May 6, 2008

Enough said

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back.. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationships of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the love, well that's just fabulous. " - Carrie Bradshaw   

*UPDATE- if you missed the cast on Oprah click here for the show*

MAY 30TH- The Sex & the City Movie in theatres!


  1. I'm literally counting the days until the 30th.

  2. this post was too cute. i love SPJ and can't wait for the movie. I also love your statement about finding someone to love the you that you love.

  3. Love LOVE love this quote...thanks for sharing!!!

  4. I feel like a total dork but Im super excited about the movie coming out.

    PS: Im adding you to my blog your site!

  5. Actually this is so true! It's sometimes hard to love yourself when your self worth is dependent on a man loving you first... I'm learning that lesson! Best learned before you get married!!! I love S&C (I taught at the School of Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati where Sarah Jessica Parker went to school for awhile! Though we're about the same age so it was before I was there. darn! I love her!)

  6. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Her hair is fabulous! Can't wait till May 30th either:)

  7. I am such a SNTC girl! I can't wait until the 30th. I've cleared my calendar!! Great quote:)

  8. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    love the quote! im so excited about this movie! woohoo!

  9. can't wait! sex and the city has done so much for single women...and fashion.

  10. Yayayayay!!! I can't wait for the movie...I've had a countdownr on my blog for the last three months!

    Great post!

  11. I cant waaaaaaait :)

  12. yeah, I'm not "one of those girls" that quotes SATC all the time--however, I do feel comfortable using the acronym 'SATC'-- but I am ridiculously excited about this movie coming out. I got goosbumps when I heard the theme song in its vamped-up, hollywood glory on Oprah last week.

  13. That is such a great quote. I've never seen an episode of Sex & the city, but if it's like that, maybe I'll go rent some!

  14. luv luv luv that quote. there are so many good quotes from sex and the city.
    nice driver's license!
    i think she's more like 105 pounds though. :)

  15. I cannot WAIT!! I love this post! I don't know how many times I have watched every episode over & over again. I hope the movie is spectacular!

  16. Great Carrie quote! Can't wait for the movie!

  17. I don't think I've ever been so excited to see a movie before! *laugh*

    It'll be interesting to see what things they cover in the movie. :)

  18. I love the pictures of her in the green dress, but I feel like a party pooper b/c I'm not too thrilled for the movie. My reason? The quotation you posted is perfect - I loved the way they finished the series, I thought it was the perfect finale, and I really think they should have left it at that. I'll probably still see the movie, but I'm bracing myself for disappointment.

  19. oh my gosh!!! im so excited about this movie...we've already planned a girly outing to go see it!

  20. I am so looking forward to the movie!! Can't wait!


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