Earth Hour 2008

Join me and millions around the world on March 29th for Earth Hour 2008.  When you turn off your lights ON 3/29th for an hour you are making a statement about climate change. The first Earth Hour started last year in Sydney, Australia and had the effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for an hour. Impressive what we can accomplish when we try.  This year it will be a global event. Check out the Earth Hour site and sign up to show your support just like I did! 



  1. Hey's technically tomorrow night (the 29th) but an extra hour certainly couldn't hurt :)

    Thanks SO much for posting this! And for your all your environmental considerations :)

  2. thanks, changed it! :)

    Of course!!

  3. Earth Hour is one hour away here in Sydney. I'm headed down to the Circular Quay to watch it all happen.

    Good work promoting's a great awareness campaign.

  4. i will turn of the light, too.
    thanks for this post!!

  5. We turned off the lights at my workplace tonight. I work in a busy restaurant and it was hard but good fun, and all the customers enjoyed it! We had to keep a couple of lights on (kitchen and doorways) for safety reasons, but the awareness aspect was there! This is the second year we've done it and I think its great! Hope your night was just as fun!

  6. Thanks Sub...very cool that you get to be in the spot that started it all! : )

  7. Siany,

    Thats great and so inspiring to read....I saw the photos on your blog. I was impressed and touched by the fact that so many people there have taken part in this.
    Thanks for caring and showing others your support.

  8. me too kathryn.....thanks! : )

  9. Hooray! This is SO great! Siany...was talking to a friend who owns a restaurant and he was saying how he couldn't turn the lights off. I told him it didn't have to be ALL the lights to make the gesture. Thanks for showing it can be done :)

    Thanks for getting the word out, Jen.
    Have a lovely and candlelit hour tonight!

  10. This is great news, we were in sydney and had our friends & family join in. We're proud to say we were all successful in helping out.

    Great post Jennifer, we really enjoy reading your blog.

  11. Hi Jennifer, my city (Christchurch, NZ) participated in this as well. My friend had a party (with only one candle!) but it was fun!

  12. Awesome Lady!!! Thank you so much for sharing this info and ....(giggling) bringing it to Light. I hope it's not too late for me to sign up...

    PS thank you for the blogroll add!. I hope I can make you laugh until I see you again.
    I look forward to your next post.

  13. Yay! I participated too!

  14. I signed up to the website and participated too. :)

    Funny thing happened near the end of the hour - I heard some kids in my neighborhood counting down from 10 than cheering "Happy Earth Hour" at 9pm. How cute!


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