Ugliest Blog Post I've Ever Done....(Via Made by Girl)

Every so often I find a great deal on Craigslist, such as my white french Provincial sofa, (It wasn't white, see before pics here) which is now one of my favorite pieces. However, to tell you the TRUTH....the LAS VEGAS Craigslist is filled with furniture that just makes MY skin crawl! 

I admit, I get a tiny bit JEALOUS of LA and NYC Craigslist, because I'm CERTAIN they have some worthwhile pieces listed. But, OMG, look at what I get to look at when I'm on there....(go ahead, feel sorry for me), it's terrible what people are actually trying to SELL for 100's of dollars!

So, am I the only one with the 80's FLASHBACK furniture (in my town) or is the Craigslist in your town ALSO filled with the same craziness?!!? Please share.

Nothing against CL, I'm sure it's not their fault people post this.

CL Translator:
Antique =  old oak furniture
Modern= anything shiny, leather or black with glass on top of it.



  1. ohmygosh, you crack me up! I'm still giggling about the lamp on the bed, whatintheheck!??

    No, you are NOT the only one, the rare treasures are definitely few and far between!!

  2. bahaha! oh no lady, you're so not alone. the SF bay area's craigslist is filled with crap too. you literally have to spend hours on there to find anything worthwhile.

  3. hey that couch is mine~! haha j/k!! this was one hilarious post.. and yea, my town (kansas city) is TOTALLY the same way!

  4. I feel your pain! I live in the city the rest of the country mocks. The furniture on our equivalent is nasty and overpriced. They dare to call it antique!

  5. k, I'm writing from Canada, Ottawa to be more precise and its pretty much a waste of time. The most exciting things are SOME teak pieces at insane prices + Ikea. No joke. Thank God we have Montreal close by. I got 4 bertoia chairs off craiglist for $300. And that's considered getting super lucky around here.

  6. Jen-- This has GOT to be the funniest post I have EVER seen!! I literally was "laughing out loud"!

    I have to say-my fav has to be the lamp on the "naked" mattress! haha

    Thanks for the GREAT laugh!

    Delightfully Chic

  7. Ugh. SO overpriced. Two Craigslist stories:
    1- Searched French Provincial got a listing for girls who will come clean your house in French maid outfits...
    2-Nascar coffee table...It was a tire with a piece of glass on top.


  8. Teeeheeeee. Those saggy, oversized, UGLY leather sofas are making the rounds on the List, amongst other HIDEOUS things. But the pricing is the funniest thing..

  9. Oh dear that stuff is baaaad! And you are right, what on earth are they trying to sell in that pic?? Gross.

  10. lol...thanks for the laughs..

    i do pretty well with the clist here in chicago but i think every city has listings like this and its always entertaining

  11. Its juts as awful and obnoxious in LA. And the good pieces are insanely priced. Utah or Ohio, those are the places for treasures I think. Juts gotta dig deep. Good luck.

  12. Hahahahaa...I couldn't agree with you more! You're soooo funny Jen.

  13. CHRISTINE,JUST BELLA: The lamp on the bed was the craziest..and what the lights?? why so darn dark??

  14. BANANAS: Geez, and i thought that SF might be better....hmmmmm

  15. SANDY A LA MODE: LOL..yea...I can imagine Kansas City similar to Vegas in taste.

  16. CHAVAH: No kidding, I see people calling pieces antique, when it's just old Ashley furniture (a chain store here in town).

    Ha! That lamp kills me...

  18. JUST A GIRL: so funny..I may have to try that search...haha

  19. Love this!! Boy, these items are definitely cring worthy :)


  20. How better to showcase a beautiful lamp than displayed on an unmade bed?!

    A few years ago when the Boardwalk Hotel & Casino closed I saw an ad in the RJ for an auction of their things, among which was pictured a mattress with a huge stain on it! How bad must the other stuff look if that was the one they chose to showcase?!

  21. hahahaha oj jen - just the topic of this post made me laugh. too funny! sal x

  22. I cannot stop laughing. YOu are too funny. I love the title of this post.

    P.S. I found this "Handy Craigslist Translator" over at Modernhaus this week. She's right on.

  23. Oh Jen, At least you made me laugh! I put together catalogues and you should see the photo's for the products we get back from suppliers that they genuinely believe are good- I am telling you they look a lot like that sometimes! Cam xox

  24. And don't you love how people describe their furniture as 'retro' when really they mean 'down right ugly'?!

  25. Hehehehe! You have got me giggling Jen! Hilarious!
    I know we all have different tastes....but in some man's junk is NOT another man's treasure haaaa!

