Giveaway now closed, stay tuned in a few minutes for THE WINNER!!! 

Being a parent can be challenging and physically exhausting at times - so having baby gear that makes things easier is essential.  A good stroller makes a huge difference.

Today, I'd like to introduce you to the NUNA MIXX Stroller.....  And, we are giving (1) away to one LUCKY winner!!!!!!

One gorgeous NUNA MIXX STROLLER in Basil worth over $500. This color is exclusive to Giggle.

It's EASY.  Just leave a comment letting me know why you'd like this stroller...along with your email below. If winner does not respond within (1) day of being selected - we have the right to choose another winner at random.
June 3rd, this evening!!  We will choose a winner using  I'll post the WINNER'S name on my blog & on my instagram, so come back to see if that's YOU!!!

Just so you husband & I had been on the hunt for a new stroller & we came across Nuna. The brand is amazing and the design of their strollers are just lovely. The new Nuna MIXX Stroller is one of those strollers that creates a more peaceful & magical walk when strolling around with your baby.  This particular stroller in Basil is sleek & versatile. It faces forward (so your baby can see you) or backward (so your baby can see the world).

One of my favorite features of the MIXX stroller is that my baby can lie flat with the flat sleeper seat. This is really important to me, because I hate long walks where my little guy is sleeping while sitting up.  He looks uncomfortable....I'm sure you know what I mean.   

Ok, now check out the cool features:
  • flat sleeper seat 
  • 5 position recline 
  • quick-release wheels 
  • smooth ride
  • 11" foam-filled airless tires that handles all terrian
  • over-sized, extendable fully enclosed canopy
  • removable flip-out eye shade 
  • can use the MIXX Nuna Pipa Car seat
  • under stroller spacious storage

Feel free to enter the Nuna Mixx Stroller Giveaway now. Good Luck!! the winner, we will email you!

-post by jen ramos



  1. I am expecting my first child, a little boy, in September and would love to rock this stylish stroller with him around the block! The basil color is beautiful and the sleek design is one my husband and I would love! PICK US!

  2. I would love to win this stroller. As a grandparent you sometimes don't have a stroller handy when you need one for your grandbabies. This would be perfect so I can give my back a rest from carrying him around. Love it! Thank for this great giveaway. xo

  3. Forgot to add my email..... lisa (at) peridotskys (dot) com

  4. I am expecting my first in August a baby girl! This stroller looks awesome I would love to win!

  5. I would LOVE this for the sole reason of the smooth ride. We live in a walkable area but the sidewalks are old. Oh and it's so stylish! I would be thrilled to have something like this! ewa(dot)

  6. Would love to win this awesome stroller! It looks so easy to use, versatile, and comfortable for baby! My email is rprice07 (at) Comcast *dot* net.

  7. Hello! I'd love the Nuna Mixx because its chic design would be perfect for my first child, a baby girl, in September. I am currently an active gal and believe the features of this stroller would be perfect for long walks and runs (baby was in my tummy for my first marathon!). I also believe the features of this stroller would be great for traveling as my husband and I are stationed away from our families, so we'll be visting grandparents hopefully often (and I'll likely be traveling alone!). Finally, this stroller looks like it has amazing durability for many babies to come. Thank you for considering me for this fun prize! It'll go nicely with my recent "Love" print purchase from Madebygirl for my baby girls nursery!
    Jennifer M Dodds

  8. We just moved to NYC from the south and this would be perfect for pushing around our future little one!! Love your blog!

  9. With the nice weather here I love going on long walks with my son and this stroller would be great for that!

  10. This stroller would be the perfect fit for my baby girl Mia Rose and she would love it. ❤️

  11. We go for walks alot and it would be nice to have lie flat and face me. I also the storage on this! Email:

  12. This stroller is amazing! Would love it for our baby girl. Thank you for such a generous giveaway. :)

  13. I'm expecting my first child in July and would love to have this stroller!! clandau87 (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. ...because after many early pregnancy losses, which we found out could be prevented by a relatively minor surgery, we are again expecting! I love that the stroller folds down all the way so baby can sleep, and that they can face forward or backward. What a great stroller!

