Having My Own Business & Thoughts of...

I DAYDREAM about what Kate Spade (the office) would be like in person.

In fact, on my list of top 5 DREAM JOBS, Kate Spade is one of them!! (and I mean the headquarters) So there....I said it. 

Don't get me wrong, I love MY JOB!  Being my own BOSS, running my own business, making the final decisions, coming up with new ideas & communicating with my customers.  

However, there's STILL a part of me that YEARNS for a SOCIAL environment full of CREATIVE PEOPLE!  I mean, let's face it, working from a home studio can get a bit ISOLATING & sometimes it's even too quiet....even if you do work with 2 other people. 

 -images above by jen ramos
I'm sure some of you can relate to what I'm saying right??!?!? 

Often times I think I should just take a p/t position somewhere just to get out & socialize on a more consistent basis.....you know, beyond THE WEB!!  

Perhaps an experience like this would supply me with LOTS & LOTS of creative energy, who knows....but it does sound exciting & it's something I've contemplated since the beginning of this year. Ok, so I'm tempted...BUT would I really LOVE it?!?!? Perhaps I just need to find a good balance....

I've posted about Kate Spade a few times & can't get enough of their store. I'm thankful we have one here in town, even though it's not as grandiose as the NYC one.  It does still offer several of my fave items for purchase!  Last week I was surprised by a friend who gave me the Cobble Hill Zebra Wallet for my upcoming B-day in 2 months!  I also have to mention the packaging at Kate Spade....it's sooo colorful, bright & happy! I adore it!

-image below by jen ramos

How about you?? How do you feel working at home? Where would your other dream job be??



  1. I LOVE Kate Spade! There is 25% off all of her sale!

    Happy Fourth!

  2. i feel ya on needing people around. thank goodness for blog friends. ;)
    LOVE your new wallet. enjoy xo

  3. i know what you mean - it's nice to bounce ideas off others. i would LOVE to work for Tiffany!

  4. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I'm on the other side - working outside of the home and wanting to run my own business from home! :) Love the wallet, what a nice and thoughtful friend you have.

  5. Congrats on your gorgeous new Kate Spade!! LOVE IT! I just ordered two new goodies from Rue La La this morning. Come to mama! :) I hear you on the working from home thing. When I'm not traveling to see clients everything work related is done from home base. It can get a little lonely, I know! I am new to your blog (I must have been living under a rock or something) but I love it and I think you have ammmazzzzzing style!!! Wishing you a fabulous holiday weekend Jen! xoxo

  6. Hmmm...can we trade places for a day? I would LOVE to work from home, but I can see where it would get a bit lonely. I would push myself to get out and go window shopping and people watch to find inspiration. It's VERY important to "be in the know" of what's going on out there in the world. We have a Kate Spade here and LOVE IT! :) That packaging is great!

  7. I love working with others but with kids the home option is fabulous. I'm lucky not to have to work for a living at the moment which is maybe why i blog. I couldn't sit on my bum and do nothing to entertain my creative side. But i'd love to get out more and meet others of the same ilk.

    Love Kate Spade. Got you right there. xx

  8. I love working with others but with kids the home option is fabulous. I'm lucky not to have to work for a living at the moment which is maybe why i blog. I couldn't sit on my bum and do nothing to entertain my creative side. But i'd love to get out more and meet others of the same ilk.

    Love Kate Spade. Got you right there. xx

  9. my advice is to keep on doing what you're doing! as someone who does not have the option to work at home (as a teacher), i am extremely envious of those who are able to work at home. if you don't have to work for someone else, i say enjoy being your own boss! i would love to do this, and am trying to set myself up as a private tutor so that i can be my own boss.

  10. I am a big Kate Spade fan! I can totally relate with you needing people around 'coz I spend every day at home on the web, too! I totally understand the feeling of isolation.

    By the way, adore your new wallet. Your friend is so sweet and thoughtful!


  11. I quit my corporate job at a Kate Spade-esque retail office in NYC last fall to go out on my own. I love it but definitely miss the company and find myself talking to myself a bit too often ... My ideal situation would be to have a big bright studio (outside of my house, preferably) with maybe a collaborative partner and a few people working for me. I am petless right now, but definitely need to get on that for at least a little company!