  26. Oh My Goodness, I just DIED laughing. Don't feel bad, Toronto is as bad if not worse. I have been searching around for pieces to buy cheap and update for my home, however i have been in shock at what I have been finding -and for MORE MONEY THEN BUYING NEW! So glad I am not alone.

    Rai xo.

  27. LMAO! Yes - I learned the ugly truth about CL a couple years ago. I have found a couple of good finds before - but most people listing on CL have no concept of accurate descriptions and horrific taste.

  28. I feel the same! I read all thee blogs in New York who have transformed a great looking Craigs list find....the UK Craigs list is awful!

  29. Ewwwwwww is right! WOW! Try Portland, Oregon. We have some crazy listings here too, so your not the only one coming across some pathetic stuff! I can't believe people actually believe they will sale it for those prices! THEY ARE USED! COME ON PEOPLE! lol. I'm glad you pointed this stuff out. I thought I was the only one seeing some crap on there!

  30. haha this is hilarious!c

  31. We live in a small town in Northwest Indiana where the furniture on craigslist is often overstuffed, overused, over grown with horrible floral fabric, and modern means 1985. We have found a couple of things, but man I have to dig to get there :)I know I am jealous of some the finds I see other bloggers getting!

  32. This is way too funny! I was just showing my husband last night some "gorgeous" furniture on CL and laughing about the way people place their add. I think they are on crack if they think someone is going to buy it!

    Hey Janell from Isabella and max room just did a post on your "I love blogs and coffee" and I want one but my etsy account is goofed up. Do you have any other colors or just the tan and brown? Let me know this is so perfect for me!


  33. Try living in a deadbeat Army town...whew boy talk about some uuuuglly stuff! I always felt a little jealous of all you lucky people living in actual cities, but I guess craigslist is a treasure hunt no matter where you live. Heck, I dare to say it wouldn't be as fun to use if everything was awesome!

  34. Love this post. I have been fooled a few times by the descriptions people put, only to be disappointed. There are some deals out there though!

  35. Umm...try Columbus, GA where Ashley Furniture is considered high end. I always just browse ATL cuz they have a much better selection, but with a 2 hour drive and a truck that takes premium gas that drive isn't much worth it.

    I also have a bit of CL envy.

  36. Ooooh! Dibs on that California Raisin of a Sofa! Yummy!

    I'm in Montreal and to the poster from Ottawa who scored the Bertoia chairs... I am insanely jealous!

  37. ours is just as bad. Although I did get a killer deal on some antique french dining chairs.

  38. ha! cute post. i think shopping at craiglist is worst than all of the above. that site is so full of spam and scams for me to trust it.

  39. Umm...try Columbus, GA where Ashley Furniture is considered high end. I always just browse ATL cuz they have a much better selection, but with a 2 hour drive and a truck that takes premium gas that drive isn't much worth it.

    I also have a bit of CL envy.

  40. I have another for your CL translator: High End = just a guarantee that it's not. I have yet to see anything on our craigslist with that description that isn't made of particle

  41. haha this is incredible. I've had these experiences on multiple occasions! I personally love the ones where there are still people sitting on said "contemporary" couch.

  42. Best post! It's so awful. Fear not, Toronto doesn't get any better. It's really shocking what people will write to describe their furniture. Love!

    Alexandra xo

  43. That's hilarious! It's the same here in Vancouver, BC Canada. I have seen a lot of those leather sofas for sale.

  44. HAHAHAHHA. I live in Vegas too!! I can't believe how ugly some of the stuff they are trying to sell is.. for upwards $500. I actually got a free couch here off CL.. not the cutest thing in the world.. but not too shabby, a sectional pull out as well. I didn't know my favorite blogger lived in vegas :)

  45. You're def. not the only one! Some people are crazy like that! What the hell they think they're selling ?? Some piece of valuable jewelery or sth? I find myself complaining about the same thing all the time and I live in NY:)

  46. HAHA oh my gosh, so funny and SO true! It is seriously unbelievable what people try and sell on there! My bigger question is, do they actually sell these things? Who would be insane enough to buy them?!?!

  47. I so can relate you to!! I think NYC and Atlanta of the best selection of CL stuff ever....where I live in Sac, Ca its full of crap and a few prices that are nice.

  48. Too funny! I had previously been so envious of all the makeovers I've seen by people saying they scooped their finds of CL. I'm in a little town with the closest CL city being 5 hours away (and not a big city).
    Okay, now I can quit pining over not being able to shop the list!
    Thanks so much for the giggle Jen.

