Talented Leigh...

I came across Leigh's blog & noticed her gorgeous drawings and acrylic paintings! She's mostly self taught, like myself....which always impresses me. I LOVE the women in her drawings, they look so fashionable.....my favorite is the Push Art Print. AND the gal with the red top below. I can totally see one of her pieces in my bathroom or guest bedroom! Please take a look at Leigh's AWESOME work here. 
*UPDATE, I just bought the second one of the woman in the red top. Can't wait to get it Leigh!



  1. You are so wonderful Jennifer, Thank you!!

    I cannot wait to get a few things from you, 1st beautiful work, 2nd love that you use recycled materials.

  2. Hi Leigh,
    of course! You're very welcome. : )
    You're so talented...!

    Thanks! : )

  3. I like looking at all of them, the last is my favorite - the outline. What a fab find = )

    Hope you are having a fabulous week! It is getting hella cool around here.

  4. Love it, I have sow them but forgoten where.

  5. I love so much these painting! Awesome work!

  6. those are so beautiful. stunning.

  7. These are pretty.. I love the last one.
    ps- I'm having a giveaway over at my site .... and I'm giving away one of your posters! :-)

  8. Super!!!
    Great illustrations, love them...

    Br Hege

  9. I ADORE her works....I have three in my etsy cart as we speak...just need to commit and buy them!

  10. Thank you everyone!! and I also cannot wait to get your LOVE poster Jen:)

  11. Oh my goodness! More gorgeous works of art for me to lust over! Thank you for sharing these beauties!


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