
My heart breaks today... 

My 13 yr old boxer had to be put to sleep. Both my husband & I are very sad & miss him dearly. It will feel so weird moving into our new place without him.

I will think of him as my husband's best friend, always following him around our home, sitting between his legs when he worked at his desk, sticking his head out of the car window to catch the breeze. He loved car rides & looking out the window for hours. What a blessing it was to have such a good dog.

His name was Danny & I hope we'll see him again one day....

A friend of mine emailed this poem she found online today:

My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head was in my hand.
The Doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms.
Were of his younger, puppy years,
And OH...his many charms.
Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart thats filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "You should cry no more,
God also loves our canine friends,
He's installed a 'doggy-door



  1. So sorry :( But i truly believe you will see him again.

  2. the loss of a pet leaves a big hole in your heart and home. you guys are in my thoughts!


  3. Oh this is so sad. This is leaving a big hole.


  4. so sorry about that :(

  5. I've never commented here before, but my thoughts are with you today. Losing a pet is losing a family member, and it leaves a big hole.

    Have you seen the rainbow bridge poem?

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
    There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

  6. I am writing this in tears! That's so sad and I'm sorry to hear your news. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a dog. He is at peace now and running round in doggy heaven. You just have to remember the happy times and how much joy he gave you, we still reminisce about our old dogs and it makes us smile.

    What a beautiful poem! xx

  7. I feel your pain I have had 2 boxers since being married (12yrs) & had to have both put down due to cancer related illnesses. Boxers are the best dogs EVER!! They were both my best friends & my companions. I miss my Winston & Jasper. There may be a big hole in your heart, but looking an photo's & laughing about all the goofy things only boxers are capable of will warm your heart.

  8. So sorry to hear Jen, my heart goes out to you. Will be thinking of you xx

  9. Je, I know we don't know each other well at all, but my heart breaks for you. I am so, so sorry for your loss.

  10. Sorry to hear about your loss :(

  11. *** My dog-loving heart is breaking for you right now, at the loss of your beloved Dannny... did you call him "Danny-boy" alot of the time???

    He is soooo beautiful, sweet, darling, precious and totally loving in that pic~~~ how lovely if you cantry to always remember him that way, especially while the pain in your hearts is so very great.

    As my heart breaks for you, I just KNOW he is up there, running & romping painlessly, free of any encumbrances that could mar the fun of the sunny day I hope he is having... I guarantee my Sam, MacArthur, Mikie and BD are up there showing him the ropes, with lots of love and reminding him that you will all be together again one day... How I wish we could ALL be spared this incredible pain in life...

    My fondest thoughts to you both,

    Linda in AZ *

  12. I am sorry Jen, I know how hard this is. To tell you the truth my dog passed in October but I still dream of him regularly. I miss him so much, my house feels so empty. God cares for each of our animals, He created them and they have individual value in His eyes. I believe we will see our pups again. And I believe they are getting plenty of treats in heaven right now. It will feel strange for some time, don't feel like it's weird if it's not the same for a while. It's normal to mourn, they are our family. On the other hand such a move would have been so hard for the little guy, so God obviously has His timings for reasons we might not immediately realize. I will be praying for you tons! Hugs,

    Nancy xo

  13. I'm so very sorry. I have tears in my eyes while I type this...the loss of a beloved pet is so very hard. Hope the sadness is replaced by happy memories soon but all in due time.

