My Birthday

Today is Aug. 15th, my birthday. 

I was born 39 years ago here in NYC.  I've been through a lot of things in my life - both good & bad and like most of you, kept on moving forward. Age didn't scare me until a few days ago when I started feeling sick & ended up in the emergency room at Lenox Hill hospital. According to the doctors, they didn't find anything obviously wrong. Great. I don't know if I should be celebrating or concerned. It did remind me (after viewing my X-rays) that I had mild Levoscoliosis of the lumbar spine. The first time I found this out was about 5 years ago. It has now brought up concerns about my health & posture.

So much so, that I decided I'll sign up for some type of stretching class & physical Therapy to perhaps slow down the curvature. It isn't obvious if you look at me, so don't count me out yet.... Anyone else have this?? I'm curious. The only thing I've experienced is lower back pain off & on, especially if I'm sitting in one position for too long.

Sure, I got a little sad, but my sadness stemmed from how my partner would look at me 'if' this got worse. Would he think I was ugly? not attractive? You know, all those ugly, awful thoughts we should really avoid but can't help but think about. After expressing my concerns to him he told me he would love me no matter what & that he thinks I'm beautiful both inside & out. I believe him, he's never proven otherwise. 

So today I celebrate, because it's another year of life that God has given me to live. Another year he has given me to celebrate with my family & friends. Another year to grow my business. It's another year he has given me to love HIM & care for others.

I am thankful & know that worrying will only cause the bad thoughts to start rolling in. So, I will continue to move forward and allow more love in my life & less worry.  I'm not going to lie, I'd rather be turning 25. But continuing to wish that would be living in the past & not in what life has for me today. 

As I look out my window the rain is starting to come down. As I look to my left I see a dog who loves me unconditionally & then I look at the bathroom mirror at what my husband wrote this morning. So cute.

Hope you're having a great day. I'll show you on My Twitter what my guy is cooking up for my Birthday later tonight! Can't wait.

-top image by janis nicolay
-bottom image by jen ramos



  1. I already commented at your husband´s blog. A very happy birthday Jen! You look amazing and I hope you´ll work this health scare out!

    Celebrate :)

  2. Awesome post and inspiration, Jen. Wishing you a VERY happy birthday!

  3. happy birthday, jennifer!

  4. Happy Birthday Jen. I hope that your medical scare is a thing of the past and that your positive thinking will help you feel better asap. I hope 39 is good to you!

  5. p.s. your painting in the background is absolutely amazing - love it!

  6. That note on the mirror from your hubby is awesome! Happy Birthday =)

  7. Stay positive. Negative thoughts definitely can NOT help anything... positive thoughts and prayer can do amazing things. :) Trust that you are fine.

    Happy Birthday!! Apparently you have found the fountain of youth?? You do NOT look 39!!

  8. Happy happy birthday! Continued health and happiness. Have fun celebrating tonight!

    Ashleigh @ Jolie Jouel

  9. Happy Birthday Jen, hope you start to feel better and just keep looking ahead to great things


  10. Happy Birthday! You are such an inspiration and your hubs is so great to you!

    I have mild scoliosis, so you can't see it when you look at me, and I experience the same pain. I started yoga and I'm thinking about getting a massage therapist. I hope you feel better!

  11. Sending you big Birthday wishes your way from NC! This post really touched me today, I too have been having numerous medical issues lately, all from what the doctor's are ruling out from a car accident I was in over a year ago. I have major back pains, and it has even caused nausea to dizziness. I too have to get physical therapy and I am hoping this will help with headaches from this too! I can relate with you about worrying about what my husband would think of me, so you are not alone either on that subject. I pray that you will feel much better soon, and enjoy this birthday the very best way possible, and know that you are loved and Beautiful!

  12. Beautiful post, Jen. Happy Birthday.

  13. Did you make a typo or are you just lying? Because there is NO WAY you are 39. You look like you are in your late 20's!

    On that note, happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  14. Did you make a typo or are you just lying? Because there is NO WAY you are 39. You look like you are in your late 20's!

