You talking to me???

You must be, I'm the only one here! That's my online Robert Deniro impression, but never as good as hearing me do it in person ha! J/K Anyway, I need to say thanks to these blogs for featuring my shop MadeByGirl. Please click on over and check them out, I'm sure you will enjoy them!

*Above from Jubella who did such a cute feature on me, her site is so full of inspiration!

*Above from Carolyn Anna's Blog. I swear I went through almost every single page on this blog, its so addicting!

*Above from Fab VIXEN Blog



  1. New blogs to check out-my favorite past time! Thanks bunches and congrats on all the mentions!

  2. Hi Jen,
    Just wanted to let you know I gave you an award. You can check it out at my site.
    PS- congrats on all the mentions!
    xx Trina

  3. AnonymousJuly 19, 2008

    Love your madebygirl shop! I added it to mine as well! I really want that Orange Love Print! :-)


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at