Underground home in Switzerland....Wow!

Some of you might have seen this home via Freshome this weekend, but I was so blown away by the architectural details that I had to share it with my readers. This home is in Switzerland & has gotten the attention of many residents who live near by.

I think it's admirable that people are willing to take chances & not always conform to the typical look of a home. There are so many times I wish my own home had some interesting architectural details & not be so cookie-cutter. enjoy!

What are your thoughts about living in a home like this?



  1. wow it's so cool! the interior is pretty stylish too.

  2. wow! this is super cool actually, I wouldn't mind it at all. :)

  3. Wow- how interesting! It's such a chic home... I think I'd be mentally freaked out to live in the ground though, haha.

  4. Its kinda hobbity in a lofty fashion. I like it. :)

  5. Wow! What a house!
    I love everything about grey, so this was genuin eye candy for me..:) The kitchen, I could move in there any day..

  6. It's amazing, I love everything about it!

  7. VERY intriguing living space.

  8. oh wow..
    that is definitly different!
    i like it..
    except for the cement/basement like look in some of the rooms.. that kind of just scares me, :) not my thing. but i really do like the shape of the house. :)

  9. I love the idea of eco-homes, digging your home into the ground, and using the soil as a way to heat and insulate your home. Sustainable architecture is fascinating. Geek alert - I know!!

  10. I love it! It would be like being a Hobbit living in the Shire. I want!

  11. RED BOOTS:
    It is great that it's sustainable - GO GREEN!

  12. Is it just me, or do those beds look huuuuuuge?

  13. This is amazing!!! Just incredible!!!!

  14. Oh, Persephone!...
    The underground is calling me home.

  15. Love it! My only objection would be to the lack of windows in some of the rooms. I love natural light and windows.

  16. I could totally live in a house like that, though I might have to make the interiors a bit brighter...

  17. Aside from the black walls (a bit coffin like)
    I like it !

  18. Hi i'm from chile and i'm an architecture student interested in interior design (i'm fan of your blog)
    This semester the topic i was studyng was architecture & weather so this house is very into that topic ..i like it, very interesting


  19. Hi i'm from chile and i'm an architecture student interested in interior design (i'm fan of your blog)
    This semester the topic i was studyng was architecture & weather so this house is very into that topic ..i like it, very interesting


  20. Oh my goodness, this house is so cool!

  21. LAURA:
    Yes the lack of light is what i would be concerned with too.....but the funny thing is, it looks pretty bright in every room that is pictured, odd. There has to be a back area to this house with not much natural lighting....hmmm

  22. MAGGIE:
    Haha Yes, they look HUGE. But I bet it's the camera lense.

  23. oh my gosh... thats so cool... Looks grand.. and luxurious.!! Wow!

  24. hobbit home! It's fabulous, but my claustrophobia would get the better of me here..I love it but I couldn't do it :)

  25. remarkable... but i think il pass the offer to live in thri.. zwesome interiors


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