1. I think I like #1 the best but #2 is close behind. Good luck! If I see anything similar in that price range, I'll send it your way!

  2. #4 definitely! It's modern and goes well with your clean look. Love your space!!

  3. Ooo I love #1, 2 and 3!

    Have you tried Craigslist to see if there's anything that might fit the bill?

  4. Hi Jennifer. I think you should go for no 3.

    By the way, I love your blog and have been reading it regularly for a couple of months now. You're featured on this month's Cleo New Zealand. All of your designs look great and I love how you use white so extensively. I am a sucker for a clean white wall as well.

    Check out my blog at www.littleclementine.typepad.com

    I'm only starting out and you're one of my inspirations.

    Keep up the great work!


    CL here is las Vegas is pretty bad, they tend to have real cheesy furniture. It's rare to find something that isn't so 1980's ! Ha!

  6. i love the first one! there's something very classic but modern about it and i think it would be perfect in your room!

    ps. i ordered some goodies from your shop yesterday and i can't wait to get them!

    xo renee

  7. Wow, numbers 2 and 5 are my favorite... awesome!

  8. I would say go with #4. It would really match w ur space.

  9. I vote for 3, though I like 5 as well!
    They are all pretty nice,

  10. I really love your couch and the new look of the room. And though I do like your current choices, I think a round table make work really well in your space. I think it might fit nicely in the "L" of the sectional and leave more space between it and the fireplace. Plus, it might look good to have contrasting shape to all the rectilinear shapes.

    Can't wait to see what you pick!

  11. ohhh, i love the x legs on #2, that's my vote! Your room is really coming along, beautiful.

  12. I like number 3 and definitely think a rectangle would be best.

    Jennifer, where'd you get your current coffee table? I'm on the hunt too and yours would be perfect for me.

    { Lindsey }

  13. I am loving #1 because I am all about drawers, drawers and more drawers.

    Your house is amazingly furnished. Any table you choose will look great. I'd go with #1 though!

  14. I really like the first one the best. You have a pretty home - I have two kids and a coffee-spilling husband that make white an absolute impossibility.

  15. If I were you, I would go vintage. If you're like me, anything new that I like is way over $300. I know Vegas is pretty bad when it comes to CL, but you could always do Ebay or Estate Sales. You need a huge square table in there, it's looking nice, I love the couch, very sleek and clean, yet looks comfortable.

  16. Have you seen Brooklynlimestone's new table?


    Is that too spare? It's a great combo of brass and glass. the glass adds that nice touch of sparkle. I, too, like the bold selections that you posted. Lots to think about...

  17. I love all your choices, and absolutely LOVE that sofa, but I think a round coffee table would work best. You have so many rectangular and square shapes going on in the room(sofa, fireplace, tv console, etc.) that a round table would really break it all up, soften some edges, and fit in nicely. Good luck!

  18. #3, #3! ...oooh, but what about mirrored?

  19. this is probably not the look you are going for..but..i love this..


    could dyi for alot less money!

  20. LINDSEY:

    Thanks for your comment :)
    The white table i currently have, I got at an antique shop here in Las vegas....I actually had it painted white to give it a different look.
    I MAY be selling it....but if anyone out of state would like it, they'd have to pay for shipping.
    I don't think I'd ask for more than $100-$150 because I need to get rid of it as i do not have anymore room left in my home for it...

  21. Jen I went through this and had a hard time. I finally found a brass/gold table at Thomasville that I love.....and she will be here in a few weeks....but the ones that you have up there are very nice...

  22. I like your white table actually. Go for table 2 if you wanna keep the brass/gold look =) have fun shopping!

  23. 1 or 4. i know most people will say 2 but i think it's too predictable. don't be that.

  24. oh...and i think round is a good choice too. but you'll know it when you see it.

  25. I'm thinking square.
    Happy Halloween !

  26. i would go for #1 or #4 :D and i would love to have your old one, would fit perfectly in my apartment :D hehe! i bet shipping to norway is reeeeaaally expensive tho :/

  27. I vote for #2 from Ikea. It is very unique!!

  28. Hey, Im moving to a new apartment and my coffee table is not really fitting anymore. I dont even know if it works for you, but thought you could use all the help you need since Im doing the exact same thing, ha.


  29. Love #2 -- has drawers and those very neat lines in the legs!

  30. I love the second coffee table. But then, I have a thing for those legs. They're sweet!

    May I ask you something? Where did you get your sofa? My husband and I are moving to Tokyo (he's already there) and we've been shopping for furniture for our new apartment.

    We've looked at several that bear a striking resemblance to yours so I was curious as to who the manufacturer is.


    Warmest wishes and a Happy Halloween!


  31. Ohhh, #4 is definitely my favorite!

  32. Ooh! I love #'s ONE and TWO!

  33. My coffee table is very similar to #4 and I think it's fabulous - it is made from a blackwood tree which was felled on my grandparents/parents farm where I grew up and my uncle who is a carpenter made it to be a family piece - and I scored it! It sort of rotates around to different family members for five or so years lol
    Em xx

  34. I like 1, 2, and 4, but can imagine a glass-topped round table with ornate (but not too ornate) gold-toned legs to match the mirror fitting in the space instead. I couldn't find exactly the table I had in mind, but sort of like this one. Anyway, the room is coming together nicely, I think... happy hunting.

  35. So many good choices... here is a link to another option, that would add a little more texture and storage... :) I am always looking for more storage.
    Love what you have done to the room so far!


  36. THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Can you link to these tables? I'm considering getting one for myself! Thanks!

    I'd go with 2. Gorgeous wood work on the sides.

  38. I like the one you have now!!!

  39. I really like #2 because its legs mimic the design on your accent pillows.

    Also, I've seen your gold mirror somewhere transformed by spraypainting the frame (white or a vibrant colour) and it makes the mirror POP!

    Happy shopping!!

  40. Wow, the room looks fantastic! I wonder if you've considered something in glass or perhaps lucite? I worry that the dark wood tables (though lovely) might look heavy, especially when seen next to the hearth of the fireplace. Alternatively, have you thought about maybe doing a screen in front of the hearth - something in a metallic or with some kind of mirrored detailing?

  41. I love the woodgrain on #1 but the shape of #2. I think either would work beautifully in the space and add a lot of warmth. Good luck!

  42. A vote for number 4 !!!!

    Love your blog !!!!

  43. I love #2. It's the curves that make the table elegant and interesting. It compliments your vintage mirror since your lovely elements of your living room is in squares.

  44. Thank you SOO MUCH everyone for the suggestions...
    I will be posting my decision soon along with PHOTOS! :)


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com