Crappy Update on Our Kitchen (Via Made by Girl)

I was so EXCITED when we first begun this kitchen cabinet renovation. Now I'm a bit BUMMED out....You see, the contractors were here, they prepped & sprayed into the night but when daylight hit (next day) I started seeing paint cracking on the kick boards!!! One kick board was even BUBBLING up!! 

I'm no EXPERT but I'm going to guess they must have skipped a step! Of course, we contacted the company immediately and they said they would fix the problem.  We are waiting to set a date, hopefully not too far into the Holiday season!! Tomorrow they're supposed to deliver the painted doors.....we hope those are done correctly!

This has brought a bit of STRESS for me this weekend & I may just be driving my guy nuts with the worrying. But, come on....when someone pays for a job, it should be done right.....right?!!?  The thing that really bothered me is that the contractor told us he didn't see any CRACKS or chipping. Did he even notice that when he removed his tape and plastic covers he ALSO removed the paint off my baseboards?!?! 

Sorry I'm venting here, but I need your support and hopefully some of you out there can relate. Maybe I just need to hear that it will be ok. Thanks to all of YOU for checking in with me on my blog, I truly appreciate all your comments.

Above is a picture of my kitchen this Monday morning, however you won't be able to see ALL the stuff I'm talking about from this far. Below is some of it. Either way, this is the stage we are right now! Hopefully, this will get done RIGHT before the Holidays!
 image by jen



  1. How annoying Jen! I completely understand your frustration seeing those last pics (although your kitchen in the top shots is already looking so lovely even without the cupboard doors!) Hope you get it all sorted out soon x

  2. You have every right to be upset! Did they prime first? Sort of an obvious question, but did they use an oil based primer first? An absolute must when painting kitchen cabinets. Are they using oil or latex paint? What temperature are they painting in?

    Concerned for you,

  3. Oh, you must be furious! I'm mad for you :) You just make sure they fix it exactly how you want it.. that kitchen is going to look SPECTACULAR when it's done :) xx

  4. How horrible! Thats the thing with contractors, they never do it the right way the first time. They always have some delays or excuses! Make sure to be very have to live with this, not them. Good luck. I can not wait for the fabulous results!

  5. Jen, I had the same thoughts Kate did. As I mentioned to you last night we just went though our kitchen remodel so I can fully relate to how you're feeling. But, they do need to make it right for you. You are the paying customer! I found during the course of our remodel that things did come up along the way and not everything went smoothly but one thing to keep in mind is it can all be fixed and done to your satisfaction. Hang in there! It'll all be beautiful once you're all finished.

  6. What a bummer! Good thing they are coming back to fix it! The kitchen is looking AMAZING but I feel your frustration!


  7. KATE:

    It's lacquered...They were done by a professional company...they came in and prepped it and then they sprayed it.

    it's oil based paint...and they sprayed it with some machine that had a long hose. I'm a bit stressed, so hoping this gets fixed soon.

  8. Ah, Jen, I feel for ya! I 100% agree, if you're paying for a job you better believe it should be done right. Just stand your ground and in the end I'm sure you'll love it.

    On the plus side I'm LOVING those stools!! Where did you score those?

    Stay positive, girl. It'll all be worth it in the end!!

  9. Ack, I'm so sorry that happened!! I would be freaking out as well. It's so frustrating to have something that you've been excited about (and that you're paying for!) take an unfortunate turn. I'm with Kate, it sounds like they haven't dotted all their i's. I'm sorry, and I'm hoping they fix it ASAP!

