KID Friendly & Unique

I've always loved the NYTimes and used to pick it up when I lived in NYC. I even added their app. onto my iPhone to keep me updated on the news. Besides news, they have a great section on their site called Home & Garden. That is where I came across Pamela Bell's children-friendly home. Pamela who was an original partner in the Kate Spade brand, owns a beautiful east village town house in which she decided to create a more kid friendly environment without sacrificing style! From the looks of it, I think she suceeded, don't you??

*above, Pamela's daughter , invited her classmates to decorate their sofas by using paint. What an interesting way to spice up a living room! As for me, I haven't decided what fabric to use on my new sofa, but this is kind of neat! Maybe I could invite some neighborhood kids over to do this for me. Just kidding! Although, I think it looks great! What do you think of this idea?? Would you let your children in on the decor of your home like this?



  1. Wow, I know three little monsters who would love the chance to draw on my furniture!

  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2008

    Very bright and funky! :-) A kid would have a field day in that house. lol

  3. I have to say I am hating this look. I don't have children. But I do remember when I was 7 and my younger brother took a red permanent marker and walked around the perimeter of our home and drew on the house ( a white house). I think I was more appalled than my mother!!
    It would however, hide stains and those accidental pen marks from dropped pens on the couch!!

  4. love the chandelier and the sconce against that wallpaper!!

  5. I love it.
    I would use it in a playroom!!!

  6. LOVE this post! The couch thing is such a great idea! I think the classmates did an awesome job!

  7. this couch is fab! hey I just spotlighted your work on my blog and added your link. a link swap sounds great btw :).

  8. AnonymousJuly 21, 2008

    Definitely fun!! Don't know if I could do mine like this, although I wouldn't mind having a separate room to be spruced up this way. When I have kiddies someday! :D

    I love that pic with the suitcases, cayuuuute.

  9. Your blog is so colourfulness, it´s a inspiration!
    Do you mind if a write about it and tag you in my Blog?


  10. I just saw this this morning. What an amazing house.

  11. That couch is so awesome.

  12. I'm totally in love with this sofa

  13. Oh love these - kid friendly can be stylish too!

  14. Hi there Jen!!!! Super-fab post girl. It ALMOST makes me wish my kids were little. ALMOST. Either way, fantastic post. Call me later to discuss other fab things!

  15. i'm still deciding how i feel about that sofa...but i'm totally digging all of her wallpaper.

  16. That couch is awesome, I am definitely going to do something like this in my home, even if it is a chair, actually I have a great chair to do this project on. Can I ask where you gathered the photos from, I want to see if I can see more of her home.

  17. AnonymousJuly 22, 2008

    i love the look of the chandelier and the birds wall decor, especially against the blue wall color. beautiful!

  18. Hi Mer, welcome to my blog! I LOVE your blog so it was super nice to see you feature me, thanks! I have linked you too, thanks! : )

  19. Hi Walter,
    Of course you can. : )

  20. 20 something superhero,

    Oh that is too bad...but i guess i can understand why you wouldn't like it after hearing that story. Yikes.

  21. I have to say the SOFA is my favorite too! I would actually consider this if I had kids...ha!

  22. Hi Mona,
    You can find the photos on NY Times website i the home and garden section. : )

  23. I personally would never do it, but I like it!

  24. AnonymousJuly 24, 2008

    Great site and a totally fun article. Aside from having the kids artistically vamp the furniture another cool thing to do to muslin and burlap fabrics is to stencil them. Check out the stools I found in France and the fleur designs that were stenciled on them...

  25. Hey Alex,
    How are you?

    I agree and think stenciling is another great way to go, to mark up fabric. Thanks for the link, they look great!! : )

  26. I love the chandelier and the graffiti-look of the sofa, but not the chair. I would have loved that upstairs fort-deck whatever you call it, when I was kid. Actually, I'd probably like that now. :D

  27. I love this idea! B would get a kick out of helping me decorate...wonderful!


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