Watch out for these blogs...

I am back at my friend's home(while my internet connection gets fixed) and wanted to share a couple blogs I really LOVE reading lately! One is Just Lia, her blog is extremely candid, (which I admire) & with plenty of quotes to inspire! Check it out.

Then there is Sunlit Skies - similar feel.....I could read it for hours. Just a different type of blog for those who enjoy thoughts, quotes and interesting photos! Enjoy!

AND ANOTHER blog I love called Finally Seeing. (below)

**ALSO, i just added at the top left of my blog, "FOLLOW MY BLOG" please include yourself if you follow my blog. If you have a picture - I'd love to see it there! : )



  1. I loved the Dead Poets Society :-)

  2. oh THANK YOU for these two!

    between the entirety of your site plus the genius of their words and art...

    i'm happily inspired. xoxo!

  3. Those images are so powerful and so inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing:)

  4. can't wait to check them out!

  5. I'm sure you all will love them...its like a surprise on every page. Addicting.

  6. thank you for sharing these links. they really made me smile :)

  7. Jennifer,
    OMG, I don't know what to say but thank you for checking me out and shared your thought about my page.

    I'm addicted to yours! :D
    Thank you so much for sharing my page.



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