  10. Hi,
    You don't know me, and I just bumped into your blog for the first time. Lots to look at and catch up on! I am excited. I did want to chime in on the cabinet thing though. I had mine painted this year, and also had a panic attack when the tape and coverings came off. I was seeing lots of run lines on the shells of the cabinets. After not being able to sleep ALL night, I answered the door with a crazed face the next day to find my painter standing there with back up help. They were able to fix it! It was definitely an unexpected detour, and I was frustrated, but he used some kind of stinky wood laquer to get the run lines out, then had to repaint by hand! But the doors he sprayed turned out wonderfully, and I would do it again in a hearbeat because I love the results so much! Good luck, and don't let yourself have a heart attack just yet. I love how it is looking so far. I wish I had cleaner lines like you do, but working with what I had was my only option. Hopefully my story does not make you even more worried! Best wishes

  11. ugh...that sucks Jen! I'll keep you and your renovation in prayer. I'm going through some craziness with my home builder right now. We've only been in our home 5 years and things are falling apart. My wood floors are separating, cracks in my ceiling, cabinet hardware's the pits. We are waiting in limbo with the builder and our lawyer for the repairs to be made or the money to be paid to us. I totally understand...different situation but still quite frustrating.

  12. ahh, I would be totally frustrated too! :( Especially when it's so exciting and you put so much thought and effort and then they do it incorrectly! Hopefully they correct their mistake and everything turns out fabulous!

    I'm sure it will though! ;)

  13. Oh my gosh Jen that is SO bad! How did he not notice the mess he's made? What the heck! Ugh. Yes, you definitely expect a good job if you pay for something.

  14. JESSIE: Hello there! Thanks for commenting. Actually your comment made me feel more at ease. They also used some smelly spray here too....and there was dust everywhere. Im hoping they wont have to use their sprayer to fix these cracks & can do it by hand the way yours was fixed. Its such a pain to clean everything up after they leave....i contractors ever clean their mess!?

  15. MYISHA: Yikes. Ive heard about that with new homes. We just moved and its a new place, we found a small crack in the ceiling next to the AC vent, that was fixed today by the warranty, thank God. I can't imagine....sorry to hear all that is happening in your place. :(

  16. How crummy:( Hope the "experts" will correct their mistakes! You are the one paying!!! Hope it all turns out in the end. I have never heard of a renovation going smoothly, hopefully this is your bump in the road and then smooth sailing from here on in!

  17. Goodluck Jen, sorry can't offer any pro help as I'm no painting expert. But I'm sending you positive vibes. And as with any new homes there is always settling with the foundation. I've seen this with a few friends that have purchased new homes from neighbourhood developments. I'm sure it will be all sorted out.

  18. Make some noise about it! Contractors only do as much as they have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And don't feel like you are the worst client ever - they dump that guilt on you so that you will go easy on them...they are paid to do a job, but you have to hound them to make sure it gets done right...they mess up - you yell - they fix = pretty

  19. Honey..I can just imagine your frustration..I dont think I would have stayed as composed. But it can be fixed..and you just have to make sure it your standard..and dont back down till its done right.
    And just for the record, they are suppose to clean up after themselves...but generally only when the job is done. However they are meant to remove and dangerous materials that could cause an accident or be harmful to your health.
    It will look awesome when done honey..and this will be like a bad dream..hang in there :) x

  20. Oh, I would be totally beside myself!! I have my fingers crossed for you - at least your contractors are being responsive about it.

  21. I know exactly how you feel...its beyond frustrating when this stuff happens. During our renovations we had so many similar awful experiences. Thankfully it was all straightened out, just like yours will be. And what a beautiful kitchen it is shaping up to be!

  22. When we were building our home we ran into the same issue with drips. It does seem like the contractors never do it the right way the first time. There always seemed to be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th trip to get it right! It looks really beautiful right now…Good luck!

  23. Ah, I can sympathize. Contractors wrecked my home :( Our sheet rock is starting to fall down, especially on the ceiling. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping for the best!!! XO

  24. Did they sand and prime before painting? It's an absolutely necessary step, particularly on cabinetry, which will get a lot of wear. Sorry you are having to go through this.

