Want to Advertise here on Made By Girl Blog ??

A few things to know: Special is available to new advertisers only! Must purchase the ad by April 30th.... so HURRY & be seen by thousands of people per month! Ads will be placed onto Made By Girl Blog on May 1st, unless specified by you.

Email me at:  jen (at) madebygirl (dot) com

-image by jen ramos


  1. Are there any restrictions on type of business or type of blog? Mine are both on spray tanning. Thanks!

  2. JODY- Yes, there are some restrictions....but i think spray tan is fine. Im sure many people out there who read my blog get spray tans...so no worries. You can email me at jen (at) madebygirl (dot) com

  3. Sounds fab.. I will be back in a few months when I launch my new website..hope I can get a good rate then too xx

  4. You were so nice to post about my jewelry last month so I will sign up!

  5. I'm interested in advertising. I have a lifestyle blog with an online shop! I cook on there, style post, and all that jazz. Is that okay? How do we contact you? I was looking for an email link1

    Americantrini86 (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. Jen just realized I payed for ad space last time and forgot about it - so dummy me!!

    Hugs & kisses from Rio!

  7. send invoice!
    we're excited!

    thanks again!


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com