2008 is already here !

Its interesting when you think about how its already 2008 in a various parts of the world like Hong Kong, Australia, Tokyo, India etc. Yet here we are in America still waiting for the next year to arrive and some will see it first on the east coast while others like myself on the west coast get to see it 3 hours later! My resolution is simple to keep making more efforts to live in a cleaner environment, by making some positive changes in my own life as well as try to influence and inspire others.

I've made many small efforts in my home such as changing all the toilet paper/paper towels to recycled paper. (Yes, they are available in your local supermarkets). I bring my own canvas bags to markets when i shop, I don't use plastic bags anymore. I keep a recycle bin in my office for any paper used. Recycle bottles etc. I disconnect a few things in my home that aren't in use and more. Like I said, its simple and anyone can do this. I wish you all much success and a healthy and HAPPY 2008! This awesome image is from the MSNBC website, people officially celebrating 2008 in India. So pretty!

***UPDATE- It is only a few hours until 2008 and I am headed out to a friend's house party. I was just watching the NEW YORK city countdown on CNN with Anderson Cooper. I have such a CRUSH on him I admit it. But then again, who doesn't it ?

He's adorable, and his reports are always super interesting + I heard he lives in a super cool top floor apartment in NY that has an outdoor jacuzzi on the roof. Nice! Anyhow, I had someone take this quick pic, we thought it would be funny to send into CNN, so we did. Hopefully he'll see it and get a laugh out of it. Gotta go - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Michael Weber NYC

What a nice break so far. With all the Holiday parties I attended I feel quite relaxed. However now we are heading into a whole new year 2008. Time flies. I remember exactly where I was when 2000 came and went. Now its 8 yrs later! I feel great these days and its a huge satisfaction to come across people who inspire and enrich your life. One person who inspires me and many others (I'm sure) is photographer Michael Weber. He resides in New York City and has been one of my favorite photographers. His work is breathtaking and that is why so many publications have featured his photos. Here are some residential interior images, wow!  Take a look at his amazing website for more. Michael Weber.  * FOR NOW HAVE A HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR 2008 !!!!

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Holiday Feast

I was at a Christmas party last night (my boyfriend's company party) and there was so much food! I started to snap pictures to post on my blog and I got strange looks from people who were wondering what I was doing. So, I explained that it was for my blog and that readers like to see these sort of shots. They found it interesting. At the party I tried to curb my eating a bit, sticking mostly to veggies & potatoes and of course a teeny slice of coconut cake, as you can see in the picture above with the cute BLUEBERRY accents!

Many of us LOVE to eat a lot during the Holidays and then we end up regretting it in the early part of the NEW YEAR, so I didn't want to do that. I mean I have a STATIONERY SHOW to attend in May and I have to look my best! LOL I'd like to wish you all a
HAPPY HOLIDAY AND A HEALTHY NEW YEAR! A BIG thanks to the cooks behind the party! * Please remember to Recycle and start making those small changes in your home to reduce the environmental effects.

P.S. Make sure to check out MadeByGirl.com for the newest designs coming after the Holidays!
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Top Notch Soho Loft

I came across this awesome LOFT rental from one of my favorite neighborhoods in New York City, SOHO. When I lived in NYC for 10 years I would walk through this neighborhood for shopping and to check out the amazing architectural details of some of these buildings. Soho has so many little boutiques, cafes and art galleries. However to own property here you have to have some kind of
DINERO (money) because most of the real estate here is sky high $$$ and boy are some of these places worth it! Looking at these pictures makes me really miss NYC! It would be a DREAM of mine to own a place like this! Supposedly this rental goes for $950/night and it is about 2500 sq ft.! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. These pics are from NYC Tourist.

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OMG Where is this place?

