March 31, 2014


Hi MBG readers! It's Rachel from Life Unsweetened here today to talk every girl's favorite topic- nail polish. It's time to change out the dark, moody shades that were in for winter and welcome the pretty pastels for spring. To me, spring means it's more socially acceptable to start wearing cheerful, feminine colors and patterns, and my nails and toes are no exception. Here are my tips for pulling off the pastel nail trend.

1. Keep your nails short. Long talons may look great on Lana Del Rey, but the average woman can't always pull them off (especially when you spend 8 hours a day typing on a computer, like me!) You want to let the color shine here, not your nails, so keep them short, clean and shaped.

2. Apply a white nail polish as a base coat.For light shades, this white base coat will help the color show up better. Tip: this also works for neon nail polishes as well. With light shades, I find that I have to apply 3-4 coats for the color to really show up, which stinks. The layers always end up getting too thick and bubbly, so the white base coat really helps prevent this.

 3.Don't be afraid of color. Pastel doesn't just mean a light pink- why not try a cool orange or light yellow? The days of matching your nails to your outfit are so over, so take a risk!


  1. Great colors! I don't have yellow or green in my collection so may need to look into these :)

  2. Awesome tip about the white polish underneath!

    xo Lily

  3. These are gorgeous shades, love them all! I have already started updating my pastel nail polishes for the spring, but I am still on a look out for a perfect green and lavander shade!

  4. I tried that OPI one and LOVED it! It's such a cool color, but it still didn't feel too crazy for me. For someone who usually sticks with pinks and nudes, that was a lot of fun!


  5. I love all the colors, so pretty! I really need to try doing a white coat before putting on a light color!

    Crumbs & Curls

  6. These are all so gorgeous but that coral shade is calling my name!

  7. I love spring nails. Short nails are always a thing for me. I can never seem to get use to long nails on me lol.

    Maggie A

  8. Such great tips, especially the one about giving a first coat of white. Real good!
    We are so addicted to nail polish here at Sweptcrazy :)
    and we always love to find about new beautiful colors to try.

  9. What a lovely set of colours

  10. I am so excited for spring, partially because of all the colours I can start wearing on my nails! I am big on bright pinks and yellow (anything that pops!), but sometimes go for soft pastels, too. Great tip about the white base coat, thanks!

  11. i remember when this trend first came out, i think i was only 23 yrs old...glad to see it come back.


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