Pink Holiday Style...

December is approaching quickly don't you think?? This month is flying by & the Holidays are almost here! I love X'mas time, especially when I used to live in NYC...when it would snow outside. Living in Vegas, I ain't so lucky...but not having snow can have its advantages, obviously. NO more digging my car out from a snow cave! What a pain in the A** that was!
OK...enough snow talk, I found this photo & it reminded me of one of the cards available via my shop. The pink reindeer. I really like to experiment with colors & I think there is too much Green & Red floating around during this time of year, don't you??

The reason I chose pink for this particular card was because I wanted it to be be girly, without your typical Holiday colors. Something different, and apparently I'm not the only one from the looks of this photo (above) I found on: Purple Area Blog.

Enjoy! Be back soon with another post!


  1. That's a cute christmas tree! I love it when x-mas trees are simple and pretty and not over done!

  2. Love your cards! By the way, I’m passing an award on to you, so you should check out my blog:)... Lucy from Slovakia

  3. i agree, red+green are so unoriginal, i love the use of pink here!

  4. lovely card,
    I don't like the typical green & red for x-mas either.

  5. I love it both the tree and the card!

  6. i love that you don't limit yourself to red and green... (booooringgg!) yet your cards are still have a great holiday feel!


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