  15. I'm expecting my first child in July and would love to have this stroller!! clandau87 (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. I really would love this stroller for my baby boy we have one but it's not that good and it would be a blessing to be able to win this one and oh I love the color my email is but my Google acct is

  17. What a beautiful stroller and you look fantastic as usual! I love how chic it looks and all of the amazing features! My first baby is due on July 1st. I am so excited for him and this would be awesome because I don't currently have him a stroller! xo

  18. I too am also expecting my first child, a little boy, in September (Hi, Nikki!). The last couple of weeks I have been researching strollers and trying to narrow in on one and the Nuna is at the top of my list. I LOVE the Basil color (a little "sage", don't you think) and would love to have this sleek design as my stroller for my little guy. Not to mention good strollers are expensive and it would be nice to win one of the items on my long list of things I "need" before my little guy arrives. Instagram: @sageandsparkle

    ps. Once my little guy arrives we will finally have to get together and meet in person. A play date with Noah and Jayden (the name we've picked) sounds like the perfect excuse. =)

  19. I've been loving your stroller ever since you first posted it on instagram! I'm looking for a stroller exactly like this one! Love the Nuna ^^*

  20. I'm expecting my second baby any day now and would love this stroller to take lots of long walks this summer!

  21. I just found out I am pregnant & have been researching strollers! Excited to see this giveaway!

  22. I love the look and design of this stroller. I also love the fact that it can handle different kinds of terrain! Thank you for the chance to win one! angssecrets(at) gmail (dot)com

  23. I love how sleek it is, the spacisous basket, the flat recline, and that color! Oh my, I ADORE that color!!! My baby boy would look adorable in this stroller.

  24. oh, this stroller looks awesome - all the best features & beautiful design! i love the flat sleeper seat - so comfy for baby! and the storage space looks perfect! this stroller would be SO appreciated! what a wonderful giveaway, jen! :) milikasampson(at)gmail(dot)com

  25. i wanna give it to my sister who just had a baby and could so badly use it

  26. I just had my first baby almost 2 weeks ago and I would absolutely love this stroller to help get us out and about! Definitely feeling a little cooped up these days and I would love to enjoy the warm weather with her. My email is

  27. I love the style and the foam tires - the undercarriage storage looks great, too, for our walks to the grocery store!

  28. Would love this stroller for my baby boy due in August. I am looking forward to enjoying the little bit of summer and fall we have walking around the park, enjoying the fresh air. This stroller would be perfect for that.

  29. we just had a baby and cant afford a stroller so thos would help

  30. I'd love this stroller for my son! Love the color too!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I'm expecting my second child any day now and would love this stroller for long walks this summer!

  33. I'd love to win this stroller! Just had a baby boy; hoping to be released to exercise next week & this would be perfect to keep my little one comfy while I slowly get back in shape! Email:

  34. The ease of use of this stroller is super appealing. And that canopy in the South Texas heat will serve to keep our little one smiling and shaded as they ride comfortably on those foam tires. What's not to love about this stroller?! We'd love to win our first stroller for first child.

  35. I would love to win this stroller for my babies. I love the sleek look and the color. Thank you! Mallory Graham

  36. Lately, after giving birth to my daughter, I realize I haven't done a good job of taking care of myself. But as a stay at home mom, how do I do that? Something I used to do a lot that I don't do much anymore is go for long walks. I love to go on a long walk! I'd like to take my daughter but the very sad stroller we have just isn't right for us. A Nuna stroller is both comfortable for her to sit in and easy for me to steer her around. We'd get motivated to enjoy the summer more, get in shape, and I think it would help her appreciate the outdoors better. It would be a win-win-win to have such a nice stroller!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  37. Almost forgot!; )

  38. I am expecting a baby boy and would love this stylish stroller!

    Good luck everybody!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I would love to have this stroller to take my daughter on our daily walks! Cgalloway2 @

  41. I would love to win this stroller for my babies! I love the sleek look and color! Thank you! Mallory Graham

  42. I would love to win this stroller for my 9 month old babe who is outgrowing her current cars seat/stroller. We love going on long walks so I love that this can be forward or back facing!

  43. My wife and I would love this stroller! She has been pining over this for months (especially the basil color!)!!! We like that it can handle all types of terrain and the capability to fold when facing both directions.

  44. what a great stroller! I'd love to win this - would really help out with all the thangs you gotta get when having a little one. would be a great gift for my brother that is expecting.
    Thanks for the great opportunity!

  45. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    I would love to win this stroller for my baby boy -- I love that it can face forward or backwards depending on the needs of you and your baby. It is just the thing we need for our daily morning walk when he is too heavy for me to wrap anymore!
    Email: ysterrett(at)mac(dot)com

  46. I am expecting my first baby this November, a boy! I would love to stroll around our city neighborhood using this stylish stroller. It would help with getting me out of the house and exercising while enjoying time with my little guy. Such a great give-away! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

    My email is

  47. what a great opportunity to win a great stroller!
    This would be a fantastic gift to give my brother and his wife that are expecting any day now.

  48. This stroller looks like it has an amazing basket. With three boys, I always have a lot to carry!! I would love to try this stylish stroller!

