How to live large on LESS....City Chic (Book Review)

With the economy affecting so many of us these days, it sucks to have to worry about even the smallest of purchases! A few years ago, we never used to worry this much, remember?? So, this is where this lovely book, City Chic, comes in, sent to me by Source Books....thanks! So, all of us modern women want to live nicely & be able to afford the things we have worked for right?? This book talks about how money may be an object, but it shouldn't be an obstacle.
With plenty of tips & tricks for:
  • Home Decorating (big ideas for small places)
  • Cash saving culinary tips and price saving pantry ideas.
  • Behind the seams: Shopping, tailoring & dry-cleaning , DIY style.
  • Go Green: Save the environment & your checking account
  • How to use the web to your advantage
  • How to creatively cheat at looking chic
  • and much more!!
Plain & simple, City Chic by Nina Wildorf, is an insider's guide on how to squeeze the most style out of a small salary! I read this book this past weekend & recommend it! Get your copy here. ($14.99).


  1. I bet I could apply these tips is overly expensive Tokyo-- it took US years to save up for a condo and home.... and the condo is still SMALL by normal standards but double in price..

    I think women who budget ... including myself are wise, you don't have to compromise so much but beating creative and looking around .... we saved a lot

  2. Sounds great, thanks for the post :-)

  3. looks good! i'll have to check that out!

  4. I bought this book possibly 6 years (?) ago... and looks like it's gotten a face-lift. It was a huge lifesaver for me when I was younger as I contemplated leaving the nest for the first time. Still to this day, I go back to it for tips and tricks. It's looking pretty dog-eared.

    Also, I must add that for something similar I highly recommend The Modern Girl's Guide to Life by Jane Buckingham. Less financially based, it's a guide to making it in the big, bad world!

  5. Ahh, I NEED something like this! Thanks for sharing Jen!

    P.S. The cover is very cool, looks like something you would design very Sex Pistols-ish

  6. Hmmmm, i can really use that book...

    You are correct, this book was out a few years back and it is now totally re-vamped and much more informative for these difficult times. : )

    WOW, that is pretty impressive either way..because I know Japan can be quite $$$..just like NYC where I used to live. AND i agree...looking around has many will always find a better deal if you take the time.

  9. Nice resource, thanks. It's become a challenge (and actually a bit of fun) to shop within our budget. Not living on a budget is just not an option if anyone--single, married, female or male--wants to enjoy life now and especially down the road.

  10. THanks for talking about this book, I've been thinking about checking it out for a while now!

  11. Hey I have this book!
    Two great minds think alike jennifer :-)
    Love your blog BTW

  12. I was looking at this book previously on Amazon but wasn't sure the topics it actually contained. Thanks for the book review Jen!

    Girl Japan - I was addicted to 100 yen shops when I lived in Japan. LOL. I loved Daiso.

    Karen O.


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