  12. jen, what a great post! My girlfriend just quit her corporate job Tuesday to start her own clothing boutique. Since then, I couldn't stop fantasizing about what I'd like to do when I stop working for "the man."

    My ultimate dream job would be to be a part of a design team that focuses on residential decor. I'd love to work with a partner in crime (for both the creative and social aspects) and become THE resource for apartment dwellers.

    Great idea of putting yourself out there and putting something in print. Even when we're bouncing ideas around, it's so important to get them on paper, say them aloud, or tell them to friends. I learned taht we're not married to our ideas so why not dare to dream and try a few things on?

    Thanks for sharing and starting the convo.

  13. IZABELLA: Ahh someone who worked for KS, nice. Interesting enough, i've also thought of the same thing. Working in a studio of my own outside of my home...I honestly think that would be another option !! Thanks!

  14. oh my goodness... where can a girl find that polka dotted laptop sleeve. it must be mine! great post :)

  15. My dream job would be working side by side with Martha Stewart, doing laundry and everything. LOVE IT! Bcz I'm crayzee like that. As for being at home right now it works bcz I have 5 little ones around me. The bad thing is sometimes I flake out on what exactly I'm writing bcz I get distracted by them. Just bcz. But honestly being on the web just doesn't feel as REAL to me. If you know what I mean? Or maybe it's just me.

  16. BLUBABESCREATE: I have 2 dogs...and they are enough distraction from my work during the daytime...it can be hard. I cant imagine having kids and running my business from home, so I admire people who can pull that off. I'm very much with you on the online thing not feeling REAL...

  17. i love working at home...I can go to Starbucks as many times a day as I want! hee! you work is so awesome, don't change a thing! xo

  18. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I just found my dream company to work for: Caldwell Flake Interiors. I discovered their website and can only imagine how creative thier office is! My main job is a stay-at-home mom so I hear you on the isolation.

  19. I work in an office by myself most of the time so I know what you mean. I miss bouncing ideas off my co-workers and happy hours :(
    However I am more productive and don't have to deal with the office gossip.

  20. Girl have you been to the Kate Spade outlet at Cabazon near Pal Springs? ughh I died last time I was in there a few months ago. It's no NYC store but the goodies are worth the trip!
    and p.s. I feel you, but what about the greats, Michelangelo, da Vinci, Khalo, etc. They were very solitude in their craft. I think you have to be to hear your voice and (God's ;)) That's where the real stuff comes from don't you think? Not that I would EVER turn down a nest at Kate Spade lol! xo -Taj

  21. I'm not gonna lie Jen, your blog inspired me to start my own! I love your style and passion for small business - I can only hope to be as successful someday! :)



  22. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I must be the opposite, I work full time, I am mother and blogger late at night and dream endlessly of the day I have the time to set my own compnay up! Think there something in the saying the grass is always greener on the other side. xxx Def have to look into Kate Spade - don't think its here in Ireland - love the purse

  23. I am a teacher so while not lecturing I work at home... preparing classes, doing research and correcting exams. I also have to deal with 3 lovely daughters.
    So being alone feels good sometimes but I like to be with people... So I get what you mean. I believe that I've found a good Balance.
    I would love to have my own home decor business! But I love to be a teacher, so I am still happy!

    And I talk about my decor passion at my blog! :)

  24. Jen,

    My dream job is to be an entrepreneur (like you!) but the idea of being surrounded by creative people sounds AMAZING! Love your blog, been following you since '08. :)

    Jamie (@jaemeyee)

  25. I Love working from home because of the freedom it brings but I have this HUGE love affair with Anthropologie and I have thought about working there part-time too! I often wonder what it would feel like working at their headquarters in Philadelphia *Sigh*


  26. totally get what you mean about working from home......i do love it, but often feel inspiried being around others so i also do the markets twice a month and i love it being around loads of creative people {like a little community} and supporting others who make beautiul handmade products......

    i feel embrassed to say i've never heard of kate spade eeeekkkkkk {thanks for sharing} hehehehe

    have a fab weekend lisa xx

  27. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I work for myself, from home and from a small office (although even that is by myself) and I completely understand how you feel. Although I have always wanted to run my own business, I'm looking forward to the day I can hire other people to work with me! That said, I've always thought I'd love to work for Australian designer Greg Natale.