  14. Jen- I am so sorry for you loss. You are in my thoughts and my heart goes out to you.

  15. I'm so sad for you Jen! Thinking of you and your husband at this sad time xoxoxo

  16. So sad for you - hold on to those happy memories - we have a dog of our own and two cats too and they become so tied into the family, it's hard to imagine them gone.... take care

  17. :( oh my, I think I might have just had a few tears. So dad Jen! I had my golden retriever from whe I was 11 til I was 25, she was with my basically while I grew up & through many difficult teenage years, putting her down was one of the saddest days of my life! I still have her collar. Dogs are really our best friends aren't they. They are always there for a hug, a chat & love you unconditionally. That was 5 years ago & I write this with my new best friend lying across my feet. In time a new furry friend will be part of your life but I know you will never forget Danny x hugs x sal

  18. Hi Jen, so sorry to read about your dog. Sounds like he was a real sweetie.

    Colleen x

  19. The last post on my blog is about the same sad thing! We said goodbye to our dog last Tuesday! He was almost 12! I miss him a lot! My heart want him back but my head know he dont suffer anymore! I know this is hard moments for you! Im really sorry for your loss!!

  20. Dear Jen, ever noticed how animal love is so similar to parents love! They love us uncondicionaly, with no barriers, love us just like we are...I think that's why this is such a sad, sad hour! Feel better Jen, love Angela.

  21. I'm not a 'dog' person but remember my now husband (then BF) putting down his beloved Boxer friend. Lots of hugs your way.... so very hard
    x KL

  22. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
    The love you feel for your pet is so unconditional and all encompassing. Thirteen years is a good run, many memories had and shared..Things happen for reasons, maybe it was time and it would be difficult to make the trip to NYC.
    Safe travels to you!

  23. so sorry to hear the sad news...condolences.


  24. So sorry to hear about your dog :( The love of a pet is like that of family. I have a dog is quite old and the thought that he could be gone soon makes a choke up a little. Hang in there...

  25. Ohh no :( So sorry. I dread the day we have to do this with our dog and I can't even imagine what it feels like.

  26. i know how much it hurts, jen, and i'm so sorry for your loss. sending you love.

  27. So sorry to hear that Jen, we often saw your little buddy pop up in some pics. It's a big loss I know, but he was lucky to have the beautiful life you gave him and people who loved him so much.
    Thinking of you xox

  28. I'm so sorry~poor mite! I hope Danny is romping thru the clouds with my Poppy...

  29. Really really sorry Jen, I know how much it hurts and the gap in your lives. Keep strong xo

  30. Oh no...I am so so sorry. It is clear that Danny was a beautiful and sweet pup. I am praying for you guys in this time of loss. Beautiful poem...and I can't imagine God not having a doggy door. :)

  31. So sorry for you both. We lost our dog the same way, just before a big move at 13 also. Heartbreaking. you will be reunited again.

  32. i am so so sorry! thinking of you. i have read that poem before as well and it's so sweet and comforting.

  33. I'm so sorry to hear this :( Losing a pet is extremely difficult. One day you will see him again.

  34. oh man, that poem made me tear up. i am so sorry for your loss, it must be so hard.

  35. Aww I'm so sorry for your loss :(

  36. I am so sorry .....a loss of a pet is undescribably difficult but you will see him again!

  37. oh Jen, I'm so sorry to hear this. We also have a boxer and just the thought of having to put him down tears me apart. Big hugs and lots of love to you guys.

  38. This is so so sad. Im sorry you guys had to let him go :(
    He'll be waiting for you though with his tail wagging! :)

  39. Jen so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. Losing a pet/best friend is always heartbreaking. I've had to say goodbye to two dogs and it is the hardest thing to do. It must be especially hard for your other dog, give him some hugs for me. The poem your friend gave you had me crying like a baby. From reading your posts over the years it's clear how much you guys love your dogs. I bet Danny is looking down at you guys saying "well at least I don't have to wear those socks any more!"

  40. I am so terribly sorry. I'm sure you will see him again, all the best during this time.

  41. I am bawling right now! I am so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine. Jesus loved Danny and i hope our puppies are in heaven so much. Take care and think of all the happy times :)

  42. <3 sending love and light to your family. He was very lucky to be in a home that loved him so much!