    FYI, a tip for anyone considering hiring someone for similar work: Have the painters do a sample door using the same steps they would for the job, so you can ensure you are happy with the quality of the work prior to proceeding. I was, and as a bonus, having the sample gave me a standard they had to live up to.


  25. Oh, and a good contractor does clean up behind themselves. Perhaps not to the degree to be ready for the white glove test, but enough!

  26. I had to come back and leave another comment. This is not a one day process. After the sanding and cabinetry prep they need to be primed with an oil primer, even if you are having them "lacquered". The primer then has to dry prior to painting with oil based paint. Each layer takes more than a day to dry. If the painting was done in one day there is no way it was done properly.


  27. ISABELLA & MAX : I believe they did sand, but not everything it seems... Owner is coming to my home tonight... To see things.

  28. OMG! That is SO NOT OK!!! You have every right to be furious. I hope they get their act together and come fix your kitchen ASAP!!!

  29. While it sucks to pay for crappy service, you'll consider yourself lucky after you see these pictures! Look what "professional" painters did to Jo's (from Desire to Inspire) 150 year old cedar floors last week:

    Make sure you keep a watchful eye over them when they come back to fix it!

  30. Hey Jen!

    Just wanted to let you know I just awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award!

    You can see it on my latest post at my blog...

    hope this makes you smile despite the kitchen :)

  31. You have every right to be frustrated! They definitely need to fix that as soon as possible. It definitely adds to the frustration when the contractor is playing dumb and acting like he can't even see the mistake...

  32. Oh my goodness we are totally having the same problems. We're redoing our kitchen too. I've been blogging about it. (

    I'm not even joking. We have to be living the same life.

  33. Sorry to hear you are having such a problem. We are in the general contracting business and I'm a designer. Our clients always want to save money on the painting, and it is one area we always caution on trying to save some dollars. Good painters are hard to come by. We have gone through many to find a few that do an outstanding job and stand behind their work. But you know what, they don't come cheap. Make them make it right, and insist that they take all of the necessary steps. Also, make them provide you a year's warranty. Otherwise, withhold final payment.

  34. THAT GIRL DESIGNS: Good point. They did tell me that they had a one year warranty...but they would provide it for me after the job is done. Im going to try to get it before I pay them the remaining balance. Thanks!

  35. Oh no! I would say that they didn't sand the finish off properly and sprayed paint too thick..... because i just did the same thing with my doors. oops.

    If it makes you feel any better, the white looks beautiful!

  36. ZEN: Oh my goodness...I feel lucky all of a sudden...I dont understand why some people just dont respect other people's homes!!

  37. Sorry about your experiance Jen! Things happen but the essential part is that the person (in this case the contractor) performing the service should take ownership and do whatever they need to fix the mistake. I get so frustrated with these types of people. There are many amazing contractors out there that will go above and beyond to satisfy their client for obvious reasons.
    Although it's hard and frustrating make sure to point out what's not up to parr that needs to be fixed to meet your expectations.
    I hope it all ends great and all this will be forgotten.
    I think soon you will have a beautiful white kitchen that you have been dreaming about :)

    Good luck! Edyta

  38. Don't worry.
    Don't get upset.
    Just delegate them to get the job done, and get it done well.

    The problem with taking the doors and drawers away and leaving the body behind, is that those that go away get the proper treatment, and what stays behind gets done my hand. And some times hands get tired, and they don't always see in good light what needs more attention. And then there is the final finish.

    1) heavy sanding all around, all layers.

    2) primer, the right primer, and sometimes more than one coat.

    3) paint, the right paint that matches to the right primer.

    If they re-sand just the bubble spots, more bubble spots will arise later. And most times, these days the base boards are not made of wood, while the cupboard doors and drawer faces are. That meas different primers, for different materials.

    The baseboards may need to be replace with wood, which would be costly, or switch out for an alternate base board that will not be painted.

    Find the solutions, and get it done.
    This is just another puzzle challenge. Keep your emotions out of it. This is just business.