  28. Oh I totally know the feeling, I'm actually trying to get corporate since I could keep my freelance -I do love my projects- but it gets lonely. I would love to work for Lanvin!


  29. I actually dream of what you have now. But I definitely think you're on to something with the part-time job idea. i currently work 3 days a week as a designer at a stationery boutique and would LOVE to have my own freelance and online business!!! That said, I really do love the people I work with and the interaction is great for the creative process!

  30. I so hear you on the needing to be in a social environment. I left a big firm and all the great teamwork, exciting projects, late working nights when everyone gets loopy and silly,etc. I just keep telling myself, "you can have it all, just not all at once!" Are you going to Las Vegas Market in August, by the way? I'm sort of hoping to get a hit of new design + the social scene. A cocktail at Mundo wouldn't hurt either!

  31. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I'm in love with the Kate Spade brand too, everything is so adorable and cheerful. I wish I worked at home, but you're right, I think interacting with other creative people is a great part of the day.

  32. I have struggled with this same issue for 18 years. I have only worked part time on occasion out of necessity. I will tell you though that I appreciate working for myself. Just a little advice coming from an old gal; do some volunteer work. It will get you out of the house and It's good for the soul:)

  33. I've been in love with Kate Spade since 1996---and each year my love for her grows as the feminine, eccectic, yet classic styles reinvent themselves in fresh new patterns. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that! I get it! xoxo

  34. FEMME HESSE: I do some volunteer work off & on with my church,... But if I do more my business may suffer. The problem with a small biz, you devote most of ur time to it. ;)

  35. I love this wallet and your finger nail polish! Both too cute!

    Regarding getting part-time work, I think taking a side job can sometimes actually give you a new energy and creative inspiration for your full time job. :)

  36. I definitley get up days and down days to working from home. I have an almost 2 year old that is at home so I have a hard time getting things done when I can hear her in the other room...especially if she's crying. I get sad about the no interaction thing as well, but then I just think I would probably wanna kill most of my co-workers after about a month of working with them anyways. PLUS I love being the boss.....!

  37. I do miss all the social interraction that a regular work place offers..but when you have little kids at home..working from home is indeed a privilege and a blessing :) xx meenal

  38. Jen I totally understand. I feel the same way. I miss being apart of a team sometimes. Although my last job did not allow me to be creative, I yern for the day that it will happen....even PT.

  39. Kate Spade really has the whole package. Her products are gorgeous and have the perfect stores to go along! Working for yourself sounds great to me but I am sure it can feel boring or isolated at times ! You would be great at Kate Spade I am sure :)


  40. I related to what you are saying but i am very happy being my own boss and running my business, I try to get the right balance by mixing my days, visiting shows, taken part in trade fairs, markets, doing market research, visiting suppliers etc...but still know the feeling of wearing way too many hats and not having someone to talk to during the day business wise. I try to leave the house for a long walk difficult task in Winter!! You are very lucky jen, a lot of people would love to have what we have, being able to work from home and be the decision maker, no bosses around...nice weekend!!

  41. I work from home as well and though it has it's positives, it has it's challenges too. It's a lonely thing, and you never leave your home! Even if I had a small office with a couple of us to work in. There's something about being around people and being social that keeps the blues away;)

  42. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    great collection is on these photos!

  43. I'm a teacher. I would LOVE to work at home. I could actually finish things without being interrupted, and I could go to the bathroom whenever I wanted!

  44. I feel ya! I work from home as a motion graphic designer, and this week decided I'm going to study to be a midwife instead!! Will still keep the designing going, but it is time for me to realise my other dream job!! x

  45. I think your new boss would drive you nuts because you would have a millions ways to do thing better!

    Love working for myself at home, but yes, thank goodness I have friends and blog friends otherwise I'd probably have conversations with my dogs (wait, sometimes I do).

  46. I'm living the dream! I get to stay home and work from home. After years in corporate america, I wouldn't trade it for the world. But I get the whole missing the socialization aspect.

    Maybe Kate Spade will see this and offer you some crazy exciting job!! Would you take it?

    xoxo, chrissy.

  47. i think working from home is much better than working anywhere else
    i mean when you're working from home you can go have a snack or nap or even take a shower whenever you want but working somewhere else means that you have a boss who you have to obey.


