March 28, 2014

SWEET PAUL Book Review

You guys are going to love this new book (launching April 1st) called: Sweet Paul Eat & Make.

I love this book for so many reasons. First, because fellow blogger Paul Lowe of Sweet Paul (fellow blogger from back in the days) sent it to me as gift & second, it has a ton of interesting & great recipes with eggs, which I love! Ok there's a third reason, the book is made up of beautiful matte pages with an artistic-flair. It's like they mixed two of my favorite things - art + food.   

Paul has been a food & craft stylist for more than 20 years - in fact, his blog was one of the first I started reading - mainly because of my husband's love for food.  It was definitely a source of inspiration for our own home cooking. So, to finally see Paul write this book was so exciting!  Paul has been around the block - with his his work appearing in publications like Real Simple, Food Network Magazine, Better homes & Gardens & more! The book is a personal book to him, filled with stories of his childhood memories, family recipes & unique craft ideas.  Speaking of of my favorite craft ideas in the book are the bottles with printout flowers on page 253. Clever. As for the food in this book, my favorite recipes include the Baked Doughnuts with Chocolate & the Smoked-Trout Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs. YUM!

BY THE WAY - Sweet Paul will be joining my husband Mat (Pot Pan Knife) for a 'Making Breakfast' workshop on March 29th. The story + photos should appear in an upcoming issue of Sweet Paul Magazine. Exciting!!!!!!

-images by jen ramos


  1. Amazing review!!! I want it!! :) Thanks :D

  2. I cant wait to get it! I hope you like my photos of aris, I leave the link! Kisses, Juli.

  3. I saw this book at Anthropologie the other day and it looked amazing!

  4. Amazing Reviews Blog. awesome

  5. Love Sweet Paul, I can only imagine his book is amazing too!

  6. Ah what a beautifully designed book! I love it! I did a little cook book design, it was fun!

    Allie of ALLIE NYC


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