Real People, Real Closets...(Made by Girl)

First, I wanted to thank those of you who submitted your closets to me! I have a few more posts where I'll be bringing you more CLOSETS from other readers, so stay tuned! 

In the meanwhile...Do you have a wardrobe you'd like to show me?? 

If so, please email me here. Not all closets will be selected & must meet certain requirements. 

Please don't be shy & submit yours! 

ABOVE: Bradley from Luella June blog shares with us her favorite part of her closet!

First and foremost, I'm an accessories girl. Scarves, jewelry, handbags, belts - they're always what make a look work for me. My "collection" started to overflow, so I realized I needed a little spot to house my accessories. I actually took this shelf from an exercise room in my parents' old house (my dad didn't exactly enjoy helping me get this heavy into my apartment). It's nailed against the wall in my closet and it's a perfect place to keep all of my accessories.

I keep the jewelry on the middle shelves and my clutches in the top shelf. (There are 3 pull out drawers at the bottom that keep scarves and belts.) The cork board on the back wall is a recent addition. I use it to pin up inspiration pictures and different looks I love. 

It's my favorite spot in my closet for a couple of reasons: (1) my very favorite things that I own are in those shelves and (2) I love being able to see it all! I've learned that if you can't see what you have, you're much more likely not to wear it. It's a happy place in my closet!

ABOVE: Valentina's closet - She's an Italian blogger which you can read more about via her blog: Cashmere Mama.

Valentina tells us:  The closet is a whole room, my hubby painted the walls himself, and the rest of the furniture we got from Ikea!

ABOVE: Janice submitted her closet and it resembled a little boutique, too cute! I'll let Janice explain a little about her closet & how it came about.

My husband and I moved into a narrow rowhouse in downtown Toronto and for some reason, people in 1901 didn't need as much closet space as us modern girls :-)

So to prevent any disputes about who gets to hang what and where, my husband graciously offered up the third bedroom to be my 'girly room' (as he calls it).

As this isn't our forever house, I wasn't keen on doing anything permanent, so we went with the Ikea Stolmen system for the closet - it uses pressure on the floor and ceiling to keep it upright. Of course it is also great as it puts all my clothes on display!!

The room isn't perfect yet (always a work in progress) but it has been a definite marriage saver :-) I think that is my favourite part about it!!

I have plans on painting the vanity and switching out the chair, but that is on the list for this summer.

You can learn more about Janice by visiting her blog, Life begins at 30

ABOVE: Deanna Young's closet - in Phoenix Arizona.

I've loved my modern Phoenix home's closet for the past three years (having two windows is killer) but had not taken the time until recently to buy new matching quality hangers and let me tell you what a difference it has made!  

I constantly edit my closet and have the self-imposed rule purge before purchase.  Color coordinating has really helped me see my clothes and now I can find everything super fast.  In the future I'd like to spice it up a little by adding a rug, some accessories and a mod bench.  Enjoy!

ABOVE: Kate from Centsational Girl did a great job on her DIY closet! She gave it somewhat of a vintage feel & added a soft blue color to the shelving, which I thought was unexpected but nice! You can read all about this closet project via her blog here.



  1. AnonymousJune 06, 2011

    Love the cencational girl closet! its amazing.

    Check out my giveaway for a french damask pendant necklace...

  2. Fun post! Love CG's closet too.


  3. beautiful post! so inspiring...

  4. Looking at these great closets and ideas make me want to cry...of jealousy. Great post! I love taking a peek into other people's lives :)

  5. All lovely closets. My favorite is Kate's closet, it's very pretty and sweet.


  6. Wow I miss closets outside NYC...mine is so small now I feel like I'm back in a college dorm! Once upon a time in Charlotte I had a shoe closet that was straight up Carrie Bradshaw! I loved it. I miss it :( But I love NY so its a balancing act ;)

  7. What a dream. I have all our clothes crammed into an Ikea wardrobe. I wish I had this kind of space.

  8. Oh i would love to show you mine but its not much.
    I dont think it would meet the requirments. Maybe i will have a fiddle tomorrow and take some pictures.
    God i love your blog!!!

  9. Oh i would love to show you mine but its not much.
    I dont think it would meet the requirments. Maybe i will have a fiddle tomorrow and take some pictures.
    God i love your blog!!!

  10. I enjoy watching at all this huge closets, they look like shops to me.
    I also have a tiny wardrobe.
    The house i am living in now is only 40m2.

  11. This is such a great post! I need your help at my house, ladies - so inspired... tweeting...

  12. Wow! Those are all awesome and making me a tid bit jealous that my closet doesn't look anything like those :)

  13. I emailed you! Its chaotic but its mine! Just wanted to share!

  14. OOOHHH! I love seeing inside other people's closets! My favorite one is Centsational Girl's. This is exactly what I have been wanting to try! My closet is a disaster... Thanks for sharing these.


  15. I wish I could have a closet pretty enough to show off! :) *le sigh ...keep posting so I can keep dreaming. :) xo

  16. Love looking in other peoples closets !! Love the jewelry space in the first photo !


  17. What a fun idea! Make me want to get into my closet for some spring/summer cleaning. I'll have to submit mine next year...looking for a home office to feature, lol?

  18. Wow, look at these organized ladies! Such a great post - thanks for giving us a peak into the fashionable wardrobes of our savvy fellow bloggers!


  19. I love a good closet. The first one made my heart skip a beat!


  20. All I can say is WOW. My husband was just mentioning how much he loves our new closet...but PHOTOGRAPH it? My shoes aren't worthy. :)

  21. ERIKA: Ha! I think that will be next time...! :)

  22. God my closet is so boring. Haha. Love this!

  23. Ugh, I am living out of a suitcase right now...seeing such loveliness just depresses me.

    ~Kirsten @ Triple Max Tons

  24. I love seeing all of these closet tours! I wish I had the space to create something like this. So jealous!

  25. Love the first photo. Jewelry and clutches are my favorite things in this world!!

  26. AnonymousJune 07, 2011

    How feminine is Cencetional Girls room - so jealous. xx

  27. AnonymousJune 07, 2011

    Oh how feminine is Cencational Girls closet - so jealous! xx

  28. What fantastic idea u had, bravo my girl!!!:) Those are excellent examples of true girl's closets, and not Hollywood's ones, which makes them even more adorable!:) I love your blog, a lot, unfortunately I have discovered it today and not before...:( But started to follow u immediately so I hope I'll keep up with all new stuff u post here!:)

  29. If you keep showing these closets with so much space I am going to die of envy the Hot summer bracelets, bring the color on!!.

  30. Wow. What beautiful closets. I'm a little...a lot...jealous :)

  31. Oh man, too much pretty! I love all of these examples! Love that little dresser in Kate's closet.

    Nancy xo

  32. AnonymousJune 10, 2011

    I love Kate from Censational Girl's closet - I want one haha! x


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