Hello Monday! It's back to work right? 

Well, before you go, I think it's time we have a serious discussion about a pretty serious topic -- our hair.  Let's be real. You could have the nicest top-designer shoes & an outfit that compliments your figure so well, you'd think you were born for each other. BUT.....if your hair isn't as healthy and beautiful & styled the way you'd like, then it really doesn't matter what you're wearing.

I think we can admit it: the hair makes the outfit. The hair boosts our confidence!! There's a reason there's no such thing as "a bad shoe day" or "a bad nail day"...

So now that the summer has done it's damage & we brace ourselves for a new, cooler season, it's time to take a second look at our hair care regimen. Cleanse, treat, replenish? What do YOU want to work on as you welcome fall?

Here's a few items I have on my "Hair Wishlist" - you should def consider!



  1. Hey Jen! Good tips...I feel like I have unruly hair that is hard to manage sometimes, these products look great!

  2. That Oscar Blandi dry shampoo is the best!

  3. LOVE the Oscar products...i will try another...THX!

  4. My grandma always says your hair must be on point at all times! Great tips! It's also important to remember that your product list should change to accomodate the changes in the weather! I was in search of a dry shampoo - I will try the Oscar Blandi Pronto!

  5. My grandma always says your hair must be on point at all times! Great tips! It's also important to remember that your product list should change to accomodate the changes in the weather! I was in search of a dry shampoo - I will try the Oscar Blandi Pronto!


  6. @rachel- I agree, i have it and love the way it smells and leaves my hair.


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