  49. I have been "stalking" this stroller since early in my pregnancy-especially once I saw the basil color! I love the sleek design and huge canopy. I would love to win it... and I bet my husband would love for me to win so he could stop hearing me talk about how much I need it! email:

  50. What. this is so fun. I don't know if I can top your reviews but I'm going to add that I am a super fan of this fun color and that I love strollers with four wheels instead of just three.

    okorindear at yahoo

  51. I would love to win the Nuna Mixx stroller because it is so cute! I have an almost 2 year old girl and due with a baby boy in October! Would love a lightweight, versatile stroller for all the craziness that is to come with 2 kids!

  52. Hi Jen,

    I would LOVE to win this stroller and give it to my Mother because she is such an AMAZING foster Mom! She has had 6 foster children within the last year, and currently has an 11 month old named Layla who she's had since birth...Layla lights up our world! I believe my mother would appreciate a new stroller for all her future babies, and I'm sure she would be so appreciative and delighted to stroll them around in the NUNA MIXX stroller. She is so giving, selfless, and dedicated to creating a loving and warm environment for the babies that are in her care whether it be for 3 months or 3 years. She would be elated to have the NUNA stroller!

    *Side note....She has given of herself and time so much that a few of the parents whom have gotten their lives back on track still allow my Mother to see the children, and have asked her to be the God mother. :)

    Thanks for this offer...It would be so amazing to win!

    Myisha Turner

  53. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    I would love this for my 4 month old son! We need a better stroller now that he is getting bigger.

  54. I'm expecting, so it would be awesome if I could win!

  55. Our stroller broke! We haven't bought a new one because my son likes to walk everywhere now, but his future brother or sister would be the bee's knees cruising around town in this beauty!

  56. Nuna only had the Pepp available when I was in the market for a stroller so that's what I got since it works with the Pipa car seat. The Pepp is great for flat surfaces (mall, zoo, ect.) but it's really bumpy on the uneven sidewalks in my neighborhood. I love Nuna products and would love to upgrade to the Mixx so my little guy can relax and enjoy our walks through the neighborhood without getting bounced around. (

  57. PS: my email is cehm78 at gmail dot com :)

  58. We don't have the lie flat feature with our current stroller and would love to upgrade to the Nuna Mixx!

  59. This would be for the baby we are TTC! It would be a great blessing! Looks a great quality stroller! Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  60. I would love to win the Nuna Mixx, because ever since Nuna came out with it, I just fell in love. I have been dreaming of this stroller, and I must say that I am as much in love with it in this exclusive color, as in the blue it came out with. I believe this is the perfect stroller and since we live in sunny San Diego, I woudn´t trust any other canopy smaller than the one of the Nuna MIXX!!! So thank you sooooooooooo much for the opportunity. I am so optimistic, and grateful for this chance. michellevfortunata (at) hotmail (dot) com

  61. The Mixx is beautiful & so sleek! I love the ginormous canopy, plush fabrics & huge basket...perfect for all our Farmers Market goodies! But being able to face baby is my absolute favorite feature. I love that you can chat & interact while strolling!

  62. flat sleeper! so great for littles without the added weight of a carseat attached! <megwalgren @

  63. I'd love to win this for our first baby boy who is due in a couple of weeks! One of the things I look forward to most is family walks and we'd love to create memories in the Nuna Mixx stroller!

  64. My partner and I adopted a baby boy a few weeks ago in North Dakota! We live right next to a park and would love this beautiful stroller. My email is

  65. My family and I are welcoming a baby boy this September. This pregnancy has been so different from my first, with lost of trials and scares. I would love to win this stroller for my little man. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

  66. Oh my goshhh this stroller is everything!!! It would be a true blessing to win this! I just had my first baby, Juliet, and I have been longing for a Nuna stroller since I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I received a hand-me-down stroller from my sister and we saw no need in purchasing another when there are so many other things to buy for your first baby.
    Although grateful to receive the stroller, it is old, worn out, bulky, and impractical.
    I live in south Florida and wish I could take my daughter out more for walks or even just errands, but the thought of trying to wrestle in public with the stroller I currently have keeps me at home more often than not.
    I will be crossing my fingers for this one!!! This would be a life saver!!

  67. Oops, my email is

  68. My family and I are welcoming a baby boy in September. This pregnancy has been significantly different from my first, with lost of trials and scares. I would love to win this awesome stroller for my little man. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

  69. I'm a first time mom who is also in graduate school, and this amazing stroller would help out so much by covering a large expense! Thanks for the giveaway!!! :)

  70. I love the color! I also love that it will work with my Nuna Pipa carseat!!

  71. First time mom also in graduate school, this amazing stroller would help out by covering a big expense! Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. I am due September 9th and my husband and I have yet to figure out which stroller would best suit our needs while also looking stylish. This Nuna stroller is one of our top contenders and the one I have been eyeing most. Awesome giveaway!