  48. I'm sure you know, but Kate Spade is on Rue La La now! That Romeo and Juliet clutch is so adorable. And btw, I'd love to work from home, with my own hours, but I'm going to be a teacher so that's not an option.

  49. I completely agree - I miss having lots of people to talk to on a daily basis! Running your own business can be really socially isolating. So glad I at least have my pup to keep me company!

    My dream job would definitely be at Martha Stewart Living magazine, either coming up with craft ideas or styling photo shoots!

  50. I was told that when you say what you want to happen(or in this case...write it)...then you're putting it out in the universe and it can most likely happen to you!!
    I hope you one day get a job at Kate Spade HQ.....even though you're so awesome at what you do now!

    great Kate Spade picks!


  51. As someone who works in an office (with a desk shoved in the corner of the conference/break room) I envy you.
    Our recptionist is so loud that I have to close the door daily to block her out. I am burning up while everyone else is freezing. I have NO window. When students come in to take a test (I work for an educational company) they have to do it in my "office" so I am unable to do any work for the 1.5 hours that they are taking the test. When the receptionist takes her lunch, it is in my "office" so I have to work while she is chomping on her food and jabbering on her cell phone.
    DO NOT look for a job outside your home...count your blessing every day and keep on enjoying what you do!

  52. I think I'm just starting...for now I prefer the home based job after I worked when I was single...right now, I want to be with my 1 y/o until he goes to school hopefully! I know the feeling of needing the people around too...I wish you goodluck and I won't be surprised if Kate Spade would hire you...I had always thought of working for Nike headquarters in Oregon for a long time, plus I collect Nike shoes=)--it's just my dream.

  53. Great post. I must say I'm obsessed with Kate Spade too, I would truly love to work at the J.Crew headquarters.


    CHIC Sensibility

  54. AnonymousJuly 03, 2011

    I Love Kate Spade! Cute gift.

  55. Why don’t you volunteer somewhere? Like a dog shelter or you could give arts and craft lessons to kids after school? Way more rewarding than taking another job!

  56. As a fellow creative person I can relate. I am an art director of two trade magazines and work at a huge office. While it is inspiring to be around other creative people, I also long to work from home full-time, be my own boss, and actually get to choose what creative jobs I want to work on. I've been trying to freelance and even tried a cupcake business to unleash the creative side that doesn't see the light of day back in the office. Grass is always greener I guess!

  57. ah! i love the kate spade packaging, too. it's my very favorite of all brands; so colorful and fun. i'm a dork and actually save all the happy little boxes.

  58. I've worked from home for a little while now, and I've decided it's not really for me after all. I find my productivity dips too much, and I really miss having people around!

    What I do love is the flexibility and the creativity of working on my own, and I'm hoping to come back to it in a couple of years. Maybe what I need is just a short change.

  59. Hum- I have had these thoughts before too, after 6 years of working for myself. However, having NO commute, no office politics, no power-trips, no corporate "rules" to stunt creativity, no rigid hours and so on..... far outweigh the negatives. Maybe you can be the NEXT Kate Spade instead of working for them?? :) I think you are far too creative to fit into someone else's mold. :)

  60. WENDY SEFCIK: Ha! I like how you think....

  61. Beautiful!!!! I loved the small blue one... so cute!

  62. I recently went back to work part-time ('cuz I had to not because I wanted to!)and it was nice at first but now I want to be at home again... LOL but I totally understand the feeling of loneliness that comes from working at home. I attend a monthly 'Wine & Design' to get my creative friends fix but maybe in your case some networking is in order so you can find a creative social group and find that balance. If that doesn't work, you could always DREAM BIGGER! Who knows, YOU could be the next KATE SPADE and you'll have loads of creative people around you. ;0) Best of Luck in whatever you decide.

  63. I completely understand you Jen about working from home. The thing is going to an office also get tiring after a while... I think that it would be nice if big companies start having lots of flexibility in schedules, that way people could work from home sometimes or go to the office and socialize and be inspired!

  64. Oh my dear! I completely understand what you said about feel lonely. I work as a menswear designer with a creative team twice a week in a big company here in Brazil, and the others days I stay at home. I'm thinking about start my own business but I confess! Alone I'm not motivated enough. You are such a great inspiration for me because of your style, your small home office and your paintings. But I do understand you and I know how difficult is to find balance in professional life.
    Success and all the best for you!!


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