September 26, 2012

Bits Of My Week

lunch at home 

here we are riding the bus

No, that isn't my church. I just loved the way they honored these guys...

if you haven't tried this, you must - break several pieces of dark chocolate into your oatmeal & let it melt with the heat - delicious! I like to use Mast Brothers Chocolate.

As we were walking we saw this kid's bike tied & locked to a railing in the city- too cute.

stumptown coffee- one of my faves now...

the new Verismo machine by Starbucks -makes Starbucks style coffee!

-images by jen ramos


  1. Great photos. Makes me realize that I need to start taking pictures of nyc more often.

  2. great idea about the oatmeal - a nice morning treat! did you buy the starbucks machine, or just testing it out? x

  3. It all looks great, Jen! You and the mister (adorable!), all the tasty looking meals, but the chocolate in oatmeal sent me over the edge! Never would have thought of that!?! Brilliant! :)

  4. Erin: no I don't own one... I actually attended a private event where they introduced it & showed us how to use it.

  5. All that delicious food! I'm hungry now...

  6. mmm great photos! I love taking pictures of food :) By the way,do you always eat such a yummy and amazingly served lunch at home... or was it for the blog? :P

  7. really cute! : )
    I think it should be so.. CUTE to stay in NYC, you always have something interesting to write : )

    Have a nice day, kisses from Italy

  8. Love the little bike tied up outside! So cute!

    You have a lovely blog here,
    Sal x

  9. I love coxcombs! One of my faves for sure.

  10. Your pictures are great! Our church here in Atlanta does the ribbons as well.

  11. What kind of flowers are those? So pretty!

  12. That farm to table looks fantastic.

  13. All of the food you eat is downright beautiful :)

    My jewelry blog:

  14. great photos, gourgeous couple riding the bus ;o)
    Will try an oatmeal with chocolate, should be super yammi!
    Your dog is adorable!. I HAVE RECENTLY FOUND THIS ARTICLE ABOUT THE dog, that was rescued on St.Patric day, check below, really sad and at the same time happy ending story.

  15. would take a good thief to lift that bicycle! LOL Great the bridge shot & the cappuccino!

  16. From the looks of it you had a great week! I love the ribbons at the church so beautiful.

  17. Looks like a great week! Love the last picture. And it looks like you enjoyed some really tasty meals!

  18. You and your husband are such a gorgeous couple! Like celebs :). PS. Do you use home-made dressing on your salads? Or do you have a favorite store-bought?

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  19. love the candy cane lease :) adorable.! xo.

  20. Your pup's red and white leash is so beautiful! Where did you get it?

  21. Vegan Divas chocolate brownie is delicious! Too bad I found it just as I was leaving NYC (but then again, maybe that was a good thing lol)

  22. Vegan Divas chocolate brownie is delicious! Too bad I found it just as I was leaving NYC (but then again, maybe that was a good thing lol)

  23. Where is the farmer's market located?

  24. Def want to try the chocolate with oatmeal! I have been grilling apples on my George Foreman grill since I bought a bag of about 25! They are kind of tart and my oven doesn't work, so the grilling has been delish!! ;-))

  25. Fun photos! That little kid's bike is so cute. Nice lunch at home! I wish mine looked that pretty! Is your husband a chef?

  26. great photos! love everything.

  27. the first photo makes me wish my home were your home. nyc perfection. i've wanted to try the new starbucks coffee machines because i've heard a lot of hype around them, but i have yet to see one in person. they do look great though!


  28. Looks like you had a great week :)

  29. Jen the food you eat always looks healthy and delish. Good for you.

  30. the photos are gorgeous!you make me feel like new yorker!!!!

  31. Love your pictures especially the little bike. And that seared-ahi tuna salad looks so good! It's one of my favorite dish to get at a restaurant. ;-)

  32. Your pup's leash is gorgeous! Where did you get it?

  33. I always love your photos of New York!! Makes me want to live there! :)
    -Ashley Cooper @

  34. Ahhh...your week looks sooo good and chillaxing!!! I noticed you eat a lot of veggies, bravo! very health conscious which i like.

    Your doggie under the table is soooo cute and same goes to the kid bike tied to the railing. It's always those random yet simple shots that gets to you sometimes, isnt it?:)

    I loveee those cheerful flowers you got at home, what type are they? I would love to have beautiful flowers to look at while enjoying my meal!! Let me guess?did your hubby cook that delish looking dish?;)

    Take care for now and great catching up with your blog since i've been away from the blogosphere world for quite some time!!!


  35. HANNAH: My husband usually makes his own dressing for the salads. But normally we have a bit of balsamic , sea salt, olive oil and a splash of lemon. so good - thank you!

  36. FABIANNA: Thanks!
    the dog leash is from a local pet store here in NYC....i dont recall the name though sorry!


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