July 3, 2013

Coconut Milk Dark Chocolate Popsicles

The other day I posted a picture on my Instagram of a popsicle that my husband made for me. It got a lot of you asking for the recipe! 

Well, LUCKY you, my HUSBAND is now sharing the recipe here on MadeByGirl - just keep reading below! Please feel free to pin these lovely pics so others can try this delicious popsicle as well! This dessert is perfect for the 4th OF July - it is low calorie & dairy free.  Can't beat that!

How to make:

 Let's begin:

  • 2 1/2 cups of coconut milk like Silk (brand) Coconutmilk
  • 1 bar of Green & Black's 70% dark chocolate OR 1 bar of G&B 85% plus 1/4 C sugar
  • 1/4 C sugar
  • 2 Tbs flour or gluten free flour
  • 1/2 C water
  • 2/3 C sweetened dark cocoa powder

Put all ingredients into heavy saucepan and bring to boil over medium heat, whisking with constant motion. Drop heat to medium-low and allow ingredients to thicken slightly, about 5-6 minutes, whisking evenly the whole time. Do not allow it to clump on the bottom or it will burn.

Cool for 5 minutes then pour mix into popsicle molds, using a funnel if necessary or by transferring in batches into a measuring cup with a pouring lip. Volume will not increase while freezing, so it can be poured right up to the lip of the mold. Freeze for at least 5 hours before serving. Makes 6-8 standard sized popsicles. 

  -post by jen & mat

- images by jen ramos


  1. Yum! Thanks for sharing!

    Democratic Vintage

  2. These look delicious! I might make it on a hot summer day when I don't feel like moving around too much.


  3. Seriously, these should be illegal! Your hubby's a frozen chocolate genius!

  4. AnonymousJuly 03, 2013

    Ow yummy! I am deffs going to try this! thanks for sharing xx.


  5. This looks yummy!


  6. These look delicious! I might have to give these a go soon!

  7. looks so yummmmmm

  8. omg, those look to die for! Mmm.


  9. mmmm YUMMY! I can't wait to try, I just love chocolate & coconut! :) Michelle


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