    On that note, happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  15. OOhhh bless. I think he´s a keeper ;0).
    Have a fantastic birthday, Jennifer. And keep on blogging!

    xo Betina

  16. Lovely post and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

  17. Happy Birthday! You make it look so good...I'm now inspired. :)

  18. Happy Birthday Jen! Hope you are feeling better. XO

  19. Feliz cumpleaños preciosa. Happy birthday dear Jen.

  20. Feliz cumpleaños preciosa. Happy birthday dear Jen.

  21. Happy Birthday Jen! Wonderful post, the note your husband wrote is so beautiful!

    Will be praying for your health scare, hopefully its a thing of the past and I know you will love yoga classes!

  22. heyy Jen, Happy bday !!Its my bday too :)And I am happy to know we share our birthday!!!

  23. Yay Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!!!

  24. Happy Birthday Jen, I hope you've had a beautiful day thus far and a lovely year ahead. Look forward to your posts (and Mat's recipes) each and every day.

    God Bless--Jamy

  25. Feliz aniversário!
    Saúde e longa vida para você!

  26. Awe!! Happy birthday, Jen!! Enjoy all of your blessings and have a fantastic day. xoxo

  27. YOu are an inspiration. Happy birthday!

  28. so sweet and so blessed...happy birthday!
    xoxo -e (

  29. Happy Birthday!

    I was diagnosed with scoliosis in junior high (two curves, the largest being 55 degrees), "wore" a corrective brace that I hid in my gym locker and had corrective surgery when I was 15. I am now 29 and have completely forgotten about the surgery unless someone mentions "what beautiful posture you have". Good luck with the exercises and like you said - just keep positive.

  30. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!! The yoga will be great (I actually started last Friday, so we can keep each other motivated). Your hubby is a doll-can't wait to see the amazing dinner he prepares!

  31. Happy birthday Jen, every birthday should definitely be an acknowledgement of God's grace and blessings and love, may the upcoming years bring you more love and inspirations so you can continue using the gifts and talents that you have been bestowed.

  32. happy, happy birthday Jen!! beautiful post! xo

    caroline @ patagonia gifts celtic jewelry

  33. I hope you have an amazing birthday!

    The Glossy Life

  34. Hi Jen,

    I read your blog everyday and have your 'LOVE' poster but I have never commented! I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a young girl and wore a back brace until the middle of high school. Like you, it gives me on and off back pain and I too worry what will happen if it gets worse.

    You are not alone and I love how positive you are! Yoga has helped me in the past so I hope it will help you too.

    Have a great birthday! You are such an inspiring woman, keep up the good work!

  35. Best wishes for another great year!

  36. Happy birthday Jen! I will be praying for you!

  37. Oh my gosh! Happy happy birthday to you!! Praying for you my friend.

  38. Happy, happy birthday, Jen!! I'll be thinking about you & don't forget: positive thinking is the only way to think!! I love the mirror note from the hubby - too cute! xoxo

  39. Happy Birthday!! Sorry for your trip to the hospital. Here's to getting better with age!

  40. I think your husband will love you no matter what. :) I hope your health stays with you, though! I'm sure the yoga and therapy are going to help so much.

    And Jen, Happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

  41. Happy Birthday Jen!
    BTW, I think taking yoga is great idea. I believe it will help your back and most certainly will settle your mind.
    xo, Londa

  42. Your husband is so sweet. Happy Birthday Jen! To another great year and bigger and better blessing ahead.

  43. Happy birthday Jen hope you have a wonderful day! I too have the same problem I started going to a chiropractor my back was so bad I was taking a whole packet of Panadol a week all 24tablets :| I have been going for 2months now I haven't touched Panadol since, I lost 5kgs (my left side was heavier from my hips being out) I have no pain and so much more energy my spine is slowly but surely going back into its right position with every adjustment it's amazing how it works!

    Steph :)

  44. Cutest note ever!!!! Happy Birthday!

    Erica xxoo

  45. What a beautiful post and hope you've had a very happy birthday. from us down in sydney. x

  46. Happy birthday to you! I wish I were turning 25 all over again too! And that husband of yours- what a keeper! Maybe the sweetest thing I've seen in a long while!! :)

  47. Happy Birthday pretty lady!! I am loving all these delish meals your hubby is cooking up!! You're one lucky girl and what a sweet note he left you on the mirror! Hope you've had a Happy Birthday, today is my brother's bday too!! I'll keep you in my prayers that everything works out okay with your health!

