Frames Wallpaper...

I enjoyed sharing my wallpaper finds in a previous post, but my favorite was the frames one! I really LOVE it! This one below is from Graham & Brown and although I don't think its the same one in my previous post here, its quite similar. Does anyone have this G & B frames wallpaper in their home?? or something similar?? I ACTUALLY had one made for my booth at 'National Stationery' show earlier this year and it came out pretty damn nice! (2nd photo below) I guess it was DIY project in way. I decided to use it to make my cards appear as if they were inside the frames..!

*(Above: photo of my booth at the National Stationery show 2008)



  1. That is so cool! I love that idea!

  2. your diy came out lookine awesome!i love the very bold black lines.

  3. I LOVE this! I think I might have to do something with this one...

  4. I love it! Your booth turned out amazing! It really does look like you went and framed everything. Brilliant!

  5. Jen, that is too funny about the chalkboard paint!!! Yes, please post a picture of what your hubby did. I would LOVE to see it before I do mine. Painting it on the board sounds like a great idea then it's not that big of a deal if you want to take it down or move it to another room! Could you tell me what type of wood/board you used?
    Trina xx

    PS- love the wallpaper post and LOVE your is just fabulous in every sense of the word!

  6. so cute and very original!!

  7. I have no idea why I didn't read your blog until now! This is so strange. I knew your cards and loved them but by golly I love your blog! This wall paper reminds me of this trick I played on my couch recently. And then I see that you too posted about the kid-painted couch.

    At any rate I'm adding you on my RSS feed (and blog roll) so that this won't happen again :-)

  8. very cute without being overly "cutesy". . it.

  9. Love it- does it come pre-pictured or can you actually draw in the frames? I so can see this in my Little One's room.

  10. Thanks...I ALSO was happy the way my DIY wallpaper came out. It was a rush job but wow! :)

  11. Hi Corine,
    Well, I'm glad you found me now! :)))

    Would love to see you back here! : )

  12. P.S. Corine,
    Wonder what your couch looks like... hmmm anything like that kid painted one...and I will be jealous ha! JK

  13. Hello Trina,
    The wood I used for the chalkboard was laminated pine, 2' x 6' and cost me about $18 at home depot. Would work better though if you cover it with a 1/8" HDF sheet... I then used chalkboard paint by rustoleum (comes in black or a choice of 12 other colors). I will be posting it on my blog next i think!

  14. Tracey, if i'm not mistaken it should come it would be just ready to hang. :)

  15. love this paper! and your booth looked awesome! love all the color :)

  16. Your booth is fab. I definitely need to get a catalog and make an order for my new store...would like to talk about custom stuff too. Call me :)

  17. Loving this! Your booth was amazing!

    (Just discovered your blog and I'm already obsessed with the cuteness of it all, haha)

  18. I hate to sound mundane but I love love love this wallpaper.
    The only thing that isn't clear from their site is if you could wash it down and start again if you wanted to...
    I have pages and pages in my sketch books that look just like that...

  19. That is so whimsical and adorable!

  20. You asked if any of us had something similar, yes I have and it would work perfectly for a future booth as well as home. It is a range of stencils called Print Room from The Stencil Library. They combine print and stencilled frames. Email me if you want to know more and I will send you some pictures or view some on the side bar at my blog.

  21. Gemma FirthMay 21, 2009

    I have this wallpaper in my Toilet! Whenever people go to use the toilet they can write or draw on the paper - and then read what everyone else has put. I also put all the crazy photos from nights out up in the bathroom too. Lets just say its a conversation starter with my guests!


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