I found these LOVELY photos of this amazing place and I saved it to my hard drive. However, I obviously forgot to attach a note as to where I found them. I believe this place is in London (not sure) so if anyone knows please leave a comment with the credit info. Now, back to this amazing interior.....I REALLY like the PINK background in the kitchen and the openness of the living area just draws me in! Don't you just love those gigantic mirrors??
Anyhow, this place reminds me of townhouse in New York City I visited once, I almost started drooling when I walked in....luckily I didn't or the owner would have wondered....LOL Enjoy!
UPDATE: I finally got the answer, this beautiful place is in Melbourne, Australia. Thanks to the lovely Bijou Kaleidoscope blog.

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Things from my home

I always find it interesting when people shoot personal items in their homes. I find those shots to be the most captivating on blogs....so I thought I'd share a few of my own personal items with you. These are things that I have throughout my home right now. The mints are just a cute little box I fell in LOVE with and had to buy. I keep this little box of mints on my desk and open it every now & then to look at the HEARTS. I can't eat them, they are too pretty! And yes, that is my X'mas tree this year, its very small and delicate. I purchased it 2 years ago and this is the first time I've put it up! I thought this would be a lot easier to put away after the Holidays, so I really like it. Enjoy your Monday...!

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The LOVE Pack - Madebygirl.com

MadeByGirl (100% recycled) card packs are now available via my ETSY. I've put together this collection which I call "The LOVE Pack". They are perfect to keep around and give to your sweetheart for any occasion! There are 4 fun and colorful cards in this pack, 1 of each design! Retails for $11.00.

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Where does all the STUFF we buy go??

A friend of mine sent this awesome site to me during the weekend. This is a good explanation as to why I chose to go more Green, and have been trying to explain to others the effects of what we all are doing to our planet. I don't feel I should ignore it....and I'm hoping others will try to reduce their effects as well. This is a really cool site and the video goes through different steps during the narration, I was VERY impressed with the narration and the video itself...especially when you reach the CONSUMPTION part....its about 20 min. long but WELL WORTH IT! ......It just may change the way you look at all your stuff forever.
Hope you will check it out. :)

Story Of STUFF.com
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I admire when celebrities use their fame to do worthwhile things. Here is Entourage's leading sexy guy Adrian Grenier working on a project for Discovery Channel 's upcoming network 'Planet GREEN', that I can't wait to see! Supposedly he's signed on to do a 13 episode series for this eco-show. The program is going to focus on remodeling people's homes with green features and will have appearances by many experts in the GREEN field who will go out and help single families, small businesses, college dorms and film/tv sets green their spaces. Sounds like a great idea to me! FOR NOW, I hope you all have a great weekend! Thanks to: Eco Razzi.
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Cool WORK Environments

Creative workplaces are impressive and if I worked in an environment that was this creative, I'd be inspired to excel twice as much! So does this type of environment inspire employees and in turn lead the company to a higher level of success? Well, perhaps. I mean its no secret that companies like 'Google', 'Pixar', 'Urban Outfitters' and many others are doing so well in this shaky economy. The office cubicle we know so much about has become boring and uninspiring, I mean when was the last time you heard someone say they were inspired by the architectural design within their office???....

I think architects that once thought the outside was the most important part of the structure of a building are re-thinking things. You have these companies like Google who hire architects to concentrate on the interior and consider the practices of an organization as an essential prerequisite for upcoming design briefs....

At companies like Pixar, designers are allowed to design their work place as they wish. At Red Bull in London, they have an indoor slide so employees can slide from one floor to another as you can see in the picture at the top of this post. In the successful Google offices, engineers and developers have full freedom. Not only can bicycles be found on premises but dogs and cats are quite usual. Now how's that for cool ? Do you think office designs such as these would help you excel in your work place? More of this at:
Smashing Magazine.
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Purrrfectly Pretty Kitties

Ok, I've seen alot of things but nothing quite like this. I was just watching the sexiest news host on CNN, Anderson Cooper and he mentioned this site: Kitty Wigs. He also showed various photos and I couldn't help but share them with you all. This is sooo cute and I'm not that into cats, but this is quite interesting to say the least. Kitty Wigs donates proceeds of their wig sales t to the ASPCA. (which I am a proud member of ) Yay! Good job for them! AND for those asking about a calendar go to this link.
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