged there, we're looking forward to our next visit.

    What a great way to share your holiday photos. I'm going on a road trip with my mum this weekend, to visit my sister near Cambridge, might document :)

  26. Thanks for sharing Jen, I love NY and grew up in NJ so I know the area well...I have to say Magnolia Bakery is the hubby and I took a 'Sex and the City' tour a couple of years ago (highly recommend for all the fans!!)and we got free cupcakes from Magnolia as well as going to the bakery - it was fab...;--))

  27. I miss NYC soo much! Was there last year on our honeymoon. We did so many things, but NY is the kind of city where there is always so much more!

    Ill be back soon New York!

  28. just joined your blog, great to hear you had a good time in nyc. I live across the river and the city is always there, calling my name!

  29. Just joined your blog. Great to hear you had a good time in NYC. I live across the river and the city is always there calling my name

  30. Looks like a fabulous trip! I love NYC!!

  31. Glad you had a Blast!!!!

  32. Now you made me want to go to Nespresso Bar.. better than Starbucks.. seriously? Must try...

    xoxo, Paula

  33. Mmm! Those cupcakes look amazing. I am hoping to make it to NY in the near future and I will DEFINITELY be heading to that bakery... Love your blog! xo

  34. BLUE BABES CREATE: I totally know what you mean...but i feel a bit different and think that personal items would have been soo much work & disputes could have come up at some point. People end up changing their minds easily, who knows...but this was a large scale memorial and the same for everyone - which made it easier and no one could say there's is better or worse than someone eles's. Just my opinion...

  35. I love NY, some day i will come back, i must!


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