  39. that stinks jen....I'm sure it will be beautiful when its all said and done...


  40. P.S. I like the uppers without their doors.

  41. Oh how fustrating. You have every right to feel the way you do and do not let them guilt you about it as it's their doing.

    All the best. Good thing you have the owner checking it out. It isn't right.

  42. Wow. Vent on! In my experience contractors have to be watched and monitored every second of the job, its like a second job! my friend just got her front door replaced and the guys were nice enough to break the side glass panels and wanted to not accept responsibility! (gasp).

    Hopefully everything gets completely in time.

  43. Oh my goodness! Not cool. I am following your process closely as I am doing what you are doing on top of adding hardwoods and granite/marble & backsplash. My process begins on the 28th... please share any tips :) Also, what kind of countertops do you have? I'm struggling on making that decision. I'm considering calcutta marble but nervous about the staining or i will do a honed absolute black granite. Any thoughts? Can't wait to see your finished project. Its going to look fab!

  44. Oh that is sooo annoying! I'm sure it doesn't seem possible at the moment but professional painters can definitely make it look the way it's supposed to- I'm sure it's just a little hiccup and in the end, you kitchen is going to be gorgeous- despite the cracks, it's still looking gorgeous!

  45. Oh Jen, that's so disappointing isn't it! I hear stories all the time from friends and bloggers of contractors missing steps in processes and stuffing the job up... :(
    I hope they can get it sorted asap for you and you can have your kitchen all perfect very soon!

  46. my friend got her cabinets spray painted by a car shop that paints and details and they came out great. she has vintage cabinets so not sure what material they are. but your contractor definitely missed something in the process. just make sure they get it done and not skip town. best of luck!

  47. Oh my that is just not fair... it happened to me when I hired someone of craigslit to paint my apt, gosh even I could have made a better job... but you got lucky you hired an actual company and you have legal rights to get exactly what you paid for! Good luck my dear!

  48. I am no paint expert so unfortunately don't have any wise words for you. But it WILL turn out great -- having gone through a major reno on my apt, i know that it always takes longer and there are always blips along the way. luckily this one seems relatively minor...or that's the bright side at least! the other upside is that i can already see how wonderful it is going to look! hope you feel better!


  49. That's obviously not right and they absolutely need to fix it. I would be so upset too- I mean, that's why you hire professionals so you don't have these problems. Once they get it right, it's going to be beautiful though!

  50. * I SOOOO FEEEEEEEL for you, Jen!!!!

    I just had all mine done and, almost haaate to say it, but they came out FAB... then again, I've used the same painter (& he does greaaat faux painting too) for 6 years, so I could trust him...

    ANYHOOOOO, I'm getting OFF THE SUBJECT!!! Having said THAT garbage that you probably DIDN'T want/need to hear, I just K*N*O*W the company WILL FIX THEM, and FIX THEM TO Y*O*U*R satisfaction~~~~~ you make SURE of that, girlfriend, even IF you have to "cry".... Chances are, in reality, if you CAN be calm & STICK TO THE FACTS, I think you'll be ok.

    If NOT???? Thennnn, YOU have THEM call ME in AZ~~~ I may be a softie/wuss M*O*S*T of the time, but I C*A*N chew their butts with the BEST of them, dahlin'!!!

    PLEASE KEEP US POSTED (and just so you know, my fingers are crossed for you!!!)...

    Linda in AZ *

  51. * Jen, I just went back, read everyone's comments AND looked at your kitchen again. Sweetie, it... will... turn... out... BEAUTIFULLY!!!! Your lighting, the stools, everything you've done so far is uber great~~~ just "a lil' tough ride" thru the cabinet situation to survive, and you'll be inviting the whole NEIGHBORHOOD over to share in your joy!!! Wish I could come see, too!!! (Well, and being "normal", you'd HAVE to share the "horror story", of course!!! We gals LOVE to embellish, you know!)...Smiles...