    - Jaime

  73. I would LOVE to win this stroller for my little boy due in August! It will make it so much easier to tote him around with my toddler! I've always wanted one of these strollers but the price has deterred me. Winning this would be so amazing for my family! is my email!!!

  74. This stroller is awesome! It'd be perfect for every day!

  75. Oh my goodness! I am 34 weeks pregnant with #3 and this baby is our first girl! We are beyond excited, but having two boys prior means this little miss is getting ALOT of hand me downs in terms of gear. So, I would absolutely LOVE to win this stroller for her- her one piece of new baby gear - such a luxurious ride and gorgeous stroller!

    My email is kudra1978 at aol dot com Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  76. It would be an amazing blessing to receive this stroller. Nuna strollers and car seats all look so well made, sturdy, classy, and trustworthy! It would be one less thing we'd need to buy :)

  77. Baby is due in 5 weeks and we would adore a new stroller!

  78. Oh email Gulbransonjill @ gmail

  79. At 32 weeks, and after all the research weve done on baby gear we LOVE Nuna!

  80. Winning the NUNA would be a lifesaver. My husband and I are expecting our first baby (a boy) in October and we live in a small apartment in the city so the Nuna would be perfect for us!!! Email lara.pyle (at) gmail (dot) com

  81. Nuna products are amazing!

  82. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    My son was born in January so we didn't realize how much we would use a stroller until now! We have a 7 year old hand me down Combi and would love a new one!

  83. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    My son was born in the winter so we didn't realize how much we would love and use a nice stroller until now. Would love this to replace our 8 year old hand me down Combi!

  84. I would love this stroller! My baby girl is almost 2 months old and the stroller we purchased for her doesn't really suit our needs! It's huge! My email address is

  85. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    Yay! I would love to win this awesome stroller for my baby boy, due in August. Thanks for the chance to win!
    Lexie Van Winkle

  86. Such a great prize! Baby Miki would love to ride in style.

  87. My son is now 3 months old! I would love to win this stroller so my mom could use as she is taking care of him while I am at work! I love the design and the features of this stroller so much!!!

    Christina Seo

  88. this would be perfect for my 8mo son! He LOVES being outside and the canopy looks perfect for sun protection!
    Thanks a million!

  89. GAH, this stroller!! I am due in August and would put it to great use!
    Thank you :-)

  90. I'm due with baby boy #3 at the end of September. I'd love to have this stroller, not only to help tote around all 3 kiddos, but so that my last one can have a little something (new) of his own. Being that my boys are all 2 years apart, it's easy and financially responsible to use hand-me-downs for everything! But by the time you get to the third, the 4-year-old clothes and toys and baby accessories start to show their wear and tear. And since nobody throws you a shower when you have your second and third (especially when they're all boys), it starts to add up quickly if you want to replace any of the old with new. We would absolutely love and use the heck out of the Nuna Mixx stroller! katyhowell at

  91. Because it's a really handsome stroller!

    oneticktobesick at gmail dot com

  92. My 7 month old baby boy LOVES stroller walks. We take them often, and he will even fall asleep on our walks. This would be amazing to be able to lay him flat or face him a different way. Sometimes he gets fussy because he can't see me and this would solve that!! So grateful for the chance! This would fit in perfectly with our very active family <3

  93. After years of hoping, praying, and trying we are expecting our 4th baby!! Our youngest is 8 and we have nothing baby gear wise expect for a crib. This would be just amazing to win!!!! My email is

  94. I would love to win this stroller, it's gorgeous! I'm in my third baby and I've never splurged on a "fancy" stroller. 😛

  95. I would love to have this brand new Nuna stroller because I have been using the same stroller with my last two daughters. Hand-me-downs are kind of natural when you have a few children lol. I'm expecting my 4th child and would love to use it on our many trips into DC while my other little ones run around. Thanks for the opportunity. I love reading about you and your beautiful children.

  96. Angelika P.
    We just had our second baby boy. Winning THIS stroller would be a dream come true! The flat recline would be perfect for our newborn. Thank you for this opportunity! Really hope I win :)

  97. I would LOVE to win the Nina Mixx stroller for my 5 month old baby girl!! I love the look and quality of the Nuna strollers and this color in particular is beautiful! My daughter loves to be outside to explore and this stroller would be perfect for us to be outside and enjoy the San Diego weather :)

    I hope we win!! :)

  98. I would love to win this stroller, it's gorgeous! I'm on my third baby and I've never splurged on a "fancy" stroller. 😛

  99. I would love to win this modern stroller as I am expecting my 4th baby in October 2015! Such a dream of mine!

  100. I would LOVE this strolled for my baby girl! I love the color and that it has a completely flat recline!!

  101. I would love to have this brand new Nuna stroller because I have been using the same stroller with my last two daughters. Hand-me-downs are kind of natural when you have a few children lol. I'm expecting my 4th child and would love to use it on our many trips into DC while my other little ones run around. Thanks for the opportunity. I love reading about you and your beautiful children.

