Front Doors on The Upper East Side...

Hello everyone! I'll be posting a few more NYC pics and maybe even some of the BlogFest event this week, so stay tuned! 

As many of you know, a FRONT DOOR can really make a statement. I mean just walking through my old neighborhood on East 64th street was front door HEAVEN!  

Soooo, I decided to shoot some of my favorites, so you could understand what I mean. If you haven't seen the doors on some of these brownstone/town homes on the upper east side- you must visit! What a treat! 

It definitely got me thinking about my own FRONT door & how I could spice things up!  The crappy part is that we have an HOA- so we can't even paint the darn thing any color! Don't you just love HOA's??!!?

Current color is dark brown -YUCK... I know. However, I have hope that one day I'll be able to add a nice kick plate & a fancy door knocker! Enjoy! 

This one below was always one of my favorites. It's super modern!  I would find myself staring at it every time I walked by....wondering WHO LIVES THERE?!?
Ahhh...... till we meet again upper east side.

-Images by jen ramos


  1. Love these doors!!! Just makes me want to know what is behind them! I rarely go to the upper part of manhattan but when I do, I'm always brownstown, door envy. Perhaps one day we will make our way up north, but for now, I love loft living.

  2. think you may have inspired me to take some images of my favorite doors as well.. i stare every day and do the same drooling thing! (my building's door is black, but it does have some character, so I don't mind ;)

  3. Great idea for a post, love it!
    I so miss NYC.
    I have a friend that has a brownstone on 62 off of 3rd, it has a grand door as well. He has a doorbell, but I like using the big ole knocker;-)

  4. I also love to take photos of doors in NYC, especially the red doors around Chelsea.

  5. ps we should be friends, loved the kate spade post as well!

  6. Love the first two doors ! I always wonder who lives inside too!!


  7. I think doors can make or break the exterior of a home...these all MAKE the exteriors!

  8. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    Haha - I'm always photographing doors when I travel. I loved the front doors in New York when I was there last year, and my other favourites have been spotted in Paris and Marrakech. Shame I don't have a front door anywhere near that nice to decorate!

  9. Love seeing a great door! These are fabulous! Look forward to seeing more of your NY photos.
    xx anastasia at Decor is like butter

  10. I have a thing for front doors as well. When we lived in Virginia, I loved touring DC and admiring all the amazing front doors on the fabulous Brownstones. The best neighbourhood was Georgetown and Adams Morgan, while the doors in Old Town Alexandria were stunning.

    But my all time favourite are the grandious front doors of Parisian buildings! Elegant and classic.

    I feel your pain, except I am renting and I can't paint the door the colour I want as it would mean painting the whole house. In the meantime, I just drool over other fabulous doors!

  11. Gorgeous Jen! I love New York and can't wait to go back hopefully one day soon:)

  12. such a clever post idea. i love it! reminds me of those old european posters of all unique doors.

  13. This makes me miss NY so much...we used to walk these streets...and now we are in SoCal...

  14. I'm dying over the first one. The color and style is FABULOUS! Actually, they all are pretty amazing! Love your tour!

  15. All these doors look fabulous! What a treat, thanks for sharing!


  16. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    Ahh!! I have an HOA too and it sucks when you can't do what you want =( Those doors are amazing. (I have a slight obession with doors)

  17. GREAT post!!! They are all so beautiful! Now if we could just have a peak inside! ;)

  18. WOW!!! These are all so incredible!


  19. Splendid! Makes me want to do a little reno to my front door. I wonder what my HOA states about that :\

    Lauren | Myers Maison

  20. Those are absolutely fantastic! Like going back in time! Truly those were architects. I can only imagine the interiors!!!
    THANKS for taking these pics and posting!
    XO Carrie

  21. So amazing. I love the second picture of the post. So NYC chic (:

  22. these are taking pictures of doors too...took loads of them in Paris..have a lovely visit my blog when you have a moment..xx meenal

  23. Hi! Nice selection of pics! really original and really NYC!
    good job

  24. Me ha encantado tu post de hoy. Me encantan las puertas de entrada. !PRECIOSO!. Bicos

  25. Just loved this walk down memory lane...we lived on 66th (btwn 2nd and 3rd!):) and yes, HOA are the worst!

  26. LOVE them all but especially the first one! The exact type of images that make me desperate to visit NY!! Nicolex

  27. Love this post!!! I love a good front door and can't wait to have one of my own. *We have one now, but I can't stand it!!! :)

  28. I love black front doors! Ange

  29. Hello...those are some stunning front doors and don't forget Miles Redds front beautiful...all of wonder what the inside looks like. It is sad that the beautiful cement work is a thing of the past!

  30. Preciosas las entradas a las casas!

  31. Great pics! I wanted to let you know that I featured you on my post today.

  32. So chic! Oh to live in a brownstone. The charm and style on the outside makes we want to bust down the door and find out what's behind it. Thanks for capturing them . . .

  33. I do love that gray door! And I couldn't help follow up the last line of your post with, xoxo gossip girl.

    I may have a problem.

  34. how about embracing the brown? make it an asset? we compliments on ours all the time. definitely not a yuck.

  35. We have HOAs here too (but called something different), but we only have to abide by their color controls for 2 years after the community is out for us! But now every once in awhile someone has an odd fence color!

  36. I work right across the street from a few of those doors! I LOVE my walk home from work, eyeing all those gorgeous doors!!!

  37. LETICIA: ahh cool! i love the big door knockers too. Im thinking of adding one to my front door...:)

  38. BARBARA: Ive never been to any of the neighborhoods you mentioned, but it would be great to just visit these areas to look at these amazing homes. East coast is full of front door heaven ..... HOA's can be almost like renting in a have to go through hoops to change any decor.

  39. CARRIE: i remember once the front door was open to one of these and i actually stopped in my tracks to look inside...of course i saw some amazing things but i only wish i could've gotten closer without looking spooky!!

  40. A LIVED IN HOME: oh! thank you- will check it out!

  41. KRYSTAL: That is the only thing wrong with NOT having HOA's - not everyone is going to have your taste...and so you may end up with a neighbor who has an odd colored door....ha!!

  42. Oh, how I miss NY. You're right - front doors make a huge statement. Thx for sharing!

  43. Gorgeous finds! Love homes with history and character!

  44. I loved this post because I also love doors. It was so fun to see some highlights from NYC. I did a post a little while ago about some of my favorite doors so far while traveling around Europe - you can take a look here if you'd like!

  45. What a cute feature! How adorable would they be as a framed series in a room?! I love NY what an exciting trip for you.

  46. Ahh so lovely! Thank you!

  47. Love a grand entrance. These doors are works of art!

  48. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    wow these doors are gorgeous. Next time im in the city i'm going on a self-made tour.

  49. Love The Doors ~ Love Your Blog

  50. AnonymousJuly 30, 2013

    Where are the locations for these doors?

  51. Very pretty doors - thanks for the "pinspiration." I've repinned to Pinterest/homedepot on the doors & windows pinboard.


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