    Motherly hugs,
    Linda in AZ *

  52. Oh girly, everything will be fine. Just keep voicing your opinion until it's the way you want it.

    Looks like they skipped a step (sanding, priming?) or just did it kind of half way. BUT it will work out just fine and you will LOVE the new look.

    No stress. You aren't the one messing up, they are. Just voice it until you love it!

    I guess that is the one good thing about doing the kitchen myself. I see a "rough spot" and think, well, maybe that was me painting after a beer? Oops!

  53. TERI REES WANG: The owner said they would replace the kick boards with wood instead...he says they are not made out of wood..

    Thanks for your input, it definitely helped. :))

  54. You poor thing! How upsetting to be so excited for your kitchen to be finished only to have them totally mess it up.

    Stay strong and don't give up! Keep us posted,

  55. J ANNE'S BOUTIQUE: Ugh, thats awful...thats why i am going to be watching everything when they come back....!

  56. MOM23BLESSINGS: Its so hard to share that tips since this is so early in the game for me. But from what i know so far, try to watch as MUCH as possible while they are working. I got careless and started doing some work upstairs in my home while they were downstairs doing the cabinets....big mistake. You have to take time out and pay attention. Ask LOTS of questions, and dont be scared to call and complain, because i've definitely done that. As for my countertops, they're actually Corian ,color is rain Cloud...very similar looking to honed Marble with a few veins... I think its real pretty and obviously not as pricey as marble. You can clean it with soap and water - pretty simple. Thank you!

  57. LINDA IN AZ: Ha! Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. Lucky you about your painter...its always great when you find a good contractor who you can call again & again! :)))

  58. It will totally be okay. I call these stages "Humtpy Dumpty" moments. As in, how will we ever get it back together again? At least you have a pro who will fix it. Its waaay scarier when you're DIYing and you're the person who screwed up. I know that feeling well. Best of luck. This kitchen is already looking great!

  59. Ohmigod, you poor thing, you must be sick with worry, but at least they are going to resolve this situation!

    I can't believe those shots you've posts, i'd be fuming with anger, so you have every right be be venting out and be upset.

    I hope all this gets fixed before the big holidays... Your home looks smashing darling, and so will the kitchen!


  60. Oh dont even want to imagine the level of incompetence of some Spanish contractors...Im telling you, with the stress they cause (its your home!) they should be paying you moral damages, clean the whole mess AND prepare you a nice bubble bath and a dinner as a compensation!

  61. I would be upset to, especially since painting any type of woodwork does not come cheap!!

  62. oh how that sucks. Sorry, you have been soo excited and looking forward to this. Karma will visit them. File with the BBB. Hope you have a good Christmas even though you aren't having such a good day.


  63. oh how that sucks. Sorry, you have been soo excited and looking forward to this. Karma will visit them. File with the BBB. Hope you have a good Christmas even though you aren't having such a good day.


  64. Oh yah, my father in law is a professional painter. I would offer help if I lived in Las Vegas. Best of Luck. Try to enjoy your Beautiful new home. It's awesome by the way.


  65. If you are paying for it they must deliver what they have promised, and work precisely and with care.
    This looks like a painting job of an amateur, and not a profesional.
    Good luck!

  66. Did they just get their license yesterday? That's ridicolous that there is paint chipping already. Oh Jen I'm sorry. I'm starting this renovating process next week when I move into my new place this weekend so I'm going to make sure everything is done correctly. Theses people must have forgotten a step!! I hope you get a date soon!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for u!

    Melanie's Randomness

  67. yikes that is a disaster. it's really hard to find good contractors... we learned our lesson the hard way and now we ALWAYS check references and try and go off of recommendations. good luck! I'm sure it will look amazing when it's finished!

  68. I can so relate-hate it when you pay your money and in the end, you could have probably done a better job(even though you're not the expert:-)). It sounds like they'll come through for you though,so hang in there:-).