  102. We love the Nuna brand, currently have my little guy in a Nuna car seat and am fighting my husband on keeping him in it, hubby wants to change him over. The 5 position recline has sold us on this stroller.Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  103. After years of praying, trying, and hoping we are expecting our 4th baby. Our youngest is 8 and we have nothing baby gear wise except for a crib. This would be simply amazing to win!! My email is

  104. I would LOVE to win this Nuna stroller for my 5 month old daughter! The quality of the Nuna strollers are like nothing else and this color in particular is so beautiful! My daughter loves to be outdoors and this stroller would be perfect for us to spend time outside and enjoy the beautiful San Diego weather together. I hope we win! :)

  105. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!! I am pregnant with baby #2 and would love a reliable stroller. Thank you thank you

  106. I had my first baby 18 days ago. I am finally starting to heal up from my csection. It would be so great to have a compact easy to use stroller to take him on walks around my neighborhood.

  107. Oh and my email is 😘😘

  108. I would love this stroller because I just had a baby May 11th and although it is my fourth , there is an eight year difference between my 3rd and 4th. Needless to say, I gave away or donated all my baby gear, thinking I was done. Fortunately I was blessed with my sweet Evelyn but I am starting from scratch in the baby department. Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Sounds just like me. Just had my 3rd boy in December and my older ones are 11 & 8. Starting completely over again

  109. I would love the Nuna Mixx it is such an amazing stroller and I know my baby boy would love it too. I gave birth at 35wks that being said I didn't have anything ready for my baby to come home he stayed in the NICU a few days and as soon as I got out of the hospital I couldn't go home to rest I had to go and buy everything I needed so I grabbed first thing I seen I didn't choose anything I liked and this stroller I LOVE IT

  110. I'm expecting, due July 1 and haven't gotten a stroller yet, so this would be AMAZING to win! My email is: Thanks!

  111. We're expecting our first baby this year and really need a stroller! We are in love with the Nuna Mixx stroller in particular. This color is beautiful and we would be so excited to win one! Thank you for this awesome give away! :)

  112. I would love to win this super stylish stroller for my little girl because of its versatility and I think it will be very comfortable for my babe. nesmeiana(at)gmail(dot)com

  113. I would love the Nuna Mixx it is such an amazing stroller and I know my baby boy would love it too. I gave birth at 35wks that being said I didn't have anything ready for my baby to come home he stayed in the NICU a few days and as soon as I got out of the hospital I couldn't go home to rest I had to go and buy everything I needed so I grabbed first thing I seen I didn't choose anything I liked and this stroller I LOVE IT

  114. I would love the Nuna Mixx it is such an amazing stroller and I know my baby boy would love it too. I gave birth at 35wks that being said I didn't have anything ready for my baby to come home he stayed in the NICU a few days and as soon as I got out of the hospital I couldn't go home to rest I had to go and buy everything I needed so I grabbed first thing I seen I didn't choose anything I liked and this stroller I LOVE IT

  115. This looks like a beautiful stroller. I'm due with my first child, a boy, in October. hmbannister (at) gmail (dot) com

  116. I have a 4 month old. My two older kids are 5 and 6 so it's been awhile since I had a stroller that will grow with my little girl. Would love to win.

  117. Hey I'm not sure if my comment went though but I would love to win this for my future baby! Love this brand thanks so much for doing this!!

  118. Ahh i love the nuna mixx!! Im expecting my first baby on august!!! I love the nuna products, this is the 3rd giveaway i enter, hopefully i get lucky this time!! Email:

  119. I would love love love this for my baby girl!!!! I'm obsessed with the Mixx!

  120. We just had our second baby boy two weeks ago. Winning this stroller would be a dream come true! The flat seat recline would be perfect for our newborn. Really hope I win this. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  121. I would love this stroller for so many reasons! I am expecting my first child in October (baby boy). He is our miracle baby and want to be able to provide him with the best. Its a lightweight stroller that's durable for the NYC streets. Winning this stroller would also help us tremendously. Crossing my fingers!