  48. Very sweet note from your husband! Praying for you, friend. Hope you're feeling better! Happy birthday, Jen!! :) xoxo

  49. kill me now, that note on the mirror is priceless. You have so much to be thankful for, and I hope you have a wonderful birthday and year ahead!

  50. You lucky, lucky girlie - a dog and a man who adore you! Have a wonderful birthday celebrating and hope the next 39 are even more fun.

  51. What a sweet post (and husband), Happy B-day Jen!

  52. Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu! That's such a great picture of you and your husband! Getting older sucks but it sure doesn't suck as much as the alternative...not growing older. :-) Haha! You are such a beautiful and talented girl! I think it's great that you're doing what you can to make yourself the best you can be. Other than that, there's no sense in worrying about it. We just have to hope for the best as we make our way through this crazy life.

  53. Wonderful post girl!

    Happy Birthday!!

  54. happy birthday Jen!! have a wonderful, wonderful day :)

  55. Happy Birthday Jen! And I really thought you were like 25! no lie!
    Hope you have a wonderful birthday and know that God loves you so much and that he will never lead you to a place where he won't protect you. Praying for you and know that you are loved by HIM.


  56. aww <3 Such a cute note from your babe! ! Happy Birthday Jen <3

  57. Happy happy birthday to you Jen! Sounds like you are getting spoilt by your guy + so you should! Enjoy you day xx

  58. what a wonderful and special message on your mirror from your husband. happy birthday!

  59. Happy Birthday beautiful, talented lady! (don't know if its similiar but I have mild scoliosis and bad posture and stretching does help a lot!) Wishing you much joy, continued success and good health! Can't wait to see what your sweet husband cooks up for you!You two are such a creative pair!


  60. Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday Jen. I love your work and look forward to seeing some work that is available for purchase!

    Jen, I remember when I turned 39 like it was yesterday - literally yesterday. However I just turned 67. It goes faster and faster so my wish for you is to live, love and dance your ass off!

  61. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl and yes you are gorgeous - bathroom mirrors dont lie! That is the most romantic think Iv ever seen, what a loving partner. Hope you had a fabulous day x

  62. Happy Birthday Jen! You are a beautiful person and I wouldn't let a little 'curve' get you down!! What you think about, you bring about so keep thinking positive thoughts and the universe will send you great karma!! And God will too of course - Happy day xo


    So glad that you're being so positive :) you're really an inspiration!

    Both of you are such a loving couple. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. I'll be keeping you in prayers xo

  64. Happy birthday! Wish you good health, success more love and blessing for the coming years to come!

  65. Happy birthday to you! Hope the yoga helps with your condition and everything works out OK for you :) Love the message on the mirror from your husband too, so sweet!

  66. Happiest of birthdays to you, Jen! What a lovely, thoughtful post. I am glad that you are surrounded by so much love on your birthday! Your positive outlook is such a breath of fresh air, and your honest moments are so relatable. Keep doing what you're doing because you rock!

  67. Happy Birthday! What a beautiful message your husband left you and what a way to say good morning.

    I hope all goes well with your yoga and physical therapy sessions. I'm kinda in the same boat with RA symptons that are there but not yet a true RA diagnosis. blah!

  68. NUHA: Thank you, thats the 2nd biggest painting I have in my apartment. I painted it right before they shot my apt earlier this year. : )

    MILYNN: Thx for sharing...its nice to hear that others have similar conditions and are dealing with it just fine. Glad to hear Yoga is helping you, i can't wait to start.

    WENDY: haha - yea i get that a lot. You don't look 39 jen! i owe it to my mom, she has great genes.

  69. MICHELLE- i loved your message, so thank you for sharing! my sister has also dealt with something similar after a car accident, so i know a lot about that & totally understand. I wish you the best and that you're headaches don't get worse....lately I've been having a lot of headaches too...sometimes i wonder if i just need to get outside more and off the computer.

    LINDSAY: ha! nope, thats my age....

