DIY Inspiration or Bulletin board....

I love a good DIY project! Don't you? Especially with photos.  At this time, I'm working on my own DIY as you may recall me posting about it here. I'm about 80% done with it.....and yes, I will be posting pics of the before & after on my blog for all of you to see.  

Speaking of DIY, here's a really cool one I think you'll enjoy!  Laura, from The Order Obsessed blog did a DIY over-sized bulletin board.  It looks so chic & is very useful for tacking up all kind of things, like reminders, inspiration pics, love notes from your significant other & more! To learn how Laura made hers, go here. Thank you Laura for sharing yours with us! I'm sure we can all be INSPIRED by other people's inspiration boards!

P.S. - Feel free to leave the link to your board in the comments, I would definitely love to take a look at them!

How about you? Do you currently have a bulletin board or inspiration board??  Did you make it yourself? 



  1. that inspiration board is awesome! so big! lovee it.. i have a small one i bought at wal mart that i keep above my desk, but i would love to get a huge one like that.. going to check out lauren's blog now!

  2. i just did a couple of my own inspiration boards recently!

  3. Love this.

    I had an inspiration board but never finished it. It had a theme for the year, pictures/goals/blahblahblaaahhh. However, it is now sitting in half-assembled shambles. And is from 2009. Good one, Nat.

  4. I love this board it is awesome. I am in the process of a huge workshop remodel and have been researching cork bulletin boards and they get pricey.

  5. I love inspiration boards..or mood boards...but prefer them in a study or studio...but I think photo collages look fantastic anywhere in the home...and are a great talking point. Thanks for sharing x

  6. If I had my own place I would have an inspiration board up all the time. I still live with my parents so the space I have is limited. I love looking at other people's tho!! =)

  7. LOVE THIS!!!!!! And she has a fab picture tutorial! As soon as the snow melts! Off to Home Depot I go.. I'm redoing my office in addition to making a headboard! Love those DIY projects!

  8. Love this! Would love to make my own, but I found a huge board at a garage sale for super cheap and couldn't pass it up. I've had a *pile* of inspiration for years, so I thought it was time to organize it.

  9. Thanks for this post, inspiration boards are my favorite thing! I started doing one every month. Here's a link to Dec and jan I'm still working on Feb. Love your blog, I read it everyday!

  10. I have really been drawn to these photo walls as well. Can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  11. yes! i have what i call my happy wall at work, and i'm known for it because its huge and changes every few months. love these!

  12. I found one at a local thrift store today! I feel so lucky! <3 I'll decorate it and show it to you soon.

  13. love this! i just covered an old bulletin board i bought at goodwill with fabric and hope to use it as an inspiration board in my office. now i really can't wait! thx for this post :)

  14. I guess my inspiration board is my blog....too many things inspire me to fit it on one board! It would be total chaos......

  15. loved this. it's inspiring me to make one for my new office! thanks for sharing :)

  16. I keep a binder of ideas that I find in magazines. It's so fun to flip through it, knowing someday I'll implement them (when I own rather than rent).

    (My blog is private but if you'd like to be a reader, I'd love to have you! You can email me at if you like!)

  17. ALI:

    Oh, that's a neat idea...I love your January board with all the purple!

  18. CELIA: sounds good! You can just come back and post the link under this post..I will see it. :)

  19. JENN: Thank you for your link, just saw it...nice!! :)

  20. I've been planning to do an inspiration board, this one is really nice.

  21. thanks for the shout out jen!

    champagne taste: you should figure a way to get the headboard and inspiration board out of one 4' x 8' sheet to make things easy and less expensive. this board was the left over piece from the platform bed i made, for a total cost of $20!


  22. I don't have one, but I want one so badly... Thanks for the inspiration!!! ALL of the inspiration, always. Your blog blows my mind!

  23. I'm using an inspiration board at the moment to try and find my own style, using magazine clippings etc.

    Too cute! I had that same pic with the green wallpaper on mine a few months it!

  25. thats such a great board! i have a small one that i keep some of my photography, mementos from concerts and favourite fashion pages etc on :)
    X eleanor

  26. I love inspiration boards! Mine takes up half of my office wall, from floor to ceiling. Currently, I use it to display fabric swatches from my stash. This helps me see what goes together for future projects. It is pieced together from some soft pressed wood product (not sure what it is called), which you can buy pretty cheaply at the lumber yard or hardware store. (

  27. I really like your board. Grey is one of my faves. And here you can see my inspiration-board:
    See you on BYW. Greets from Germany.

  28. LOVE this board
    I think an inspiration board is an essential thing
    I have one in my bedroom and planning to make another one in my new studio of course

  29. I have one for my shop and I made a digital one for my life and what direction I want my life to take, etc... That one is the desktop wallpaper on my laptop. It's a good reminder of my goals. : )

  30. Oh I love a inspiration board {and what a fantastic blog} I've just created one in my living room

  31. I did my own inspiration board with canvas. I loved it!

  32. i just did some mini inspiration boards using clipboards, but after seeing your post, I want to do a HUGE one!

  33. I just did a corkboard redo that I found at the thrift store!!! Check it out on my brand new blog :)


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