  123. I'm not sure if my comment published because it brOught me to a page that said it failed. So I'll try it again. I'd really like to win this stroller for my first baby who is due October 26! As a 19 year old I love to adventure and go to beaches and Zoos and parks with my nieces and nephews so when the baby arrives it'd be nice to have a really good stroller knowing it would get really good use out of it! Being a diabetic it's been a really tough pregnancy which caused me to be out of work for half the pregnancy which makes the money right and me not being able to buy the things I originally had planned on buying. So this would help me a lot. I don't win much of anything being 19 because people think I'm incapable of having nice things for my baby. But not true at all. I've been following NUNA since I found out I was pregnant so it would be super nice to win a product by them!! Again my email is

  124. My little Easter bunny was born April 9th and she is the most adorable baby on the planet (I'm sure that's what every parent says!). Unfortunately, she screams bloody murder every time we put her in her car seat. Our stroller is one of those snap and go varieties where you snap the car seat in. Well, you probably know where I'm going with this...she hates the stroller too because it involves the car seat. :) We would love the Nuna stroller since it's perfect from infancy on! And it would be nice to show her the world and not just the inside of our house! My email address is

  125. We just had our first baby and I now realize what to look for in a stroller! Compact, lightweight, and versatile! This stroller is amazing!

  126. After 4 years of trying, 3 miscarraiges, and multiple surgeries we are expecting a baby boy due in August! It's taken a long time to get here and we are so very grateful and excited! We walk daily with our dogs and need a good stroller so that Baby boy can come along on our family walks! Thanks for the opportunity! My email is

  127. After 4 years of trying, 3 miscarraiges, and multiple surgeries we are expecting a baby boy due in August! It's taken a long time to get here and we are so very grateful and excited! We walk daily with our dogs and need a good stroller so that Baby boy can come along on our family walks! Thanks for the opportunity! My email is

  128. There are a lot of babies in my life that it would be super helpful to have this stroller in my life!!!

  129. Awwh i dont see my comment, i wish i did this right,, i really wanna win!!

  130. Just had out second child and this would be FABULOUS!!! Thank you so much for the chance!

  131. I am expecting my first child which is our miracle baby (baby boy). This is a amazing lightweight stroller that I would be able to travel around NYC. Winning this stroller would help us tremendously cut cost. Were super excited our bundle of joy and want to be able to provide him with everything he needs.

  132. I'd like to win this stroller for my sister who is expecting twins in October. One less thing for them to have to buy.

  133. I am expecting baby #3 until and It would be soo nice to win this and get the pleasure of owning something new rather than hand-me-downs for this bundle of joy.. email: Instagram: browneyedgirl805

  134. I'd like to win this stroller for my sister who is expecting twins in October. One less than for them to worry about.

  135. Hello, I'm a expectin mom from Puerto Rico! I would love to win the Nuna stroller for my baby who is coming in November. I'm in love with all Nuna products but whe don't have the resources to buy one of the strollers. We are a veteran retired family, my husband had permanent injuries. Please please these oportunity wild change our lives a lot, we don't have the option to "upgrade or current stroller" because we don't have any stroller. Please please I would love to win this stroller, tanks a lot for this chance!! my email is:

  136. What a great giveaway THANK YOU!
    This stroller would be perfect for me, this is my first so it would be great to have brand new and durable stroller for my baby boy :)
    I dream at night about strolling around with my baby and it only would be much better with a stroller like this one!
    Thanks for such a great opportunity!

  137. I love that huge basket! Perfect for stashing all the baby goods ;)

  138. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    Love the design! This would be perfect for strolls around the park and the mall :) Thanks for the chance to win.

    nicoleu0206 (at) gmail (dot) com

  139. I'm about to have another little girl July 30th and I need an amazing stroller!

  140. I'm expecting in November and I've been looking at this stroller. It's exactly what I need for long walks in California in different terrain, those big wheels will come in handy. I love the color too! Would be a blessing to win. Thanks for the opportunity!
    My email is

  141. Would love to win this for my new baby boy arriving in Sept! The features sound amazing!

  142. Oops forgot- Email is

  143. Forgot my email! Pregnancy brain?!

  144. I would LOVE to win this stroller! Expecting first child in September and have yet to pick out a stroller! This one is BEAUTIFUL with great features and reviews (plus stylish) which would be perfect for my little boy. Would LOVE to win this!

  145. Oooooooo! Please, please pick me! I'm in love! (With the stroller and your work!)

  146. My little one is 6 months and we could really use it to help us get out of the house!

  147. This stroller would be great for walks around the city of Chicago with my one month old baby girl.

  148. Hi! This stroller would be such a huge help during our family reunion at the end of this month. We will be traveling 2,500 miles to see our daughters great Grandpa Tom. Grandpa Tom is 87 years old and is living his final days in upstate New York. He has pancreatic cancer and his kidneys are failing. We are praying he will be able to make it through to the end of June so all our family can be reunited one last time. He is a selfless individual with a heart of gold. He puts others before himself and we are so grateful that God chose us to be family. We love you so much Grandpa. Stay strong! This stroller would be such a blessing for light travel. We have an 18 month with an umbrella stroller that doesn't recline. This stroller would make naps so convenient and comfortable for our baby! Thank you!