    LORENA: gracias xoxo

    LEANBEAN: thank you for sharing, Interesting...i wish i had known about this when i was younger, but I don't even think they would do surgery on me as it is right now since its only mild. Sounds like yours was a lot more curved...but I'm so glad to hear they corrected it. Not sure if you will get this msg, but what type of surgery did you get??

    SOJO: yes it should be...He is great.

    PRIS: thank you for commenting & sharing, i appreciate it. It seems many people are doing Yoga for I'm looking forward to it :)

    STEPH: i have to say after reading your comment i felt so much better. i was hoping to hear from others who are dealing with this & how they are experiencing positive outcomes. your story came at a great time as i was contemplating going to a chiropractor, you convinced me...thank you, thank you. :) glad to hear that you're doing much better thx for sharing!

    JILL: thank you :)))

    LA IN THE BAY: i loved your comment oxox

  70. TO EVERYONE: its been comforting reading all the comments, pls feel free to leave one if you haven't so grateful for the blogging community...with so many wonderful & kind responses..thank you ladies xoxoo

  71. Happy Birthday Jen ~ take care of yourself ~ Our health is everything!!

    You look fabulous! I honestly wouldn't have thought you would be turning 39. I think your fabulous style keeps you looking young!!

    It's always so refreshing to read these honest and open-hearted posts. You echo so many of our own thoughts and worries. It's so nice not to feel alone.

  73. I think yoga will be quite good for you, I am an avid practitioner of hot yoga (Bikram and other styles) and it has helped me in countless ways, physically and through stressful times. Not to mention the heat and all the sweating keeps me looking young, its like a steam facial every time!

    Good luck with it, and Happy Birthday!

  74. OMG! Happy Birthday, can i please look like you when i'm 39?

  75. You are awesome. Happy bday Jen :)

  76. Happy Birthday Jen! Love this post. :-)

  77. Happy Birthday Jen!! Lots of positive thoughts being sent your way!

  78. happy happy birthday! love how sweet you and your husband are together! I wish you all the best today and always, may God continue to bless you :)

  79. Happy birthday!! You have the sweetest husband.

  80. Happy Birthday Jen! You are a beautiful woman and your husband is darling and clearly loves you unconditionally. Praying for peace mind for you about your condition. The Lord is in control! Wishing you a beautiful year ahead. Hopefully you know how amazing and inspiring you are to so many of us! Bless you.

  81. Happy Birthday Jen!

  82. Happy Birthday to you! Mine was two days ago! I to am just grateful for another year! Stay positive!

  83. Happy Birthday Jen! You are an inspiration to many and uplift spirits with your blog, beautiful artwork and creativity. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with others. May you continue to live a life filled with blessings of happiness, health, and love.

    P.S. I love the photos you shared in this post! What a loving husband you have. SO sweet. :)

  84. Happy Birthday Jen! You are an inspiration to many and uplift spirits with your blog, beautiful artwork and creativity. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with others. May you continue to live a life filled with blessings of happiness, health, and love.

    P.S. I love the photos you shared in this post! What a loving husband you have. SO sweet. :)

  85. Happy Birthday Jen! You are amazing! I love your work. You are an inspirational couple and lucky to have each other. Cheers to an amazing year!

  86. Jen HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What frightening news to hear! But you will pull through it! And without any doubt whatever happens will only help you get stronger! You are an amazing person with so many talents and that will never change! Have an amazing day! Lots of love

  87. Dear Jen,
    Happy Birthday! You are one of the few blogger friends I have always come back to, you are truly special.

  88. Hey Dear Jen !! Happy Birthday to you :) But just one advice, if you love our great God and want to stay physically and psychically healthy, please do not go to yoga classes :( I know it may sound weird, but please read more about it before you go,
    xo :)

  89. Happy Birthday Jen! Hope you had a lovely day! I cannot believeeee you are 39 you look 29!!!

    Best wishes,
    Gen x

  90. Happy Birthday Jen! You have been a true inspiration to me all these years. For a person of your spirit, nothing can be bad! Enjoi your day with your family and keep inspiring.