  49. It's so hard to navigate through all the crap. I use specific keywords like: bamboo, regency, oil painting, original, antique dresser, ikat, mid, tufted, velvet, pink, kilim, navajo, marble, louis dining chair, X, bistro, lucite, tulip, murano, spun fiberglass, cane. That seems to help

  50. too funny! that made me bust out laughing. I live in an area called the"treasure coast" of FL. let's just say the things people are posting are far from treasures. they make the things you posted look halfway decent!

  51. LIV: haha your comment made me laugh, its all yours, please take....

  52. KATHERINE: Ha! Yea, Ashely furniture is considered the same out here too..You read my mind, I almost mentioned that in my post but figured some people would have no idea what Ashley furniture was.

  53. JAGGED LITTLE LIFE- ugly? No kidding.
    Great to know...i thought it was just little ol' me who lived out here!! :))))) Say hello here anytime...! :))
    Have a great weekend, even though our weather is back above 100 degrees again!!

  54. Seattle is just as bad! Every once in a while there is a cool piece that isn't horribly overpriced. Most of the good stuff is posted by retailers in the area, but I don't want to pay that much. My favorites - a console table listed and described as "a wall table, as one would put against a wall." And anything described as "Eames era" is bound to be a disaster (just because it's 60 years old does not make it mid-century modern!)

  55. BINK AND BOO: Love that will check it out! :)

  56. My AZ craigslist has the same thing. You would be surprised what people are trying to sell and for what price point is crazy! Great post, I feel you! If only I could purchase from LA's locals....better finds Im sure.

  57. glad we're not the only ones with horrible, overpriced furniture... i will say that every once in a while, i will get lucky and find something i really love at a great price, but usually it's someone trying to unload their 10 year old ugly, puffy sofa for almost as much as they paid for it.

  58. I have seriously seen the same kinds of things on the Boston CL, and SO MUCH WORSE! It's all the college kids in the area that make it so sketchy. But hey...they must know it isn't that great looking if they are trying to get rid of it.

  59. OMG, you're right: ugliest post ever ... and it made me laugh ;)

  60. This is how Craigs List is in OKC too. Just full of terrible 80's furniture that they want almost full price for. Stuff that they'd be lucky if someone took off their hands for free. I am always amazed by the great stuff that others get in other cities.

  61. Oh no - I feel your pain - people in Vancouver sell the ugliest stuff! I miss Washington DC - there were some amazing deals there!

  62. omg i always think the same things! i live here in vegas too and i am always amazed at the ridiculous price tags on the most hideous things. craziness!!!

  63. This post is a hoot! And, just so you feel better, I think it's the same in all areas. I wish I could think of something creative to do with those big puffy pleather couches and I would be a millionaire :) They are EVERYWHERE!

  64. bwhahaha! It's the same here in Orange County. And I'm always, always wary of anything with "gorgeous" in the title.

  65. Northern NJ is no better, even NYC can be pretty bad. Some of the IKEA stuff has high prices. I can just go to the store at that point.
    $875 for that couch made me laugh and laugh.

  66. some people thinks they're selling gold...i do buy and even sell on CL...but should be very keen and expert =)

  67. Just Love this post. I have been fooled a few times by the descriptions people put, only to be disappointed. There are some deals out there though!

    French country furniture

  68. lol, you crack me up :) i get so discouraged when sifting through post on craigslist! i feel like i find 1 item among 1,000 that i actually somewhat like:( i know there has to be some amazing piece out there that i've missed! great post!

  69. oh my goodness!!
    exactly how i feel about Oahu CL!! ): makes me sooo sad to browse hoping to find something worthwhile...
    my sister did find a couple of good things on LV CL though!
    & you are so right about the CL Translator part!! LOL!

  70. ha! i totally agree. especially with the "antique" and "modern" translations. it's amazing the prices people put on their furniture that ought to be taken to Goodwill. i've had a few sweet scores, but most of my scouring us futile. (however, as a midwestern, the twin cities in minnesota has an amazing craigslist selection of mid-century modern furniture. it's only a few hours from us!)

  71. Hah. :) You've hit a problem that I've been having right on the head. The listings for most furniture in Denver are absolutely HIDEOUS! Fortunately the prices are not as awful... but who'd want to buy ugly stuff anyway, even if it is cheap??

  72. Ah I'm in LV too and I recently posted about this! My example was a marble-ized green dresser.. you know the kind that is particle board covered with.. paper or whatever? Gross.


  73. what a funny post! the table and chairs could use some paint, but the rest of it looks hopeless...

  74. My boyfriend and I sometimes email each other classic items that we find on cl during the day. The winner doesn't do dishes :) We particularly enjoy the 'original artwork' section!


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