My First 2006 (Via Made by Girl)

Today I was looking at my archives and came across my first post EVER from 2006. It's kind of cute & funny...I had zero comments. One month later I posted on my blog again. Back then I really wasn't serious about it, but I soon realized how important of a tool it was for me & my business. Get what I mean? 

I get a ton of emails all the time (some I answer & some I just never get to cause of lack of time) and I apologize to those people I didn't respond to. The one thing people always ask me is how do I get people to read my blog?!?!?

Here are just a few tips:

  • Update your blog at least 5 days a week
  • Comment on other blogs
  • Give your business card (with blog url) to anyone you meet
  • Form relationships and be friendly with other bloggers
  • Try to attend events that relate to what you write about on your blog
  • Post photos that are clear, bright, non-blurry & big enough to see!
  • When you write, be yourself. Don't worry about what others are writing about, write what you feel and what inspires you.  
  • Be Patient. It took me almost an entire year to actually gain followers and retain a steady amount of comments. 

I could go on & on but I have to get to work....enjoy!


    1. Dear is almost as if you read my mind. I am a new blogger ( even a month old and this is one question that nags every single day...'how do I get people to read my blog?' I understand that getting a decent following always take time and reading about early days of successful bloggers like you is reassuring in a way. The idea is to 'keep at it'. Congratulations on your stupendous are an inspiration.


    2. Hi, I'm usually a lurker, but loved this post. Another good way (for non-commercial blogs), is Linky Parties. Love 'em or hate 'em they get people reading other peoples blogs. I love your blog by the way. Full of inspiration, and pretty.

      Lisa x

    3. Thanks for the tips! x

    4. I'm new to blogging although I have been following blogs for years I only recently started one myself so thanks for sharing! Jasmin x

    5. I am very new to the blog world and I always love reading other peoples first blogpost and then seeing how far they've come. Thank you also for your kind tips!

    6. Great tips, thank you! I started my style blog {what you fancy} late last year, and slowly but surely readership is rising... it's so exciting :) Your blog is a constant inspiriation.

    7. I have been following you for so long that I purchased the razor blade necklace with a heart carved in it. It was a valentine's idea years ago. I liked it so much I bought it for myself. I always get a comment on it. Thank you for being an "outside of the box" type of chick. Your ideas and taste are the reason I check up on you every day. Seriously, you are a website I check daily. Thank you.

    8. Thanks for the tips! I'm just starting out and any advice is greatly received! Love your blog and your shop - i featured one of your prints on my Valentine's Day post. Sx

    9. I have been following your blog for so long that I purchased the razor blade with the heart carved in it. It was a valentine's gift idea that I purchased for myself. Thanks for always being interesting.

    10. Ha! Your first comment on this post.
      Well done, you have achieved so much, thanks for sharing you tips.

    11. Thank you Jen!

      I have been reading blogs for a year or so now, and about a week ago I decided to give it a go myself. I started today with my first 3 posts! Very scary, but exciting too!

      Your posts inspire me, and this one in particular!

      So a BIG thank you to you x

    12. That's so cute! I love reading everyone's first blog posts.

    13. Thanks for the tips! It's amazing to see how far you've come these past four years, totally an inspiration! If only I could get that five posts a week thing going...

    14. Thanks for the tips. I was up last night thinking I should write what my blog is all about. Yea, I failed to do that the first 40 entries. Better late than never :)

    15. Great tips! Thank you!!

    16. I'm new to blogging (since November!) and I get SO excited when I see I have another follower!! YAY!! (I'm up to a whole SEVEN people!! -- and 2 are related to me!) haha. Thanks for the info!

    17. This is fun to see...amazing how far you've come and how much you've grown!! Congrats on the well-deserved successes!

      Great tips too...blogging has become such a blessing in my life. Started as a creative outlet, now it's my connection to amazing people!

    18. Such great advice Jen! I have learned so much in such a short time from people like you who are so genuinely nice and helpful. I always look forward to your posts :) Have a great rest of the week!

    19. touche Jen!!
      And I still visit here almost every day. Your blog has evolved into a huge success and kudos to your growing by the day business.
      Awesome tips - thanks for shariing!

