May 6, 2008

Just got these in the mail!

Thanks to Belinda (writer of Real Living AU) for sending these mags all the way from Australia! She also surprised me with some nice news today, informing me that MadeByGirl has appeared in the newest issue as well! Yay! Thank you! ALSO, a quick thanks to my friend Sarah in AU, who was also kind enough to mail me a copy of the issue that my ABC Love print appeared in!


  1. I just found your blog and I LOVE IT!! I've seen your ABC Love print all over the blogging world and have thought about getting one for my baby. Nice to know where you are!! Thanks for sharing your talents and ideas...

  2. Now I have even more reason to buy the next issue! Yay! :)

    Thanks for the mention darling! Made me smile!

  3. Real Living is a FAB mag - congrats on being featured - your ABC prints are fantastic - clever idea!!

  4. Yay! Congratulations Jennifer, this is wonderful news and will open your blog to a whole new readership. Again, many congrats.


  5. Thanks Holly! I actually appeared in the April issue as well....and got lots of business because of it. : )

    Glad to see you pop by my blog.

  6. Meg,
    Its so NICE of people to come by and acknowledge my work and give out some amazing compliments. Hope you do end up picking up a many moms have bought these prints for their kids,,, : )

  7. Anastasia,
    Thanks so much! You're too kind : )


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