April 16, 2010

Dreaming About Jonathan Adler Furniture.....

Jonathan Adler's site carries some of my favorite pieces of furniture, Ok...I've said that about many other sites... but his items are just so CHIC! Is that the word I'm looking for?? Well whatever it is, it's the type of furniture that makes your home feel like a page in a magazine! My favorite is this Lampert Sofa which is also available in other fabric options, a BIG +++  .  

 Do any of you own any Jonathan Adler furniture?? 

Please tell us what you like about it. I'll be reading the comments as always...


  1. Oh you're such a tease! I wish I could say I have have some JA items but I don't... maybe it's a blessing he is only in the US other wise I think I would have some explaining to do to my husband :P

    An if I had to describe his style it would be chic, stylish and deliciously tasteful!

    Have a great w/e lovely x

  2. Wow! These sofas are so gorgeous! I love the navy blue velvet one. So comfy looking! x

  3. amazing pieces!


  4. I really like these - especially the first one and the baby blue one near the end. They are interesting pieces and if I saw it at someone's home I would automatically be drawn to sit in it. I really like unique pieces and these are fantastic!

  5. Those are very wel designed couches.

  6. I was just drooling outside the Jonathan Adler store on Wednesday night!

    He's having an event at all of his stores across the country on May 1st where you can get 15% off anything in the store (and a glass of champagne while you shop)!

    I might be stopping by my Boston store :)

  7. I don't have any JA furniture, but I would love that gray piece. The lines are fantastic. It looks modern, classic, cozy and elegant all at the same time.

  8. His furniture is amazing....but out of my price range. I am a recent college grad starting my career and moving into my own place and as much as I would love to own his stuff, I can't :(

  9. Love Jonathan Adler but i cant afford it, may be you would like to see this page, some of the sofas remind me to Jonathan Adler style: http://www.usan.es/index_es.html

    Love your blog!

  10. Jen...Oh LA LA....that is some eye candy...that Royal blue sofa looks super comfy..great selection you picked out there :)

  11. I am loving that first gray sofa. I recently purchased a gray sofa from Crate & Barrel but this one would have been a great option for me as well.
    Happy Friday!

  12. I don't own any, but I'm crazy for tufting so I of course love a lot of these sofas. And I really love that gold tray (the legs almost look like bamboo!).


    Bre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com

  13. Disgustingly gorgeous ... I don't own any Jonathan Adler furniture (or other pieces), but I too have always dreamed of possessing something -- anything J.A. Love your selections!

    P.S. Just received my "LOVE Cotton Candy" and "Vintage ABCs" prints in the mail. I'm planning to mount them in my office and can't wait to see them on the wall!

  14. I do, I do! I beautiful Drayton chair that I got on Craigslist for $100! I got so lucky! I LOVE my chair.

  15. We share the same dream. I also dream about his home accessories - they're so quirky + unexpected.

    Happy Friday! Cheers.

  16. You've got great taste :) Jonathan's pieces are gorgeous, that's no doubt. Check out this company- they have your Adler sofa :)


    Love your site. Keep up the good work!


  17. You've got great taste :) Jonathan's pieces are gorgeous, that's no doubt. Check out this company- they have your Adler sofa :)


    Love your site. Keep up the good work!


  18. I don't have any of his furniture YET, but I can already see myself enjoying all of your selected pieces. They are so plush!

  19. I met Jonathan yesterday he is super nice. His pieces are also fantastic :)
    I just posted some photos from last night's event on my blog, feel free to check them out.


  20. oooh...i'm dreaming with you!

  21. Love all of these pieces! Everytime I look at your blog (almost everyday) I want to run home and redecorate!

    I am soo sad you dont have this shop there in your home land!! No worries, we dont have it here in Vegas either...but you can find items in various malls.

    WOW...that sounds like a blast! if i was there I would definitely attend that event! AND Champagne....come on! :)) Woo hoo!

  24. NOVA: Trust me , i know... it is pretty pricey!

  25. THE PLUSH PAD: Oh cool! Thank you for the link, I will take a look now. :))

  26. Jennifer, your blog just keeps getting better. Love this post and those sofas are soooo gorgeous. I am actually looking for two new sofas but unfortunately these aren't in my future. ;)

    Have a great weekend!!

  27. I'm totally salivating now!

  28. Waaah. I want all of it! I shall buy a lottery ticket tomorrow.

  29. I don't have any Adler furniture but this makes me want to run out and get that 1st sofa PRONTO!!!

  30. that royal blue sofa is AMAZING.. Am totally with you, would have LOVED to have som Adler in my home :)

  31. YUP! you pretty much just hit on all of my faves over there BIG time...I just LOVE him! And, that little cappucino photo is adorable, not to mention that I wish I told my husband to pick up a copy of Canadian H and H...he JUST got back from the bookstore! Oh well!

  32. ZHUSH:
    I don't even think the May issue is out yet...I went to the bookstore & NOTHING yet :(

  33. just popped back from the Jonathan Adler site to say that no, i don't have of these pieces but now my 'lust list' now has a dozen new additions! top of that list is a new sofa, and to be honest i'd be happy with any of them if someone else was paying ~ i imagine the shipping costs to the UK would be sky high!

    oh well, i can admire from afar for the time being... :)
    emma x

  34. Ugh, I love the bamboo tray table!!!We just did a post on our blog using some of his home products to reinterpret a 1970’s sunroom. (The link is: http://bit.ly/beV9mw.) I just love his sensibility.

  35. Ugh, I love the bamboo tray table!!!We just did a post on our blog using some of his home products to reinterpret a 1970’s sunroom. (The link is: http://bit.ly/beV9mw.) I just love his sensibility.


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