  43. I'm so sorry Jen! Sending lots of love yalls way xx

  44. So sorry for your loss :(

  45. Thank you for the reminder to hug my pugs extra tight today. This post quickly brought on tears. I'm sorry for your loss.

  46. I am so sorry for your huge loss. My heart goes out to you and your husband. xo

  47. I`m so sorry... I wish you will see him again someday. Peace&Love

  48. :-( So sorry about your sweet friend. My boxer is almost 4, and one of the weirdest, best dogs ever. He was the first big time commitment thing my husband and I did together when we were dating.

    I'll give my Jax lots of hugs and kisses in memory of your sweet Danny.

  49. We had to put our lab to sleep a couple years ago. My husband and I had him before we had kids so he was truly "our" dog. My 5 year old still will ask when he's coming back from the doctor...I feel your pain, it's so hard to lose an animal.

  50. Jen we are so sorry! It is never easy losing a beloved pet. We have lost 2 dogs and both were very difficult, but know that they are in a better place and out of pain. Sending HUGS your way from the twins!
    Lori and Michelle
    pure2raw twins

  51. I'm so sorry for your loss Jen :(

  52. Jen, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a pet that is a best friend. Will be thinking about ya'll this weekend.


  53. I'm so so sorry for your loss. It's so incredible to have the unconditional love and adoration from our dogs - our babies really! You're in my thoughts.

  54. Sorry to hear of your loss :(

  55. I am so sorry for your loss. I know your pain. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers tonight.

  56. i am so sorry for your loss and am sending happy vibes your way. you will definitely see danny again - but he's still with you all the time.

  57. I am so sorry :(
    I lost a pet when I was little (5 years old) and I still think of him.

  58. Jen I am so sorry! You are doing the right thing to make sure your beloved pet doesn't have to endure undue pain. My heart is with you as you cope with this loss!

    xoxo, Emily

  59. My eyes are full of tears as I write this. Dogs are very, very, very special creatures. Been there twice with older dogs and it's just THE WORST. Truly one of the saddest thing to go through. So sorry for the passing of what looked like a wonderful, sweet boy.

  60. Oh, I'm so sad to read this, Jen, my eyes and heart brimming with tears. Our dogs are our family, our children, our best best companions. The best thing about that incredible relationship is how easy it is to always have them with you. Sending good thoughts your way.

  61. Oh I'm sorry, but I know you will see him again.

    Wishing you sunshine & cheer,

  62. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my thoughts!

  63. Oh that face! So sad. I feel for you. xx

  64. My heart breaks for you. What a precious poem. I am a dog owner of 3 and could not imagine going through that loss. I am so very sorry. Bless his little heart, and both of yours.

  65. so hard when our furry friends are like family. sorry for your loss Jenn.

  66. I'm sorry for your loss :(

  67. I'm so sorry to hear about Danny, I'm sure you shared a lot of happy memories with him that will last forever.

  68. Oh Jen, I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is the saddest thing :(

  69. This post brought tears to my eyes; I'm so sorry for your loss.

  70. I am so very sorry for your loss. It hurts just as deep as loosing a human, this I know for sure. Many blessings.

  71. So sorry for your loss. Our pets leave us too soon.

  72. This breaks my heart... my dog is like a child to me so I can never imagine losing him. I am so sorry you guys are going through this at such a hectic time. Hopefully the move will keep you busy so you won't be as sad. Keep your heads up.

  73. I just stumbled upon your blog today, and I'm so sorry to read this sad news. We too have a boxer and, though he's a handful, we love him so so much. I'm so sorry for you guys.

  74. I'm so, so very sorry, Jen. Pets are so much a part of our lives, and I know you feel his loss so, so very deeply. (((hugs)))

  75. Oh I'm sorry for your loss! So sad, stay strong and hold on o the good times xx

  76. I am so sorry to hear this-the loss of a pet is so difficult. When we had to put my dog to sleep, our vet gave us this poem and it meant a lot. You will see him again someday!

