Blue Hand Home Lighting & Some DIY ones!

I've been fascinated by chandeliers as well as all types of hanging lights for quite some time. My favorites are 'empire chandeliers' , they're beautifully decorated with such character! Eventually, I'd LOVE to own one for my future dining room area!
Recently, I was introduced to Blue Hand Home Interiors which happens to carry the most beautiful chandelier (the 6 light Versailles with sea glass) ever made!

Feel free to take a look at their site for other interesting lighting which I'm certain you'll like!

Speaking of lighting, if you're the TYPICAL do-it-yourself type and don't want to spend $1000's of dollars on a new fixture, here are some brilliant, alternative DIY ideas!

The 1st DIY project is: "How to Make a Beaded Chandelier". 

Project Materials:
  • Hanging wire basket, $1
  • 6 packages of Mardi Gras-style metallic beads (about 48 necklaces), $6
  • Light gauge wire (floral wire will work), $1
  • Spray paint, $1
  • Wire cutters, on hand or $1
  • Hot glue gun & sticks, on hand
  • Additional embellishments, as desired
You can go here for "How to" get it all done.

The 2nd DIY project is: "How to Make a Whirl-it Lampshade"

Project Materials:
A pump to fill the balloon with
2 balls of Ice og 1 ball Lerke, or other yarn, preferably cotton or acrylic.
Water resistant marker
Wallpaper glue
An old box to mix the glue and the yarn in
Stick to mix the glue and the yarn
Gloves, if you don't like it messy
Something to hang the lamp by. We used IKEAs rice lamp hanging device (bottom right), and cut the long bits off
Paper cloth
Wire with lightening bulb

 You can go here for "How to" get it all done.

top two images via pickles
top 4 images via hand and home



  1. I love DIY projects and that Whirl-it Lampshades is so cute...I should really try to make one...Have a fantastic weekend darling! What are your plans?

  2. Oooh yes I LOVE chandeliers! But my faves are like $2000, yikes. Love the DIY projects:-)

    Have a good weekend!

  3. DIANA: Not sure what my plans are exactly, I think my guy is planning something for us. :) Have a great one! OXOXO

  4. Ooooh the DIY's looks awesome! i can't wait to try them out =)

  5. Thank you so much for linking to my beaded chandelier! I LOVE your picks - those would be fun to try to recreate!

  6. Blue Hand Home is by far my favorite decor destination. Lucky for us it's right here in Wilmington! Love this post and the DIY. Have you tried one of these? Happy Weekend
    Mary Chris

  7. These are fun, I posted my 'chandelier dreaming' blog the other day...great minds think alike:)

  8. Ok, I think I'm going to have to try to make that beaded chandelier!!


  9. that diy chandelier is ah-mazing! thanks so much for the instructions for this project — definitely worth a try! have a happy weekend :)

  10. AnonymousJune 13, 2010

    Tony Duquette made the most amazing chandeliers often incorporating coral and shells. Hutton Wilkenson has two books out chronicling his amazing creations. We are huge fans at Dovecote Decor!

  11. Loving the 2nd picture and the sphere that was handmade. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  12. Fantastic projects. Will definitely try one! Thanks.

  13. AnonymousJune 16, 2010

    I've been obsessed with light fixtures and creating fashionable lampshades and pendants. Thanks for the inspiring images and links!

  14. the second one - the big globe - has been on my diy list for ever. this summer.....

  15. Beyond obsessed with chandeliers. The third one is my favorite by far - different than any I've seen. Have a great weekend! xxSAS


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