New shelving....

Ok, my shelves are finally up on the other side of my home office. Its great to have so much more space where I can place all kinds of things like books, artwork, magazine, my sample cards, pens etc. It looks a bit sparse right now, but when I get more time some artwork & MORE books will go up. Will post more pictures as I make more changes.....I LOVE my literature organizer!!



  1. Love your storage solution. I envy your work area. I would love to have that much room to work with.

  2. could it be possible that this new space could make you...even MORE creative?


  3. It looks great!

    I could use some more shelves!

  4. wow, the shelves look great, and they provide so much more storage space. Did you purchase the shelves or was this a DIY project?

    Looks awesome!

  5. oh wow. you are amazingly organized! lovely office jennifer!

  6. AnonymousJune 17, 2008

    I covet your office space, I really do. The shelves look great!

  7. KAREY-
    Ha! cute comment! I hope it will help BRING on more creativity. Its great to be able to have a place for all my books...just haven't gotten around to putting them all up.

  8. ANNE K in LA-

    Aw thanks- I love it too!!!


    Thanks, and yes i love organization. I REALLY think if you become too unorganized so does everything else in your life.

  9. ASOON:

    Hello! I purchased the shelves, but the literature mailer i bought online and the SHELVES were from HOME DEPOT... and my guy did PUT them all up...thankfully!!

  10. AnonymousJune 17, 2008

    Looks fantastic, Jennifer! I love the mailer. You have given me ideas :)

  11. omg! you look THAT CUTE when shopping at home depot? :)

  12. AnonymousJune 17, 2008

    I love it. This is exactly the kind of setup I need. Now to just save the money for it...

  13. Gorgeous organization...totally impressed. And how about the kick butt summer outfit? Great stuff...thanks for sharing! My new office furniture came today too! The hubster just called to let me know and I can't wait to get home and organize my space...happy butterflies all throught the tummy...I'm sure I will feature my space on my blog soon too, but funny thing is mine is a dark set while yours is so light! Still cool though huh?

    One Shot Beyond Photography & A little More>

  14. Jill,

    haha You're funny....and no i dont always go to Home depot like that...I was already out and stopped by on my way home! : )

  15. Heather,
    Yes summer outfit for sure! Its about 105 out here in Vegas these days ...haha thanks!
    Good luck with your home office....hope you show some pics, would LOVE to see it!

  16. AnonymousJune 18, 2008

    I'm in need of shelves... Looks fabulous. Very creative use of space.

  17. Love the new shelving - good pick!

  18. great shelves & cute dress!

  19. Looks like a great setup! The home office is a growing trend and lots of people find it hard to stay organized.

  20. off to home depot in heels, i love it! =)

  21. JHAYNE:
    I know, i know....but i attended an event before i went to home depot ha! The people at home depot do look at you funny when your dressed up though!


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