    Daniela Maile

  149. This would be an excellent gift for my wife and new baby boy!

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. Oh my gosh. I love everything about this amazing stroller. The flat lay sleeper, adjustable handle so baby can sit facing you or opposite, which is very important to me. I dislike when we go on walks and the sun is right in Josiahs face the entire time. I feel terrible. I woukd love to win this stroller because it us one of the best designs and we would definitely put to use, wuth big brothers and his Tias playing baseball and soccer, we practically live at the field.

  152. My favorite feature is that the seat lays flat. The Nuna Pipa is my favorite car seat, and the Mixx makes a beautiful and seamless travel system with it!

  153. I would love to win this for my wife and baby boy, due in September. email -

  154. I could see myself strolling around with my baby girl in this (is in August). Looks durable but light weight! So happy that you were able to adopt your sweet boy! Blessings!

    Nicole (

  155. Ooops forgot my email.

  156. I'd LOVE a beautiful stroller with all these great features! My little guy gets hand me downs from his big brother. It doesn't matter for other things, but strollers have come a LONG way in the last 5 years!

  157. Hello!! My first baby is due in September! I can't seem to find the perfect affordable stroller! I heard of Nuna and would LOVE to win this stroller!! My email is thank you!! :)

  158. I hope i win! This would be great and work well with my baby girl to beat the heat:))))!! I really hope to win..

  159. Forgot to list my email! It's
    Oops! Sorry!

  160. Hello!! My first baby is due in September and I can't seem to find the perfect affordable stroller! I heard great things about the Nuna and I would LOVE to win this stroller!! My email is thank you!! :)

  161. I will give this away to a new mom i know that cant afford a stroller. There are families out there that cant afford basic baby furniture. We are blessed to be a blessing.

  162. I am expecting my first and would LOVE this stroller!! The color is divine and I can just picture pushing my little mr. around in it :)

  163. This stroller would be the perfect fit for my little baby boy and for our adventures around NYC! Absolutely love it!

  164. I would love to win this versatile, beautiful, functional stroller! I have a 6 month old and he is off the charts small, our current stroller isn't working for him and this is a stroller we have been considering! As a busy mom who works full time and goes to doctoral school this would be a great functional and welcome win! (Insta: ecallahan120)

  165. Where to begin with how much I covet this stroller... let me could the ways..
    One, the COLOR! I didn't even know there was a basil... SWOON!!
    Two, Nuna is one of the VERY FEW non-flame retardant coated infant carseat carriers-- which so happens to work with the Mixx stroller.
    Three, I love the way this stroller can be used for the infant carrier and then has the toddler seat with reclining back but can also be rear or front facing... its brilliant!
    Four, the ease of opening and closing the stroller-- looks AMAZING.
    Five, the all terrain wheels will be so HANDY when strolling around Southern California.
    Six, THE COLOR.. oh wait... already said that one ;)

    I could probably go on and on.. but this is definitely my #1 choice for stroller and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win it.


  166. I love how fab you are as a woman, mom & entrepreneur. An inspiration for us moms who strive for glamour. As for Nuna, I have been obsessed with this brand since I purchased my Pipa car seat. The Mixx is on my wish list. I love how Nuna creates smart yet design worthy products. ~ Twah Dougherty ~

  167. I would like to win this stroller because of its goor features like it can face both ways, you can only use the car seat on it if you want, its spacious, good quality, comfortable and has a nice smooth ride. This is the 3rd giveaway for nuna i enter, i really hope im the lucky one this time!! Email:

  168. My husband and I are expecting our first baby! A boy! We are 15weeks pregnant and are in the process of getting all the basic necessary things to be ready for his arrival! We live in Venezuela, and it has been a huge challenge to find good quality strollers here. We started researching for top recommended strollers online, but, after visiting stores around the major cities, our list has narrowed to very few available brands in the market, which have little or no reviews for us to have a reference.
    Winning this stroller would be more than we dreamed of! It is not only recognized worldwide as one of the best, but it is also elegant and beautiful looking! :)
    Thank you so much for the opportunity Jen! :)
    My email:

  169. We have major issues with our current stroller, one of which is the sun shade is terrible! This stroller would help so much in getting us out more with the baby and to take our dog on a walk!

  170. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    I would love to win this stroller to stylishly take walks around our neighborhood with my baby girl!

  171. AnonymousJune 03, 2015

    I would love to win this stroller to stylishly take walks around our neighborhood with my baby girl!

  172. After a lot of research I came across NUNA. I immediately fell in love with every product.
    Our baby boy is due to arrive this october, having the Nuna Mixx will make this first time mom not just very happy but I'm sure it will make my life much easier.


  173. I just had my third son and the stoller we purchased five years ago has been worn out. This would be awesome since it's easy to collapse/open and easy to maneuver.

