Cool Felt by Crafts 2 Cherish...(Via Made By Girl)

How is everyone today? Did you get to see the Royal Wedding?

I'm so relieved it's Friday..... With all the HYPE regarding the ROYAL Wedding, I ended up falling asleep & not watching it. Then again, who wants to stay up till 3am to see Will & Kate get married!?! Ok, I admit I did....but at 3am?!? No wonder I fell asleep. 

I SWEAR the BRIDE would be wearing a super tall hat of some sort in the shape of a crown maybe??  Or was she ACTUALLY supposed to wear the crown?? 

Anyhow, I pictured something different, hence why I'm featuring this company called Crafts 2 Cherish. I was so INSPIRED by those amazing headpieces at the wedding..they were so amazing! I figured a average girls like us could rock something similar without the HEFTY price tag right? Crafts 2 Cherish is based out of Ireland & the artist makes these hand felted pieces for the hair and more! These were my favorites if course....

 Check out the shop here for more! 

-Images by Tom Szusztek



  1. too bad I missed the royal wedding but I'm gonna search for it online
    love these headpieces :))

  2. I want one for every blazer :)

  3. Jen thse are lovely I just adored looking at all of the Royal hats and fascinaters!

    Art by Karena

    Last few days to Come and enter my very Fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!

  4. I don't know how something like this could touch me so deeply, but it did. Maybe it was the fairy tale aspect of it. William could not have found a more beautiful bride...or, future Queen. Since Grace Kelly is my idol and I so love the classic style; Catherine looked perfect, in my opinion. Extravagance of this scale usually turns me off, but perhaps, with all the bad news as of late, it is a breath of fresh air to see so much loveliness. Like you, I didn't make it up at three. :(
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I'm with ya Jen! I fell asleep too, but she indeed looked stunning. Perfectly fit for a Princess and her gown was very tasteful. :) I posted some of my fav hats on my blog and these headpieces would have been lovely too for the guests. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend doll!

  6. Nope, I didn't stayed till 3am to watch it. I watched the royal wedding coverage after 8am today via CNN with my husband. LOL!

    By the way, very lovely headpieces. Looks very well made.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Jen!


  7. Cute ! Love the flowers. Could not stay up either but did see some of it today !


  8. :) Just passed along the One Lovely Blog Award to you!

  9. 3AM, forget it. That's what DVR is for! We watched the wedding over tea and scones when we woke up this morning. The felted flowers are so pretty, though. You're right-- they would have fit right into the festivities.

  10. Such pretty pieces! I'm off to check out the rest of the shop!

  11. ooohhh so pretty! I love hats, wish in North America we'd wear them more often like the British.

  12. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    These are fantastic!

    I watched the wedding, though I was up at 4:30 to do so! It was absolutely worth it, though, and I'll be telling my grandkids about this one.

    I was enthralled by the hats, myself. Methinks we should start that trend in America. :)


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