  69. contractors can seriously be so annoying. I've worked with the good and the bad. Just take lots of pictures. And remember, it does not matter what he does and does not see, you are the client. If you are disatisfied, it is wrong.

  70. I'm guessing they used really crappy paint. It almost looks sticky, like it will never harden, and that's why it came off with the tape. It might not be oil-based, either. I bet you anything they did not actually get the Benjamin Moore (is that right?) paint you wanted, but matched it and used a really cheap paint instead. The paint on my trim, window seats, and fireplace--any vase or object I put on it, just sticks, and then when I pry it off, there's a black circle where the vase used to be.

  71. Oh yeah. That's a problem!
    Similar contractor problems with us right now... We're in the process of installing a new island with a sink and dishwasher. The plumber was out yesterday running the new lines. He finally "finished" at about 7pm. At 7:30, I went to use the sink. My husband was in the basement and started screaming that water was spraying everywhere! AGGH!! The plumber forgot to solder a couple joints in the copper piping! BIG problem.
    We called the plumbing company and bitched, so they fortunately sent their on-call plumber out to fix it... at no cost to us. If I'm paying them to work on my home, it damn well better be RIGHT!

  72. I am sorry, Jen! Contractors always say that "I can't see what you're complaining about" - yeah, right! I hope it all get righted very soon. xx

  73. Having been in the kitchen remodeling business for some years, I would say he didn't prepare the cabinets for the different materials. I bet the toe kick is a laminate while the actual cabinets are wood. Oh, and WHY did the use tape on the baseboards?! Hope it is resolved soon!

  74. I'm loving the way the kitchen is turning out. I love the lighting choices. It will all work out. Dealing with contractors can be a headache, for sure.

  75. I am so sorry to hear about this! I would be furious! I really hope they sort it out for u.

  76. Sorry this happened. Sucks I'm sure. Crossing my fingers for you girl that it comes together right now.

  77. I hope you fired his tushi! That or make him redo it and micro-manage! I would be furious. I hope it all works out!
    Lila Ferrarogr

  78. You have every right to be upset! That totally sucks! I hope you get everything worked out, and soon!

  79. Yikes! Maybe they left the painters tape on too long (happened to me before and I also read how it can do that). You are right though about the job being done right, esp. when you pay for it!

  80. You know, after dealing with contractors for my last renovation, I decided to brush up on a little DIY knowledge and get to work myself. It was hard but I couldn't be happier, thanks in part to this post:

    Hope everything works out!

  81. Oh my-- so frustrating!! We had my grandma's kitchen redone this summer and it was a disaster! The guy who removed the wall paper and painted it said it would take 4 days total and it took 2 weeks! I could have done it faster than that! Hope your kitchen gets done by Christmas!

    And you are allowed to be stressed and frustrated! We sue were. This is the very reason contractors and painters have bad reps!

  82. Welcome to the world of contractors! Not a fun experience. One big fat babysitting job is what I say. I agree with Janelle, this should of not of been done in one day. The primer should of dried at least 24 hours. A good prep job makes the world of difference. I would check their blue tape too! There are some cheap varieties out there, which don't work. And yes a good reputable company should clean up after themselves. On my daughter's recent renovation, the contractors all talked to each other to let them know I was "picky so beware". Um, no, I just want the job done better than if I was to do it, otherwise I wouldn't of hired them. Good luck, it will all work out in the end.

  83. Uplifting during any kind of storm:

    For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
    — 2 Corinthians 4:17–18

  84. ELHAM: Oddly enough i read the passage a few days very true. I do pray that God give us both strength to move ahead without so much frustration- thank you.

  85. Oh man, I would be so upset and stressed too, you are so not alone! I hope they get it right asap so we can see beautiful pics of your finished kitchen!

  86. I'm not sure what your doors will look like, but I'm really loving it now as is without the doors and the alternate color on the backboard...very modern looking. Happy Renovating!
    From Bali With Love,


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