I don't get mad too often, but this is the kind of behavior that is so disrespectful I can't help but get upset. Luckily, I received 2 emails today from readers telling me they saw my 'ABC KIDS print' photos being used on an Etsy store. I had someone write to Etsy this morning on my behalf letting them know my images were being used without my consent. Not to mention, technically stealing my design & descriptions. We as artists/designers work hard at what we do, so when someone thinks its ok to do this, we need to make sure they know its not! I tried looking for Etsy's phone number but had no luck. As of right now we've asked the seller to cease and desist as well as filed a complaint against the seller. I wonder if the other art/images in their Etsy shop are being used without permission. This is the link to their shop. All I ask is that you 'do not buy' from them, because they are breaking the law and cannot be trusted. Thank you.

*UPDATE: The seller has written me an email, stating they thought the images belonged to someone else. I don't get it? Does that make it right? It seems they removed their shop. The name of their shop was 'Bella Bub' (items for babies).
**UPDATE 9/16: Apparently this person has more then one shop, a blogger just informed me the shop is still up at this other Etsy address, you'll notice if you click on their sold items, they sold 3 posters with my design using my images. So far they have removed my images, we'll see if they try to add them again. Their shop here.
Can you believe this?


  1. that is really sad & disrespectful!

    they've take the item down, the link comes up as an error.
    what is the name of the seller?

  2. Yes this is something I don't deal with lightly...and Im sure others feel the same about their work.

    The store name was "Bella Bub"

    I'm concerned that even though she emailed me, that she may try to set up shop again under another name.
    Thankfully I have many people who know of my work and would notify me if they saw it.

    Thanks! : )

  3. That is so lame and just bizarre... What are people thinking?

  4. Oh no! I would have been really pissed as well, Jennifer! Some people don't have common sense!

  5. Good for you for not taking this laying down! The word will spread quickly and I doubt they will be able to get away with this again.

  6. I knew something wasn't right! I had to send you the link to be sure.. they even had the same photo you use. They had already sold some and I can't believe someone didn't notice it sooner since your work is so popular! You're welcome ;) I'm glad I saw that and that you could take care of it.

  7. Glad you were able to get this taken care of. People like this should be ashamed of themselves!!!

  8. You go girl! i know how it feels. Whatever you did worked because their site is down now. ;)

  9. Yes Cece they removed the entire shop, which also had items that were from the same site they got my photos. I have a few online retailers selling my work as well, but not on ETSY.

  10. Urgh, things like that make me so angry too!

    And why would it matter if it belonged to someone else? What an idiot.

  11. It's good it's been noticed and nipped in the bud. Good on you for naming and shaming, can't believe these people who rip off others' work.

  12. UN-freakin'-BELIEVABLE!?!?!?!? And, I'm sorry, but what a LAME excuse you were provided with! Absolutely reprehensible! I am infuriated on your behalf, Jennifer! Jeez!

  13. That sucks. Such a blatant rip off and even used your pictures. The shop is still up if you look up the sellers name.

  14. Absolutely unacceptable. Doesn't that break the Etsy terms of agreement?

  15. That's terrrible! What happened to originality & creativity these days, taking credit for other peoples hardwork is not appropriate. Give credit...On a side note i can spot your LOVE posters from a mile away Jennifer so I know who the original artist is:)

  16. It's all a test on the way to the top. You rock. You know it. Chin up. You did the right thing and you handled it correctly.

    Read the book:
    'Think Big and Kiss Ass'
    -Donald Trump

  17. those pirates are thieves! (oops did that come out too harsh?) ok, piracy is stealing. :)

    you're doing fabulously Jen.
    good work girl :)

  18. i'm sorry to hear this... love your designs and dislike people like the bella bub shop ones.... what are they thinking?

  19. People,I think you all been too nice!
    I can understand if someone gets inspired by enother one's work and create something simular-thats kinda ok.But to steal the product and try to sell it under your "handmade" its NOT OK at all!!!
    Etsy should provide some kind of punishment for those sellers!
    After all we are just trying to be creative and were will we go if people keep on stealing our best ideas???

  20. Thats awful! I'm so glad someone told you about it and you were able to take action quickly!

    What makes it even worse is the comment on their Etsy page about everything being made with L.O.V.E.


    Luckily you have of us out there who recognize (and LOVE) you work. Now we know to keep an eye out for the imitators!

  21. That sucks!! I hope that they have stopped.

    I write a dating blog for B5Media and my content is stolen, word-for-word, as well as my photos, when I post them. Every day. It bothers me so much. My company has tried to send them a cease notice, but it's hard to get in touch with them.

  22. Shame on you!
    this really sucks

  23. is it pirated or being pirated


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