December 23, 2014

FOOD: The Best Hot Cocoa with Peppermint Marshmallows

Welcome Made By Girl readers! Jen from Pretty Eats sharing a sweet treat for the Holiday season. I've always been a fan, but this cocoa recipe will make it hard for you to say no to a second cup! Doubling up the chocolate is what takes this to the next level of decadence. The bonus? This cocoa recipe can be made vegan by simply using your favorite non-dairy milk and high quality vegan chocolate bar! To make this cozy treat special for the holidays, I've topped my mugs with peppermint and chocolate marshmallow snowflakes (easy recipe included below). Elegant, festive, and delicious, enjoy!

The Best Hot Cocoa Ingredients: makes 2 cups

• 2 1/2 c milk
• 3 tbsp cocoa powder
 • 1/4 c sugar
• 1/4 c dark chocolate bar
• 1 tsp vanilla
• pinch of sea salt

• In a sauce pan, heat milk over medium-low heat.
• When milk is warm, gently whisk in cocoa, chocolate, sugar, and salt.
• When combined, remove from heat and stir in vanilla.
• Serve up in mugs and serve with marshmallows on top!

Homemade Marshmallows Ingredients: makes 10 2" marshmallows
 • 3/4 c sugar
• 1/3 c corn syrup
• 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
• 1/2 c water
• Pinch of sea salt
• 1 tsp vanilla
• Cooking spray
• 1/4 c dark chocolate bar, shaved finely
• 2 candy canes, crushed
• 1/4 c white sugar

• Spray a 9x9 baking dish with cooking spray. Line with parchment paper and spray again.
• In a kitchen mixer, combine 1/4 c water with gelatin. Allow to sit and soften for 5 minutes.
• In a saucepan, heat 1/4 c water, sugar, corn syrup, and salt to a boil. Stirring a bit, heat mixture to 238 F on a candy thermometer, about 5 minutes.
• Slowly pour sugar mixture into gelatin mixture, with the mixer on low.
• Raise speed to high, gradually, and mix until mixture has doubled in size (8 minutes or so). Add vanilla, and mix for 1 more minute.
• Pour mixture into baking dish and allow to sit until cool, at least 4 hours.
• When cooled, spray cookie cutters with cooking spray and cut as many marshmallows as you can.
 • Top marshmallows with whatever coatings you'd like, candy canes, chocolate, or sugar. Moisten with a damp paper towel before dipping in toppings, to insure they stick well.
• Store in an airtight container for up to one week

-images and post by jen olson


  1. ..and now i'm off to make some hot cocoa :)


  2. OMG how it looks delicious . Now you've done me feel like sweets. ; )

    You are cordially invited to each other.

  3. So yummy!!!

  4. i love to make hot cocoa i make it all the time!

  5. Looks so yummy! I need to try this x

  6. So glad you all enjoyed this! I'm off to make another batch! ;)

  7. oh my goodness, this sounds absolutely amazing! Love chocolate and peppermint together.

    Happy New Year!

  8. So nice photographs. Thanks for the recipe!!

  9. So nice photographs. Thanks for the recipe!!


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