    "To Those I Love and Those Who Loved Me"

    When I am gone, Release me, Let me Go
    I have so many things to see and do
    You musn't tie yourself to me with tears
    Be thankful for our beautiful years,

    I gave to you my love, You can only Guess
    How much you have to me in happiness
    I thank you for the love you each have shown
    But now it's time I traveled on alone.

    So grieve awile for me, if grieve you must,
    Then let your grief be comforted by trust
    It's only for a time that we must part,
    So bless the memories within your heart,

    I won't be far away, for life goes on,
    So if you need me, call me, and I will come,
    Though you can't see me or touch me, I'll be near
    And if you listen with your hearts, you'll hear,
    All my love around you soft and clear,
    And then, when you must come this way alone,
    I'll greet you with a smile and say "Welcome Home"

  77. My heart breaks to read this. I'm so sorry Jen. This is one of the hardest things to go through. You're both in my thoughts.

  78. I'm so sorry for your loss. Pets are so special. I'm bawling at my desk (at work) just thinking about your pain.

  79. Oh I'm so sorry for your loss Jen. We have four of our own and it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. You'll be in my thoughts. xo

  80. So sorry yo hear this...just went through the same thing a few weeks ago and my BF sent me this to bring comfort. Hope it does the same for you!


    If it should be that I grow weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep,
    Then you must do what must be done,
    For this last battle cannot be won.

    You will be sad, I understand.
    Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
    For this day, more than all the rest,
    Your love for me must stand the test.

    We've had so many happy years.
    What is to come can hold no fears.
    You'd not want me to suffer so;
    The time has come -- please let me go.

    Take me where my need they'll tend,
    And please stay with me till the end.
    Hold me firm and speak to me,
    Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know in time that you will see
    The kindness that you did for me.
    Although my tail its last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I've been saved.

    Please do not grieve -- it must be you
    Who had this painful thing to do.
    We've been so close, we two, these years;
    Don't let your heart hold back its tears.

  81. I'm so so sorry. We had to put down our 10.5 year old boxer a couple months and it was so hard.

  82. Bless your sweet and pure heart...The loss of our precious dogs are just like losing a family member- Our dog of 13 years was put down a few years back and we still miss him daily- My yorkie is my world- they are like a child- I am sending you the biggest hug and take comfort in knowing he is now in heaven (bc i do believe all dogs go to heaven)running around living it up as he did in his younger days!


  83. We get to watch them grow from puppies all the way through adulthood. A dog will give its entire life to pleasing us. My condolences on the loss of Danny. He sounds like a wonderful member of your family and I am truly saddened by your loss.

  84. So sorry! My heart goes out to you!

  85. I'm so sorry...

  86. Jen, I cannot imagine what you and your guy are going through right now. Those of us with our own babies fear this very moment.
    I am so so sorry to hear about Danny.

    take care

  87. I am so sorry for your loss... I have an old dog and every day I fear that moment. No matter how much it hurts, it's still worth going through the pain to have had him and all the good memories. We're so blessed to experience the wonderful unconditional love that all our pets give us, even if it's only for a few years.

  88. Oh no, this just made me cry! I'm so sorry - what a time of transition for you guys. I have a boxer too, and I know they joy they bring. I'm sure he was at peace.

  89. Oh no!! That saddens my heart so bad! I am so sorry! I know how extremely attached you can get with your pups and how they are almost like your children!
    Thinking of you, Jen!! <3

  90. My condolences to you and yours :/

  91. My heart breaks for you and your husband. I've been there, and I know how your heart aches losing such a sweet companion. Know that the pain will lighten. You're in our thoughts.

  92. Hi Jen,

    I'm so sorry for your loss. The poem you posted was beautiful and I hope it brings you guys comfort as you remember the times shared with your boxer.

  93. I feel for you! I have a 5 year old boxer and they are the best, most loving dogs ever! I dread the day that I lose her. My heart goes out to you!

