April 16, 2010

Seriously, i L-O-V-E Fridays.

I'll be pretty busy this weekend, but will be taking time out to hit the bookstore & see if they have the May issue of Canadian House and Home! As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm looking forward to seeing Anna Spiro's colorful home featured on like 6 pages!  And how about this weather??? WOW! the sun is shining here in LAS VEGAS today & not a cloud in the sky! Don't you just love Sunny Days?? I definitely do, even though we don't have beaches in the desert, we have plenty of pools we can enjoy.
So, what will you be doing this weekend?? Any plans??

image above by jen ramos - 
cappuccino made by me with my Tassimo

image below of Anna's home by Simon Kenny


  1. Your cappuccino looks yummo! I love all the different chairs and those paintings!

  2. Wow, Jen, the picture taken by you is totally fabulous and delicious! I'm little envy, I didn't get to see much sun these days, but I do love the sunny days! Great weekend! xo, Ludmila

  3. Seriously?! Aren't Fridays the best?! My plans consist of a nice dinner out tonight with the bf and a gallery crawl in Dallas tomorrow! Hopefully the weather holds up :)

    Have a great weekend Jen!

    PS your handwriting is too cute :)

  4. Aw, that message is so cute:) Did you make that cappuccino yourself? If yes then what coffee maker do you use? It looks heavenly :)

    Happy weekend to you too! xo

  5. IVA: Yes, i made the capuccino with my Tassimo machine...you just click the button and it's done. It is so easy , I love this machine..and yes, it's automatic.

  6. Happy Weekend!
    I plan on going out tonight and then photographing some new jewelry tomorrow.

  7. It's nice and sunny here in ireland too! This weekend I'm doing a bit of gardening and some painting in the garden too. yay! Have a great weekend! Gorgeous photo! x

  8. Hi Jen ! I just had to pop over and say I love your little handwritten note - you're such a classy sassy lady ! And are those Fabricadabra pillows on your sofa ? I've got a giveaway going on for those ikats today !

  9. KATE: Hello there!
    Yes, they are ....I have like 3 pairs of IKATS...they are FAB. Fabricadabra is super!

  10. Love the picture!

    This is a work weekend for me - I'm cleaning out the garage and organizing the office/art area. I hope to have some pictures up on my blog of both by Monday. Fingers crossed!

  11. too cute! I will also be enjoying this LA sunny day + hitting up our local BORDERS for mags. would love to see Miss Spiro's spread.


  12. Cute. Enjoy your weekend too :)))

  13. YUMMS! I love Canadian House & Home - I always read it online. I'll be painting our front door and working our masterbedroom. Enjoy your weekend, btw I love reading your blog :)

  14. Yummy cappucino! I love them...
    Anna's living room looks lovely.
    Have a great weekend!

  15. Yum yum! You have a great weekend as well dear

  16. I'm going to have to buy one of those cappuccino machines!! That looks amazing, and I need to stop spending so much money at Starbucks :)

  17. Humm there is nothing better than a sunny day...

    Dear Jen I just nominated your lovely blog for the beautiful blogger award. You can check it here: http://acasadava.blogspot.com/2010/04/so-my-lovely-friend-from-ink-ivy.html

    Obrigada ^_^

  18. How did I miss that you're in Las Vegas? I'm taking my first trip to there in a couple of weeks, if you have any suggestions. . . . Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  19. Thanks for the note, and the cappuccino! ;) Will be bridesmaid dress shopping this weekend! Totally looking forward to it! :) Hope you find your mag! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics! ;)

  20. Lovely post and great picture of the coffee and post it note!Well it is Autumn (fall) in Sydney and I have just spent Saturday at Watsons Bay, Bondi Beach and then ten pin bowling! Not sure what tomorrow has in store for me - hopefully a game of tennis and kayaking on Sydney Harbour!

  21. Oh my. That cappuccino looks so so good!

  22. Great photo! I love Fridays just about as much as I hate Mondays! ;) Stop by my blog for my giveaway if you get a chance. Happy blogging!

  23. Agree. Totally excited for this article! Love the image with the note to us readers. Too cute! Hope you're having a great weekend so far! Marija

  24. You are so sweet!
    How I would love to have a coffee with you.

    Have a fab weekend you too!

    x Charlotta

  25. That cappucinio looks 2-die-4!
    Miam miam

  26. i love EVERYTHING about your blog and suddenly i'm in desperate need of a cappuccino.


  27. This weekend I was on the hunt for the perfect couch - found it!

  28. Jen, I've been meaning to ask you what kind of camera you own?! you always take such wonderful pictures and I have photographer envy! I also have a bday coming up and would love a new camera! Nice picture of your capp - yum!

  29. GENEVRA:
    Thanks! The camera I used for this particular shot in this post is Canon EOS Rebel XS. It's a great cam...I bought it on Amazon. :)

  30. Oh, I may have to pick up that Canadian House and Home. I love her work!

    And yum that coffee look delish! Hope you had a great weekend!

  31. Just to let u know..I L-O-V-E reading your blog!


  32. I love all of the different chairs. It reminds me of my friends housebecause didn't have one chair that matched another in her dining room and it worked.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  33. I know this is a late comment, since the weekend has past, but....

    your frothy drinks looks so yummy and what a cute notation from you to us, your followers.

    Hope your weekend was sweet and were you able to find Canadian Home...?

  34. LIZ: Thanks, glad you like it. It's from my Tassimo machine!
    No, haven't found the mag yet, the May issue hasn't gotten to us just yet it seems... :(


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