Stylish Animal Print Phone Cases.... (Via Made By Girl)

YUP, I love a stylish and functional iPhone case. It's UNFORTUNATE that most of the really nice ones are STILL for iPhone 3 and 3GS.  I did find a few that I really liked for the iPhone4 and they were all ANIMAL print. Come on ladies, I know many of you LOVE your animal prints, so I gathered these cases below...

Do you have an iPhone4 case? Where did you buy your case?? How do you like it?

above via here

above via here

above via here

above via here

And below a BONUS animal print laptop sleeve for Macbooks via Mac Friends. Love it!
Do you have an iPhone4 case? Where did you buy your case?? How do you like it?



  1. SO cute!! I meant to reply to your comment about mine.. it's super old and I don't remember where my husband found it for me. I'm no help!! :(

  2. MORGAN: No worries...but you inspired this post! thanks oxoxo!

  3. I think its time for me to get one too:) They are great!

    Ps: I am hosting a sweet GIVEAWAY today :) Hope you will join in :)!!!

  4. What's really difficult is finding a cute case for an HTC Hero!

  5. i am jealous that u have the new iPhone. i am too cheap to upgrade my 3GS. (i sort of wish it will just break on it's own!)
    xx, shari

  6. SPEARMINT BABY: Yea but most of the prettiest cases are for your phone!

    I love the new iphone especially facetime...but i mainly got it because my 3GS broke.

  7. Cute cases! I have a hot pink silicone case for my iPhone. I bought it shortly after getting my phone, and I imagined my hubby would get a black one (black and pink were the only options in that particular store) but I'm actually very happy with it! Very easy to spot haha!

  8. THE LENNOXX: That's why I like cases in colors besides black, easy to spot..especially when its in my handbag! :)

  9. I have an iphone4 but silly me hasnt come around to buying a case yet becasue I love to look at both sides of it since its glass.

  10. Oh my Days. Thanks for this I've been looking for a iphone case for ages. This is perfect. I bought one and it's arrived and is even better up close. Perfect. Amazing blog by the way. You're a super talented lady.

    Lot's of love from the UK
    Clare x


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