  94. Devasting news :( Our 13 year old Husky had a stroke and we could not bring ourselves to 'put him down' so he ended up suffering and dying in our arms. Looking back, I really wish we would have had the stength to put him down before he got sooo bad. I admire and respect you both for being able to spare Danny pain and misery. Although it broke your heart, you helped him :)

  95. So sorry. I'm sure he will be in the animal's heaven.


  96. I am so sorry! Our furbabies are so very special! I know you will see him again! Hugs!

  97. So sorry for your loss :( That's extremely sad and a tough day/week/month to get through.

  98. Oh dear...I'm so sorry to hear that. That is the sweetest poem. Poor lil guy! R.I.P

  99. Awe, I'm so sorry for your loss Jen. I can't imagine loosing my canine buddy. I know he'll be dearly missed. Praying for you in your grief, move and transition.


  100. I lost my 15-year old Rat Terrier, Regis, several weeks ago. It was devastating---so I feel your pain. I think about my guy every day and really miss him....

  101. I'm so sorry!! I can't imaging the day when I have to say goodbye to my little Madi or Midus. :-( Big hugs!

  102. I'm so sorry Jen, losing a pet is so painful. My prayers are with you and your husband. My 2 boys are getting up there in age and I worry about losing them someday.

  103. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jen!!

  104. Hearing dogs being put down always makes me teary-eyed. Its precious youd share this on your blog with everyone.


  105. Oh Jen, I am so so sorry to hear about Danny. My heart aches for you & your hubby. Dogs are truly one the best friends you can have. Keeping you guys in my prayers...

  106. I am so sorry to hear about that!! Hope you feel less sad everyday and remember the beautiful times you spent with him :'(

  107. I'm so sorry for your loss

  108. Jen,
    I am so sorry and we will all miss him so much.
    I posted a little something for the little guy ..

    Love your sister,

  109. I'm sorry to hear that. I also love dogs and I too suffered a loss years ago of my German Shepherd pet named Libra. I understand what you felt.

    Susan @ Interior Design Pro

  110. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved 16 year old dog in October. It was something I had dreaded for years because I just loved her so, so much. It helped me to write a letter to her. My thoughts are with you.

  111. So sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose a pet. They become your baby. Have comfort in knowing that he is in heaven and at peace...

  112. This brought back so many memories of our boxer, George. I am so sorry for your loss. Hope every day gets a ill bit easier :(

  113. A friend sent me your blog post just now. We put our 6.5 year old boxer to sleep this morning. She had lymphoma. Our heart, too, is broken. You Danny looked like a wonderful guy. I can take heart in knowing that our Maddie is not the only new boxer in heaven tonight.

  114. Jen, I am so sorry. Of course that poem made me cry. (Yes, tears are running down my neck.) Our boxer, Layla, is seriouly the love of my life. Imagining what you guys are going through breaks my heart. He will be so happy running around dog heaven though, I'm sure:)

  115. My heart breaks for you. I understand the sadness and the emptiness you feel in your heart right now. We had to put down our kitty of 12 years right before Christmas and it was the most difficult thing we've ever had to do. I miss her every day and cry whenever I think about her. I do believe that she's in heaven with all the other lovely kitties and doggies and playing. Maybe Danny's running after my Coco now. Lots of hugs.

  116. heart aches for you right now. I lost my boxer last January 15th...a year ago already, and I miss him soooo much. He looked just like Danny. The memories, his scent, his look with those droopy eyes, his kisses...will last with you forever. I still find my boxers hair everywhere:-) My thoughts are with you guys. xx

  117. So hard to lose a friend <3 Thinking of you lots.

  118. i'm actually in tears. i'm so so sorry. i dread this day. take care xoxo

  119. I'm so sorry for your loss. Cry all you want, it helps. He will always be part of your lives!

  120. **Huge hugs** I feel your pain, nothing can take away that hurt and the hole in your heart. Our beloved Mini Schnauzer Sooty was tragically taken from us beg dec last year. Each day is so very hard without her.
    Thinking of you. xxx

  121. So sorry for your loss, Jen. But as you've said, he's lived a good life. I have a dog too and he is truly like family. I can't imagine ever losing him. I will cherish the time i do have with him.

