Another one of my paintings... 6 1/2 hrs later

Here's another thing I spent time doing this weekend.....painting. This one will hang in my living room as soon as the frame I ordered arrives. Can't wait! This painting took me a total of 6 1/2 hours, I'm so exhausted right now. But, painting is very any of you paint??!? Feel free to leave your site in the comments, I'd love to take a look.



  1. wow, that looks great!
    i can't draw or paint... unless it's abstract...
    i'm so jealous of your skills!

  2. wow you do a great painting only for 6 hours. that deservs my congratulations! what is the size of the painting by the way? I paint also but i`m not a born painter, i`ve been studying paintings 3 years before i got to the uni. And now this summer i plan to get better in painting with practise :)

  3. I cannot wait to see how it all comes together, your artwork is fabulous!

  4. That's gorgeous! I'm immensely jealous of your skills.

  5. i never attended lessons but i used to paint a lot... you make me want to try it again and maybe post a few on my blog:)

  6. Good for you Jen!!!

    That's awesome ~~
    Your viewers can check out my watercolors here

    I might have to post your great piece on BBB ~~

    way to go!

    xo Laura

  7. I LOVE to paint but can't do faces to save my life! And hands...forget about it. But, anything abstract I can handle. How long have you been painting?

  8. all my art is abstract ;)
    those frames are beautiful!

  9. Great piece! I really dig the shading you did on her face.

    I draw and paint but realistic pieces have me at a loss. Mine are usually a little more on the quirky side.

    Feel free to stop by and let me know what you think: Trial and Error - Art Dreams and Life

  10. that's so cool - isn't it so much fun to paint too? love it!

    btw, i did a bedroom makeover post on my blog today with a Made by Girl credit (the same photo you've seen before)...check it out at:


  11. Wow I guess I didn't realize that you painted. You are really good! I paint too
    My style is really simple and childlike. I paint floorcloths and murals too. I would love to open an Etsy store someday. It's on my list:) The frames you found are great.

  12. Wow this is gorgeous Jennifer! Congratulations...I don't have talent for paint but I do cross stiching...just started but here is a link for the tapestry what inspired me:
    Hope you have a lovely day, much love: Evi

  13. They are lovely! Are you going to paint them or leave them as they are?

  14. I love your style, very hipster and cool. I do paint. Here's my blog:

  15. AnonymousJune 15, 2009

    cool!! Who is the lady in the painting?
    I did a painting of an Indian elephant -kind of mixed media. It's here:

  16. awesome painting! i havent been able to find any time to paint lately! I'm very jealous! Keep it up!

  17. I have made so much drawings in the past but these days I work on my computer a lot. You can take a look at my website if you want to.

    have a nice day

  18. Great job!! I love the colors. I paint as well. For a long time I was convinced I couldn't draw or paint anything real- I mainly did abstracts but I've realized lately that I actually can draw- I'm working on a painting of my friends 7 month old right now.

    Did you work for 6 and a half hours straight? I couldn't even imagine!!! No wonder you're so tired!

  19. Wow, you are just beyond talented! :))

  20. Oh your painting is wonderful! and yes! I love painting. I have a lot of my paintings in my house. Look here:

    Greetings from germany: C*

  21. I love love love this painting of yours, and yes , I do paint myself , coun't live without it :)

  22. awesome painting! and what a great way to compliment it w/ those frames :). look forward to seeing how it'll look w/ the frame.

  23. I do paint.. ( well.. maybe using I DID is more suitable here , cz after having my first child the only brushes I used are the mop and the vaccum cleaner lol) ..

    however , I'm no where near this greatness! you did a great job!

    The painting is 11x17 - it's a good size... : ) I think learning the basics of a great start, but practice is key.

  25. Hello LAURA: Thanks! Please go ahead and show it if you like.... : )

  26. MADEMOISELLE:Yes, it's quite fun...Ive always found it to be a stress reliever too..saw the pic on your BEAUTIFUL!

  27. MAYALEE:
    Hmmmm I don't know if i will end up painting the frames just yet. I have to see how the paintings will look in them and against the wall first. I kind of like them gold though..

  28. CHELSEA: Thanks...the painting isn't anyone in particular. I just used different faces for reference.

  29. MELISSA: Thank you, will do.
    I think so many of us have lost the desire to do things offline...i think it's such a rewarding experience to paint..more so then doing something cute online.

  30. JENN:
    well...I did for 6 1/2 hrs straight, with two small breaks of course. :)
    That's great that you figured out you can you'll discover a whole new world beyond abstract.

  31. DAYDATE:
    Love your work, thanks for introducing me to it! :)))

  32. Thanks to everyone for all the nice compliments on my work.... :)

  33. Hii, that is fabulous! You are SO talented! Great work!!

    I also love those frames... what Ebay store did you use to find those?? I can never find good frames online.. HELP!

  34. Thanks DANIELLE:
    THE FRAMES are from this EBAY shop:

  35. Wow the painting will look incredible in one of those frames, they are beautiful. I need to start painting again. I have a BA in Illustration but have painted very little over the last few years. I recently (on Sunday) completed a mixed media piece for a friend which I have put on my blog, would certainly appreciate some feed back if you have the time to take a look. Keep at it, as each time I see one of your paintings it inspires me to get out the brushes once again!

  36. Whoever she is, she has the most beautiful eyes (and lips too!)

  37. I just started learning about acrylics because I have always wanted to paint. My "paintings" are more on the line of collages and doing various scrapbook type things.

  38. Oh, I love to paint, but I guess I have to find that area I'm good at- maybe take a course or something. I was so amazed when you first showed your paintings.. It was like a latent talent just sprang up!

  39. Your painting is wonderful!!! I agree painting is very soothing. I love painting- I add a lot of mixed media into my paintings which is a lot of fun too. I have an art show in 2 weeks so I have super busy lately too getting everything finished. All fun stuff though. Keep up the good work!!!

    here is a link to a post I just did with some of my new artwork...

  40. I love painting however i'm not that great! it doesn't stop me though.
    I love your little painting and the frames too.

  41. Oh, I am in LOVE with that! You are such a talent!

  42. This is so great. I always love your work and it's exciting to see a new medium!
    I sell original paintings and vintage at:

    Keep up the awesome work.

  43. Beautiful painting! My little sister is a painter and I envy her for it.

    here's one of hers:[]=tags&includes[]=title

  44. Nice portrait! You've got a nice style. The frame looks awesome. I find painting relaxing as well, and have posted some on my blog

  45. I just discovered your blog and I find a lot of inspiration! (I need because I will move in a new house in 2 months!)

    I am graphics designer and illustrator. If you want you can see my drawings on my blog or in my etsy shop

    Good day!


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