  91. Dear Jen,
    I have came to realize we have the same age and same back problem. But I do have a lot of back pain everyday. I'm so used to it that I allready think it's normal and a part of me. My husband has it too. It never made me think uglier. just the tiny detail that I cannot use ponytail because it makes a curve on the back of my neck but it's a minor detail compared to my will and strenght to live everyday. Have the most wonderfull birthday because you deserve it!! Take care. AnaAntunes

  92. Happy birthday gorgeous!... please don't worry about your age..when you're in your late 40's you'll be wishing you were turning 39!. Enjoy your day, it's obvious you are special to so many people especially your man!
    hope your health improves. :)
    Bec x

  93. Aw, I didn't see this post yesterday when I stopped by! Happy Birthday! You're a Leo - I like Leos! My dad is 8/14 and my 2yo is 8/8. I tend to get along with Leos best! Your hubby is the sweetest thing since sugar...and you are too cute...I would have never guessed you were 39 (that's not old though!) You just look so much younger. Cheers to another God-given year! xoxo

  94. Hi Jen. August 15th is my birthday too! Two powerful Leo women!

    I love your blog. I have your "LOVE" print in gold and I LOVE IT!!!!

    Have an amazing year.

    Lisa from Denver

  95. what?! yo pense que tenias como 27!!! de hecho me sorprendia que una persona tan joven corriera un negocio tan profesional como el tuyo.
    No quito el merito de que sea un negocio genial, aunque tengas un par de añitos mas.. jaja

    Te felicito por tu cumpleaños y por saber como mantenerte tan bella!! (dolor de espalda de por medio o no)
    Un abrazo gigante, Denise (desde Buenos Aires, Argentina)

  96. Happy Birthday! You two are precious!!

  97. Martuchna- oddly enough I wondered this. I used to do yoga yrs ago - and I'd never fold my hand in prayer, I would also meditate but pray to Jesus when I did. It is controversial and odd, but i will be reading around & I'm certain God will guide me. I only did yoga for stretching , I don't believe in any of their healing power... That isn't isn't for me. But I'm leaning more toward working with a chiropractor & even looking for a Christian based yoga. Hope they have one here in NYC. Thank you for the reminder ;)

    1. Ps I know issuing Christian yoga is an oxymoron, but I guess what I mean is some type of class that promotes stretching & flexibility that also encompasses scripture. That would be IDEAL. ;))))

  98. Happy birthday, Jen! I've been a long time reader and love your artwork. I can't believe my eyes when I saw your age, because you look much much younger. If I had to guess, I'd guess 30 tops. I hope I'll look just as fab when I hit 39. Cheers!


  99. Happy Birthday Jen.
    Beautiful post. I am so sorry that you're dealing with these health issues. But I'm so glad your husband reassured you that you'll always be beautiful to him.
    My sister was diagnosed with a degenerative genetic disease last year. The disease affects her balance, mobility and speech; and, the symptoms came up quite suddenly. I'm so thankful that she's also been blessed with a husband who sees her for the beautiful lady she is, even if she can't move or talk as gracefully as she once could.
    Thinking of you as you move forward. I'm so glad that you're able to rely on God to help you through each difficult step. xo

  100. BIG Happy Birthday to YOU! Hope it's a fantastic day full of delicious gourmet food made by your very own personal talented chef! Lucky you :)

  101. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Sounds like you've got an amazing guy! xx

  102. a belated happy birthday! and can i just say, you look unbelievable for your age!! :) xx

  103. Happy Birthday J. ;) great idea with b-day whishes on the mirror ;)

  104. Happy 39 Jen! I promise you life only continues to get better even if we are getting older,especially when you are surrounded by people that love and adore you! Have a great day,you are beautiful!

  105. Hope you had a blessed birthday.. You share the same birthday as my husband.. Thank you for being an inspiration to many of us..

    Clara Millan

  106. You're very inspirational! And you do NOT look your age, seriously, I though you were around 30-31! Beautiful!

  107. happy belated birthday, Jen! I'm sorry to hear of your medical scare and hope that you are able to find some type of remedy to help you cope with the pain/effects. What an amazing husband you have! It makes all the difference in the world when you have a fab support system. Big hugs!

