Complementary Colors for this home..

This lovely home was featured on Style Carrot - (which is one of my favorite blog finds). I enjoy the simplicity of this home along with the beautiful complimentary colors they used like orange & blue. And how about that stove?? (I have one just like it, but it is sitting in my garage, because it doesn't fit into my current home) One day, I swear it will be sitting in my kitchen (in my next home) just like the one below & I'll be making pancakes with a huge smile!










  1. i love wood floors in kitchens.

  2. thats the orange color I need to find a color swatch name for, help!
    Jen, would you happen to know of one? I have a hundred paint chips, can't find the right one...

  3. I love orange, too. To find the right orange you need to start with one or two that you think are right.

    Buy a quart (or a small sample pot) and test it on a piece of foam core - leaving white around the edges.

    Leave your samples in the room and move them around. Check them at different times of day to see how the light changes their appearance.

    You'll know if one is too dark or too bright. Tell your paint store guy what's wrong and he'll doctor up the quart so you can try again. Make sure he note what he's done!

    This may seem like a lot of bother, but paint is expensive and so are painters. It's worth it in the end.

  4. Yep love it. Too bad about your stove. That's a little depressing. I really love the refrigerator. How ultra modern and cool was that?

  5. So pretty...amazing what colours can do! Love the blue.


  6. Click over to the post on Style Carrot - the paint color is in the text.

  7. love the orange bedroom !

  8. really lovely home. I like the colorful tile. it's bold.

    it's a shame you can't use your stove! Are you going to renovate your kitchen?

  9. I am in love with that kitchen, and I have a yorkie too! :)

  10. KITTY,

    My kitchen was already renovated...and that was before the sub-zero fridge and stove were in my garage. So I will just wait till I sell this home to use those 2 appliances..I should be ok that they wont really feel that dated..I hope!

  11. HI AMY:
    Yes, I think they are subway tiles. : )
    I really like those as well and think they look the best on long walls.

  12. Does anyone know where to find wallpaper like that?

  13. Hi - That's my apt and i am sooooo pleased everyone likes it!! it took some work but the place is finally in a state where i can relax and enjoy. to answer some questions, yes they're subway tiles in a pale yellow color that matches the moldings in the kitchen. the wallpaper can be found at sanderson in england. you can order it online, they have tons of cool prints, mine is william morris. i agree rocky, my pup, is the best part of the apt!! thanks again for all the compliments and the postings and to marni and her wonderful style carrot!!

  14. oh this is great... i like the orange but the green is what really gets me...

  15. toutes ces couleurs dans ces intérieurs j'adore..!


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