    All the best,

  122. I'm so sorry Jen :-( May peace be with your and your husband.

  123. Really sorry to hear of your loss, Jen. x

  124. Hi,

    My dog dead on Friday too. I know what you feel....
    Heni from Hungary

  125. Hi,

    My dog dead on Friday too. I know what you feel....
    Heni from Hungary

  126. So sorry Jen for you and your husband. I'm a HUGE animal lover and have been through this myself. Its hard.

    Sending Timmy hugs.

  127. sorry to hear this jen :( they are such special friends. thinking of you and your husband as you close one chapter and open another. xx

  128. Oh Jen... I'm just seeing this. So sorry! Sending you love and hugs...

  129. Oh you have me in tears, I lost my Tyler, my eldest Boxer in April and he was 9 years old which I was told is good for Boxers. I still have his brother Obi who is now 8 and looks identical to your Danny.. 13 is an amazing age for a dog his size. Feel blessed you had him in your life for so long and know he is in a better place.

    I hope the pain passes soon X

  130. I am so sorry Jen. He is running the fields in Heaven.

  131. I am so sorry - you will see him again some day! my heart hurts for you =(

  132. You and your husband will be in my morning devotion-I will ask God to give your faith a boost whenever sad thoughts come around...and I am sure your pup will be there with much excitement and welcome when you go back home:)

  133. I grew up with a boxer. She was my friend and my protector. I am so sorry for your loss.

  134. my heart breaks for you & your husband. I truly know how hard this is for both of you. know it gets better and I believe you'll see him again one day! he was a beautiful dog!

  135. I am so sorry about your loss Jenn. It's so hard losing one of your family members, our dogs give us such joy and comfort, they are always there for us. I am sure he loved his mommy and daddy and had an amazing life with you. May you cherish the wonderful memories you had together.
    Stay strong, my heart goes out to you. Sending you big hugs and kisses. Xoxo ~Edyta

  136. Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that.

  137. I have never even left a comment on your blog even though I love to read it often...but today that changed. My heart "bleeds" for the pain you and your hubby feel over the "home-going" of your dog. I actually sit here with tears in my own eyes...for I am also such an animal lover and have gone through this more than once. I pray your hearts will be healed and all the wonderful memories continue to bring you joy! Praying for you!!

  138. My thoughts are with you at this hard time.

    Your post made me cry as it brings back the painful memories of losing my four legged best friend in the summer. Many days have pasted but I still choke up every-time I think of him.

    Such a lovely poem though x

  139. such a sad moment, sorry for your lost.. it must have been a hard day..

  140. I am so so so sorry for your loss. I pray that your new journey will give you new strength & good memories of Danny to keep in your hearts. My "baby" is Sydney and is 9 years old now... she also loves window watching & car is crazy how time flies so quickly. I hope Danny is now enjoying alot of window watching & car rides :)

  141. I am so so sorry for your loss. Jenni, from story of my life blog, had a recent post that said something about how one of life's cruelest jokes is that mans best friend passes on so much sooner than man. It really is true. I hope your heart heals soon.

  142. My heart breaks for you too. We had to put down our two dogs last year and it hurt so bad. I wish you peace and lots of fond memories. Hugs to you and your husband.

  143. I truly understand your heartache! My husband refuses to talk about our dog's age. Hugs!

  144. meus sentimentos pela sua perda ,dá pra ver o quanto ele é amado...

  145. So sorry to hear this. I know exactly how you feel. It's beyond heartbreaking. Find some solace in knowing you two were amazing dog parents!


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