  108. Ahh happy belated birthday I was 30on the 15th too, my husband left me a note on our chalkboard that morning before I went off to work :) Wishing you lots of good wishes for the year ahead :)

    All things nice...

  109. Feliz Cumpleaños desde Londres Jen, you look great and not way your age, I am 41 and going down the hill haha...I hope your health concern ends in nothing and you get better doing some yoga, Pilates does it for me.

  110. I don't think age defines who you are. You are who you define yourself to be. As long as we're growing spiritually, life can only get better. You'll love Yoga! It's quite addicting. Happy Birthday, Jen! You are amazing!

  111. Sorry to edit your post, but you put 39, rather than 29 :-) Happy Birthday to you. What your babe wrote on the mirror brought tears to my eyes....just lovely. Hope you enjoyed every second of it. Xo

  112. Happy belated birthday to you. Hope you are feeling better. The photo of you both is so sweet.

  113. How am I just seeing this?!!!
    Hope you had the most wonderful birthday, Jen!
    What an amazing hubby you have! He sure takes care of you and loves you ;)

    Here's to another year surrounded by love, support, success and happy, happy memories!

  114. Hi Jen, Happy belated Birthday! I WISH YOU health and happiness and love! This post put me in tears, especially the last photo of Birthday greetings from your husband on the mirror. I don't have this back condition, but I have herniated discs, and pilates helps a lot, especially strengthening the belly muscles,when they strong enough they better support your back, stretching or overstretching not always works, stretching can put more stress on the back, but as you keep exercising you feel how far you can go, and stop at certain point. I know how back pain can be horrible, but massage is the greatest thing on the planet, I have tried hiropractor, would never recommend to anyone, but massage is great for your body and soul. Again Happy Birthday, sending you my best and kindest wishes!!!

  115. Happy Birthday!!! and what a wonderful hubby you have! You are truly blessed. May this next year bring fourth more joy & blessings than you can hold!

  116. Happy Happy Belated!!!!
    I was in NYC on your birthday, what a rain soaked day. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  117. Happy Happy Belated B-Day!!
    I was in NYC on the 15th, what a rain soaked day, hope you had a wonderful day!

  118. Happy Happy Belated!!!!
    I was in NYC on your birthday, what a rain soaked day. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  119. also, have you heard of Yamuna Body Rolling?
    Works wonders for the back. and the original studio is in NYC. You walk out feeling two inches taller, at least!

  120. Happy birthday! a bit late
    And i must say that you look younger!

    I wish you happiness and health

  121. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Take good care of yourself!

    Love that picture of you and your hubby. You guys look so beautiful together. ;-)

  122. Hope it was the happiest, Jen! Your sweet hubby is setting the bar high for all the men out there!

  123. Happy belated birthday!!! I have Levoscoliosis in my lumbar spine as well (and am also in my late 30s). Physical therapy is incredibly helpful. It's gentle and teaches you the proper stretching techniques. It might be worth looking into. xo

  124. Happy belated Birthday darling Jen... I hope it was a special one spent with your loved ones!!! Much love... Son xoxo

  125. P.S I think that is the first time you have shared your age... may I say you look INCREDIBLE and not a day over 30! xxx

  126. Happy (belated) birthday to a fellow August baby! Such an open and honest reflection of the toll that age does to our minds and bodies. You definitely have a sweet and adoring man to share your days with - the bathroom note brought tears to my eyes!
    Cheers to many more wonderful celebrations

  127. Happy belated birthday Jen. In reading your blog on a regular basis I know you are filled with light, the love of friends & family and an unshakeable faith. I have no doubt that you will live a long, happy and healthy life. To a wonderful year ahead.
    Go To Glamour Girl

  128. Happy Belated Birthday! And you're right every year is a great year to celebrate being in this wonderful world. Hope you had a great weekend.

  129. Happy belated birthday!

  130. Happy Belated Honey!! Hope you had a great day by the sounds of it you did:-)

  131. Happy Birthday for the 15 of August Jen! Your blog is always so heartwarming and your beauty always shines through what you write and the way you interact with your fellow followers and bloggers. Keep up the AMAZING work!
    Anastasia at Decor is like butter


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