  174. Oh wow, what an amazing giveaway! I'm having my first baby in November - a boy like you! - and have been trying to figure out what stroller would work best for us. I love that the Nuna is so versatile - the ability to have the baby face either direction, the lay-flat feature, and so on - and I *love* the basil color! Here's hoping... Thanks! :) Rachel (rferraragmailcom)

  175. That stroller is amazing!

  176. I would love to have a stroller that faces forward or backward and this one is super sleek. Love the color! hoffy9(at)


    This stroller is so gorgeous! I'm due with my first in September, and can totally envision taking this bad-bod out for a stroll around the Brooklyn Bridge.

    Fingers crossed!

  178. I would like to win this stroller for my sister who is expecting a baby girl in September. Mainly because I wish I had enough money to be able to buy it for her as I know how much she likes this stroller. She has given me a lot and I would like to help her the most that I can.

  179. Ah! This is such a gorgeous stroller! I'm due with my first in September, and can totally envision taking this bad-boy to the Brooklyn Bridge.

    Fingers crossed!

  180. I would love to win this stroller and surprise my wife with it. She would go absolutely bonkers and it would go really well with the rest of the gear she wants for our first daughter!

  181. Would live the fold!!! Auntiemus@gmail.Com

  182. Would love to be the coolest mom on the block!

  183. I'm a native Dutch girl that moved to the US for the love of my life.
    After 9yrs of marriage we're over the moon that we're expecting a baby in November <3. I would love to represent my country by cruising the streets of San Francisco with this Dutch stroller, and show that I'm proud to come from such an innovative country. LOVE THIS URBAN STROLLER!


  184. I'm a native Dutch girl that moved to the US for the love of my life.
    After 9yrs of marriage we're over the moon that we're expecting a baby in November <3. I would love to represent my country by cruising the streets of San Francisco with this Dutch stroller, and show that I'm proud to come from such an innovative country. LOVE THIS URBAN STROLLER!


  185. I'm a native Dutch girl that moved to the US for the love of my life.
    After 9yrs of marriage we're over the moon that we're expecting a baby in November <3. I would love to represent my country by cruising the streets of San Francisco with this Dutch stroller, and show that I'm proud to come from such an innovative country. LOVE THIS URBAN STROLLER!


  186. I would LOVE to win this stroller. I am pregnant with my first! I love that it can face forward or back, and the lay flat feature seems perfect! I also love the LARGE, all terrain wheels. Thanks for the contest! Email:

  187. I'm a native Dutch girl that moved to the US for the love of my life.
    After 9yrs of marriage we're over the moon that we're expecting a baby in November <3. I would love to represent my country by cruising the streets of San Francisco with this Dutch stroller, and show that I'm proud to come from such an innovative country. LOVE THIS URBAN STROLLER!


  188. I would LOVE to win this beautiful stroller because I adore all things Nuna! We have the Nuna Pipa for our little girl who's due next month, and this stroller would complement it perfectly!

    IG: @elizzybelle

  189. Email: I need this stroller because we're moving to Brazil soon and I'm too scared to drive there! A great stroller would help on the many, many walks my daughter and I will take on as we explore our new city. Love the Basil!

  190. I'm a native Dutch girl that moved to the US for the love of my life.
    After 9yrs of marriage we're over the moon that we're expecting a baby in November <3. I would love to represent my country by cruising the streets of San Francisco with this Dutch stroller, and show that I'm proud to come from such an innovative country. LOVE THIS URBAN STROLLER!

  191. I love & need this stroller because its a great fit for me. Love at First Sight.


  192. I would love to win this stroller for my little one arriving in November! It has so many features it looks amazing!

  193. I've been searching for the perfect stroller and have come across this brand. This looks like it could be it!

  194. Oops! Forgot the email

  195. I'm a native Dutch girl that moved to the US for the love of my life.
    After 9yrs of marriage we're over the moon that we're expecting a baby in November <3. I would love to represent my country by cruising the streets of San Francisco with this Dutch stroller, and show that I'm proud to come from such an innovative country. LOVE THIS URBAN STROLLER!


  196. Hi I'm a expecting mommy. Iwould love to win this stroller for my baby who is coming in November. I love Nuna products but we are very far to have one of them. I'm from Puerto Rico, we are a veteran retired family with low resources, my husband is permanent disability after his service. Please please we loves this stroller and it would help us a lot. We can't buy one and we can't "upgrade our current stroller" because we don't have any stroller. Please I realy really need this oportunity...


  197. We have two kids and have donated two of our strollers as only our 15 month uses the stroller and we are done having kids. Well, we thought we were done, surprise…we are expecting a 3rd. I wish we would've held on to a few things but the woman we donated them to needed them more than we did. Hopefully, I could win another for my last surprise (all 3 are/were surprises).

  198. Forgot to add my email!