    20. Great tips. I love you blog. You were one of the first I started following when I started really getting into blogging. Thanks for continued inspiration.

    21. so helpful -- you're an inspiration, jen!


    22. Really great advice. It seems so simple though one sometimes doesn't do it (like for myself posting more weekly is the next step). And its definitely true, just post what you would like to read and not worry about what others are writing, that's a lesson I am currently learning. Thanks for the tips and it's funny to see the first ever post!

    23. This is so awesome, glad that you posted this cause well you have SOOO many followers and are so admired. I have tried some of the tips you gave over the past year and they definitely work!

    24. thanks for the tips! Cute first blog! :)

    25. Everyone always has to start somewhere!!! Thanks for the blogging tips! Your blog is one of the first ones I've ever found & so happy I did! =)

    26. Great tips, Jen! I really look up to you because even thought I consider you a "major" blog you still seem so real and always communicate with your readers and customers. You are such an endearing person! Thanks for being you. : )

    27. Thank you so much for this post! Sometimes you wonder if anyone is reading at all (well, besides mom). Thanks for the words of support!

      Lexi @

    28. Such good advice! Thank you! I just started my own design blog and I'm loving it!

      I love reading your blog btw! Your house is gorgeous!

    29. Jen- From day one you have been my biggest inspiration! I constantly reference "The Girls Guide to Starting Your Own Business" that you recommend! Thanks for ALL you do for all of us!!


    30. your blog is what introduced me to this blog world...thanks for always inspiring all of us.

    31. MEENAL: That's correct, keep at it. It's like anything else in life, it just gets better the more you practice. I figured that it was a question many of you have been wondering... + i get emailed that question ALOT.

    32. LISA: I have yet to do that, but you never know...maybe in the future.. :))) Thanks.

    33. LUCY: Thx Lucy! :)))

      SNOOCH: ha! Wow i remember I posted about that razor blade necklace so long ago...very cool that you were around that long, thank you for reading :)

      NIKI: that's great, i wish you luck & keep at it!!

      ALLISON: Yea sometimes writing 5 times a week is the hard part for some people. I admit it wasnt easy at first for me either....but i quickly realized it was what i needed to do at the time to grow my blog.

      KRYSTAL/BLUE RIBBON: HA! You're'll get there - just keep blogging.

      CASSIE: Same here... :)

      BOHO MOM: aww thank you so much. You were one of the first bloggers that I came to know online & were always so kind to me, thanks.

      PAPER SQUID: Yup, from my own experience, i really believe you have to be dedicated & focused to blog 5 days a does taje time. Also i know some people even struggle with writer's block & wonder what they'll write about next...but that's normal, has happened to me many times.

      DIANA SMITH: aw so glad to hear thx!!

      LEXI: Ha! I know...i used to wonder the same thing. Infact there were times i felt like quitting when i realized there were STILL NO COMMENTS.

      TIFFANY ASHLEY: Ahhh yes, that's a great book... :)))
      Thanks so much.

      LEVINA: wow really? aw thank you, im flattered.

    34. I guess my first comment was lost.
      Thank you for the tips!

    35. Thank you for the tips! It is amazing to go back and see how much one grows and changes over time! Love your blog. You always keep it interesting and fun! : )

    36. As always you are an inspiration. I think the most important thing is staying true to yourself. That really shows. Great tips Jen! Thanks.

    37. Thanks for those tips! I have always wondered how long it took other bloggers to get a steady following. Love your blog!

    38. Thanks for this advice Jen. I have all the support from friends and fam and am now awaiting the support from people who like what it is that I'm blogging! Patience is key.

    39. This was helpful! Thank you for taking the time to do this.

    40. Thank you for the advice. It's crucial to just keep going, regardless of numbers, sales, etc. Even when you're frustrated and impatient (like me). You are an inspiration!

    41. Hi Jen,
      I am a new blogger as well ( and your tips are very helpful. Thanks! You truly are an inspiration!

    42. CHANE NICOLE: Thank you! I will definitely check out your blog! :))))

    43. Glad to have come across this post. I just started blogging last week and I hope I will succeed this time in keeping my blog site.

      I've been following your blog for a few months now and I must say that you are an inspiration.



    Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at